This collection includes 12288 University of Montana graduate student theses, dissertations, and professional papers (ETDs) from 1899-present. Use the following links to search discipline-specific ETDs:
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- World Languages and Cultures
"Conspicuous Consumption:" Germs and Climate Cures in Denver, 1882-1915, Sydney Rene Gwinn
Effects of tree invasion on the structure and composition of a western Montana grassland, Karen Marie Haagenson
Elements of mysticism in Tennyson, Phyllis Haag
William Butler Yeats and the Noh, the concept of spiritual reality in "At the Hawk's Well" and "Atsumori", Adele G. Haakenstad
Petrology and origin of the Camp Creek corundum deposit southwest Ruby Range Montana, Eric R. Haartz
Quantifying Trends In our National Parks: A Landscape Level Analysis of Climate Change and Ecosystem Productivity, Jessica R. Haas
What's your story?| An experiment in storytelling and film making, Julie Ann Haas
Some aims and values of class piano, their relation to the basic idea in the music education philosophy, Phoebe Said Habib
Equal pay for work of comparable worth and the case of Montana state government., Tewolde Habtemicael
A survey of the opinions of the pupils concerning their high school at Cut Bank Montana, Nicholas T. Haburchak
Assessment of the needs of HIV positive people in Montana, Jennifer Jean Hackenbruch
Jailhouse Springs, Robert Hackett
Transformation and appropriation of the primitive in Melville's "Typee", "Moby-Dick", and "The Confidence-Man", Robert J. Hackett
Male-female communication among the Hmong of Missoula, Aza Hadas
Grizzly bear habitat analysis southern Whitefish Range Montana, David A. Hadden
Recognizing and solving land use problems; a case study: The Highwood Bench Alkali Control Association, Van K. Haderlie
Montana Subdivision and Platting Act: A suggestion for legislative reform., Anthony L. Hadley
Wild turkeys in Montana| The history, management and future of the Treasure State's adopted game bird, John W. Hafner
Sign the body and ecriture in Roland Barthes, David Vincent Hagan
A study of dogfish shark serum components participating in the inactivation of endotoxin, James C. Hagen
Survey of choral music grading practices in high schools of five hundred students or more in the state of Washington, Lawrence Marvin Hagen
New England's attitudes about foreign affairs as expressed in its newspapers| 1700--1756, Norman James Hagen
Solid waste management case study| Browning-Ferris Industries (BFI) landfill, Missoula, Montana, Scott R. Hagen
Performance evaluation for heavy metal ion removal using silica-polyamine composite materials made with different silica gels and polyamines, Dana L. Hagers
Slip, Cathleen M. Haglund
Recreational use of the upper Clark Fork River and its tributaries, Carol Hagmann
Lot of talk about nothing| Wallace Stevens and Eastern thought, Michael A. Hahm
Some educational guidance aspects of the current orientation week program for entering male students at Montana State University, George Robert Hahn
Winter distribution and habitat use of lynx fisher and wolverine in Glacier National Park Montana, Meg Hahr
A Planning framework for interagency cooperation for the hearing impaired, Debra J. Haider
The Weierstrass approximation theorem, Gordon M. Haight
Comparison of Power Output Between Rotor and Normal Cranks During a 16.1 KM Time Trial, Walter Hailes
Developing an employee handbook for Missoula County employees, Tsige H. Haile
Investigation of photographic methods of mapping the areas visible from a fire patrol aircraft flying a predetermined route, Aubrey L. Haines
Study of the social composition of Montana school boards, Francis D. Haines
Range conditions on the Threemile Game Range in western Montana., Salah A. Hakim
Development of a policy towards irrigation in Montana to 1908, John W. Hakola
Culture history of the Yellowstone River and Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming and Montana, Elaine Skinner Hale
An investigation of predispositional factors toward delinquency and extent of delinquent behavior among nondelinquents, Larry Joseph Halford
Examining the Feasibility of a Rural School-Family Initiative, Heather M. Halko
Bookkeeping for high school sophomores, Alice Elizabeth Hall
Good Like the Sea, Becca Hall
Those were the days my friend I thought they'd never end : a sociolinguistic study of the high school reunion, Cheryl A. Hall
The Indian offender in Montana, Edwin Lee Hall
Geology of the Northwest Pleasant Valley quadrangle Montana, Frank W. Hall
Teachers’ Perceptions of the Behavioral Symptoms Associated with Trauma, Hannah Hall
Ombudsman for American government: An exercise in futility, Mike Halligan
A riparian and wetland classification and management system for the Bureau of Land Management in southern and eastern Idaho, James Buchanan Hall
Investigation of the reasons for the differences in the median ages of Indians and whites in the Lake and Sanders counties with emphasis on the Flathead Indian Reservation, James Harold Hall
Generalized conflict styles as predictors of specific conflict responses in varying content and relationship scenario conditions, M. Joanne Hall
Effects of striped skunk removal on duck nest success in the Mission Valley Montana, Nathan E. Hall
Communication appraisal in dementia of the Alzheimer's type, Raelene A. Hall
Theories on the Pedagogy of ASLA (Accelerated Second Language Acquisition): A Piikuni Student Approach, Robert Patrick Hall
Theories on the Pedagogy of ASLA (Accelerated Second Language Acquistition): A Piikuni Student Approach, Robert Patrick Hall
Study of the Burgundian chanson as a source of material for the high school vocal ensemble, Franklin Paul Halpin
Threats of Economic Sanctions and the Duration of Civil War, Jared August Halvorson
Family characteristics as perceived by hypothetically psychosis-prone college students, Thomas C. Hamburgen
Analysis of road network accessibility, Dale A. Hamilton
Some aspects of renal function temperature regulation and body weight changes in dehydrated black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus), James Dennis Hamilton
The Tongue River Bison Jump (24RB2135): The Technological Organization of Late Prehistoric Period Hunter-Gatherers in Southeastern Montana, Joseph Shawn Hamilton
#IOwnIt, Margaret M. Hamilton
Some studies, 1986--1989| Lyrics, long poems, and the Lewis and Clark Journals, MB Hamilton
Consolation of Physics, Robin Luz Hamilton
This place used to be somebody, Sarah Fogarty Hamilton
Increasing the accuracy of self-report data through the use of reliability enhancement and self-monitoring training procedures, Scott Brown Hamilton
Factors effecting core temperature and hydration during arduous work, Julie A. Ham
Investment technique to aid the individual investor, David Gordon Hamlin
Total quality management : involvement of craft-level workers on capital investment projects, Matthew Hamlin
Technology as strikebreaker: An analysis of the use of technology to replace the 1981 PATCO strikers., Ruth C. Hamlin
Health education in Montana secondary schools, Diane K. Hammer
The development of the parent-teacher conference as a method of reporting pupil progress in the Marmarth North Dakota public school, Henry D. Hammer
A method of testing enteric coatings using the white rat, Francis C. Hammerness
Responsible environmental behavior| Metaphoric transference of minimum-impact ideology, James Porter Hammitt
Off the Court, Onto the Farm, Arza E. Hammond
A Demographic and Landscape Analysis for Common Loons in Northwest Montana, Christopher Allan Moanikeala Hammond
Thomas Love Peacock's satire of his literary contemporaries, Kathleen Hammond
Factors affecting attention to and retention of low-impact messages on trailside bulletin boards, Timothy P. Hammond
Taming the Wild: On Womanhood, Nation and Nature in Ann-Marie Macdonald's Fall on Your Knees and The Way the Crow Flies, Yvonne Michelle Hammond
A phytochemical study of Montana-grown pyrethrum flowers, Glenn Herbert Hamor
A Comparative Analysis of Homicide Rates Utilizing the University of Tennessee Forensic Data Bank, Anna F. Hampton
The wintering and nesting behavior of the trumpeter swan, Paul D. Hampton
Japan goes web crazy : e-commerce and online shopping trend [sic] and future in Japan, Masahisa Hanamura
Brand from the burning, Alice Passano Hancock
Systems and contra-systems: The case of student radicalism, Robert Kelly Hancock
Paris Gibson---A Montana Yankee, James Gilmore Handford
Urban by design: Guidelines for sustainable redevelopment on west Broadway Missoula Montana, Allison L. Handler
Housing can be both green and affordable| Innovative projects demonstrate how, Elizabeth V. Hands
XIC Clustering By Baseyian Network, Kyle J. Handy
A prospectus for USO entertainment, David Wayne Haney
Spontaneity in acting| Guidelines for the use of improvisation, Lester Harvey Hankinson
Stand structure of spruce-fir forests in southern Utah, Donald P. Hanley
Study of the effects of fluent and disfluent speech on the speech of listeners, John Michael Hanley
Subversion of gender roles in the existentialist science-fiction narrative of Rosa Montero's Temblor, Kim M. Hanley
Strategic issues for computer software development in Montana, Edward R. Hanna