This collection includes 12288 University of Montana graduate student theses, dissertations, and professional papers (ETDs) from 1899-present. Use the following links to search discipline-specific ETDs:
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- World Languages and Cultures
Wolf and elk predator-prey dynamics in Banff National Park, Mark Hebblewhite
Red eye, the cauldron of morning| A study of the later poetry of Sylvia Plath, Laurel Ann Hebert
Activity and food habits of barren-ground grizzly bears in arctic Alaska, John L. Hechtel
Geology of Redwood Valley California, Paul David Hecht
Analysis and evaluation of criticism of debating in American high schools and colleges in selected speech publications since 1930, Scotte J. Hecht
Purification and characterization of alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex from Dictyostelium discoideum, Leslie Lynn Heckert
School-Based Gay-Straight Alliances as a Protective Factor for Sexual Minority Youth, Nicholas Christopher Heck
Livres d'enseignements| Five medieval books of manner for women, Daphne Anne Hedges
Particulate source apportionment in Missoula Montana : a comparison of two winters 1979-80 and 1982-83, Linda Carol Hedstrom
Effect of solvent polarity on nitroglycerin sorption, Amita Shridhar Hegde
Clock synchronization in multiprocessor systems, Gokuldas K. Hegde
An Analysis of patient case records: Montana State Hospital 1920 to 1940, Bridget M. Hegeman
Grand lady, Janice Milek Hegman
Oral and written channels in the serial reproduction of information, Timothy Gus Hegstrom
Prediction of arm aerobic power from field measures, Bruce W. Heidel
Developing a sound business strategy for the continued operation of Interstate Brands Bakery thriftshops in Montana and Wyoming, Mark L. Heide
Investigation of the stability of personality traits using time-series analysis, Jeffrey F. Heider
Item analysis of the University of Montana Speech and Language Screening Device, Katherine T. Heider
Little River and other stories, James Nicholas Heil
Physical studies of unfolded 30S ribosomal subunits of Escherichia coli, Larry Joseph Heilmann
Communication of toxic health information : arsenic in Milltown Montana, Nancy L. Heil
Native expression| Teaching strategies & visual art of the Fort Peck Reservation, Teresa Christine Heil
Wilderness case law for nonlawyers, Sarah W. Heim-Jonson
Temporal dynamics in the movements habitat use activity and spacing of reintroduced fishers in northwestern Montana, Kimberly S. Heinemeyer
Historical demography of the Coeur d' Alene 1900-1930, Christina Joy. Heiner
Studies in Lucan, Marguerite J. Heinsch
Structural geology of the Mt. Haggin area Deer Lodge County Montana, Bruce A. Heise
Privy council interest in plague control in London from 1625 to 1637, Arliss Maxine Heiss
Eucalyptus and the ejido: Industrial tree plantations on ejido lands in southeastern Mexico: Environmental equity and economic concerns, Mark Jon Heitchue
Dark Graces, Dennis Held
Proposed plan for reorganization of the educational system of the state of Montana, John Farb Helding
Natural background determination and impact quantification in trace metal contaminated river sediments, Steven O. Helgen
The stretch-shortening cycle of the quadriceps femoris muscle group measured by isokinetic dynamometry, Kevin M. Helgeson
Perceptions of climate change and water governance vulnerability in the Aysén region of Chile, Michal I. Helman
Modeling approach to analyzing ecological condition as a result of alternative fuel treatment strategies, Donald J. Helmbrecht
Magmatic differentiation of Square Butte laccolith central Montana alkalic province, Cora Terrell Helm
Confronting the challenges of whale avoidance by large vessels to reduce collision risk: A quantitative approach, Jennifer E. Helm
Value of conifers as a winter feed for elk (Cervus canadensis nelsoni) determined under controlled conditions, Lawrence Leonard Helwig
Object oriented design of the groupware layer for the Ecosystem Information System, Venugopal V. Hemige
Serviceberry: Ecology distribution and relationships to big game, D. Dennis Hemmer
Winter feeding ecology and browse effects of mule deer elk white-tailed deer and cattle on the Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Ranch, Scott A. Hemmer
Mandibular dentition and horn development as criteria of age in the Dall sheep Ovis dalli Nelson, James E. Hemming
Taiping Rebellion and Sino-British relations, 1850-1864, Margaret E. Hendershot
Division by blood: Examining a history of political and racial clashes underlying American Indian identity, Barbara Anne Henderson
Habitat Quality Influences Migratory Strategy of Female White-Tailed Deer, Charles R. Henderson Jr.
Study to develop a course in electronic data processing for the secondary schools in the greater Seattle area, Washington, Edyth Welborn Henderson
College mediation programs: Design and implementation, Heather E. Henderson
Ecofeminist explorations, Janet Henderson
Asssessment of interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships through film making, Kari Henderson
For as long as the sun shall rise and the mountains cast their shadows, Betty K. Henderson-Matthews
Evolution of the American Indian Business Leaders (AIBL) program, Michelle D. Henderson
Thinning ponderosa pine in western Montana with prescribed fire, Robert Charles Henderson
A winter study of coyote predation on white-tailed deer in the Miller Creek drainage Montana, Robert Eugene Henderson
Cultural, social, and religious backgrounds of the education of the Crow Indians, William James Henderson
The genetics of parallel evolution: a case study using thermal and non-thermal ecotypes of Mimulus guttatus from Yellowstone National Park, Margaret Frisbie Hendrick
Foraging ecology of alpine-nesting water pipits Anthus spinoletta, David Paul Hendricks
Sufficient statistics, Arlo Dennis Hendrickson
A survey of School District No. 1 Powell Wyoming transportation costs, Jack Jimmy Hendrickson
Dapper Men| Stories, Arden Hendrie
Digital darkroom| A digital image processing software package, SongTee Jeffrey Heng
Speech-language abilities in Rett syndrome., Carol Henighan
Selective analysis of baritone, trombone and tuba solos, Keith A. Henke
Domestic sheep mortality on a western Montana ranch, Donald Robert Henne
Effectiveness of limiting use in wilderness areas, Mary Beth Hennessy
Analysis of the education services and facilities in Yellowstone National Park, Wallace James Hennessy
Generating Peptide Mass Spectrometry Ground Truth Data, Jessica L. Henning and Rob Smith
Systematics of the Sorex vagrans-obscurus complex revisited, Darwen Hennings
Analysis of accounting practice in a Montana municipality based on standards recommended by the Municipal finance officers association, Fred A. Henningsen
History of the crude oil industry in Montana, Richard Dale Hennip
Is Loss a Laughing Matter?: A Study of Humor Reactions and Benign Violation Theory in the Context of Grief., Miranda B. Henrich
Investigation of a triangle zone structure between Augusta and Bowman’s Corners, Lewis and Clark County, Montana, Heather Marie Henry
"Art Should Comfort the Disturbed and Disturb the Comfortable:" Examining Twenty-First Century Aesthetics Through Banksy's Socially Engaged Art, Margaret Henry
Ed Boyce: The curious evolution of an American radical, Robert William Henry
Immediate effects of "contract-relax and agonist contraction" on active and passive hip abduction range of motion, Shawn O. Henry
Guide for school district public opinion surveys, Judy Scott Hensel
Effects of CO2 pH and temperature on Hb-O 2 affinity of muskrat blood, Daniel K. Henwood
"Thought reform" in China| Political education for political change, Mary Herak
Cultivating student internal locus of control using participatory rural appraisal in Villa Santa Honduras, Journey M. Herbeck
Epic heroines| A study of the roles of women characters in the literature of the Cid cycle, Margaret Louise Herbert
Speaking in tongues and other gifts of the Holy Spirit: A study in possession, Steven G. Herbert
Analytic and commitment traditions in western Christianity and culture, Cheryle K. Herbig
Analysis of current beginning wind instrument class methods, Don Joseph Herbig
Restaurant menu adjustments for rising food costs, Alan George Herklotz
Survey of the graduates of the Bentley Alberta High School for the years 1954-1963, Albert Herman
Application of remote sensing in the monitoring of grazing systems in eastern Montana, Lynn Allen Herman
"Ignis fatuus" of authenticity| Stephen Crane, Cormac McCarthy, Michael Ondaatje and the problem of capturing the West, Matthew Dale Herman
Establishment of weight control guidelines for North Dakota high school wrestling, Dean Walter Hermes
A preliminary study of language mixture between Asturian and Spanish, Lucia Hermo del Teso
Controls on glomalin production| Effect of host carbon supply, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species and cellular mechanism of secretion, Griselda Yolanda Hernandez
On the mechanism of tumor formation of experimentally induced neoplasms in a resistant strain of mice, Juan Alberto Hernandez
Diagenesis and metamorphism in the Revett quartzite (Middle Proterozoic Belt) Idaho and Montana, Stephen D. Herndon
Being and Southernness| The contemporary Southern writer's delemma, Betsy Herring
Dark-Night and Nameless:Globalization in Murakami’s Kafka on the Shore and The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, Thomas Velazquez Herring