This collection includes 12288 University of Montana graduate student theses, dissertations, and professional papers (ETDs) from 1899-present. Use the following links to search discipline-specific ETDs:
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- World Languages and Cultures
Helminths of Microtinae in western Montana, John Michael Kinsella
"Esquisse d'une mort d'Helene" as the outline of Giono's "Pagan symbology", Myrna Lutes Kintz
Psychological aspects of native children in a Blackfeet language and culture program: The immersion paradigm, Billie Jo Kipp
Contribution of a small forest industry to the Rocky Boy's Indian Reservation, Henry W. Kipp
Blackfeet Oral Tradition 1895 Agreement, Jim Kipp
Faster horses, Woody Kipp
The effects of glycerol on changes in body fluid compartments in males at rest, Dennis P. Kirby
The Biome Within: Conception and Change in the Paradise Valley, Austin Kirchhoff
Development of a test for isometric strength of flattening of the lumbar curve during posterior pelvic tilt in the standing position, Susan E. Kirchmyer
Field relations petrology and mineralization of the Linster Peak dome Fergus County Montana, Gail L. Kirchner
Analysis of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Harry LeRoy Kirkham
Ugly, Odd, and Gorgeous, Joseph Chamberlain Kirk III
Estimating the Effects of Overstory Retention, Vegetative Competition, and Site Quality on the Height Growth of Small Ponderosa Pine Trees Using Regression Quantiles, Colin P. Kirkmire
Study of the present status of the county superintendent in Montana, Rachel Fay Kirkpatrick
Attention deficits as measured by Conners' CPT and children's performance on neuropsychological measures of learning and exectutive function, Kristin A. Kirlin
Risk-sensitive foraging in rats : the effects of response-effort and reward-amount manipulations, Ari Kirshenbaum
Listen to the voices| American and Japanese childhood experiences during the Pacific War, 1941-1945, Karen J. Kirt
Junior's girl and other short stories, Kathleen Kirwan
Finland in Nazi Germany's war strategy 1939-1945, Thomas William Kistle
Pain perception differences by personality A in females after sport competition or controlled intervention, Debby M. Kittel
Plant your feet among radishes, Linda Ann Kittell
Influence of Mycorrhizal Inoculation Treatments on Native Tree and Shrub Survival in a Floodplain, Flathead Indian Reservation, T. Rene Kittle
Keep your brands off my body: A feminist analysis of the Girl Scout cookie sale, Kenlyn S. Kjesbo
On the Map, But Off the Grid: Perceptions of Authenticity in Polebridge, Montana, William Klaczynski
Survey of physical education programs in selected high schools of Montana and a tentative rating scale for their evaluation, Carl E. Klafs
Debating Identity: Urban Indians in the Healthcare System, Erin J. Klahn
Methods of utilizing the eighth grade study guide in the third class districts of Yellowstone County Montana, Marvin N. Klampe
Green spaces in an urban wilderness: Urban agriculture in Havana Cuba and the United States trade embargo, Joshua John Klaus
Management-oriented study of the ecology of bighorn sheep in the Bitterroot Mountains, Montana and Idaho, Robert Wayne Klaver
Ecology and productivity of a Montane forest winter deer range, Donald Allen Klebenow
Ecology and productivity of a montane forest winter deer range western Montana, Donald Allen Klebenow
Fourth world| [Poems], Lary Kleeman
Evolution and intelligent design: College students' perspectives, Bethany Klein
Survey of supervised summer playground recreation in Montana, 1953, Deane William Kleinhans
Major American news magazines and the Cuban Revolution| 1957--1971, Joel Phillip Kleinman
Song variability in the American redstart (Setophaga ruticilla), Nedra K. Klein
Effects of type of information and method of dissemination on the reporting of a shoplifter, Bonnel A. Klentz
Using Multiple Environmental Tracers to Estimate Field-Scale Longitudinal Dispersivity, Casey L. Kleppel
Utilization of Landsat Imagery to Assess the Impacts of Oil and Gas Extraction on the Tazovsky Peninsula, Siberia, Nicholas B. Kline
Surfing the Gray Embodying an Environmental Ethic, Melanie J. Kloetzel
Study on the weight gains of cattle on provincial grazing reserves in central Alberta, Samuel George Klumph
Part I: Synthesis of o-cyanostyrene and its reactions with amines. Part II: Cyclopropane carbonitrile: attempts at addition reactions with nucleophilic reagents, Irwin Lee Klundt
Are Perceptions Reality? A Look at Subjective Well-Being in East Timor, Emily Klungtvedt
Critical look at land exchanges as viable solutions to the checkerboard landscape in the Northern Rockies, Deborah Kmon
Petrology of the sandstones in the middle and upper members of the Upper Precambrian (?) Deep Spring Formation White-Inyo Mountains California, Marcia E. Knadle
Cumulative concentration air pollutant model for the Northfork Flathead River Valley, Gregory A. Knapp
Aspects of insect populations of the Bitterroot River Montana, Harold Gene Knapp
Contributions of selected therapist and client nonverbal behavior to ratings of empathy, Maxwell Robert Knauss
Radiant Heat Effects on Ceramic Artifacts from the American Southwest: From Experimental Results to Site Treatment Guidelines, Rebekah R. Kneifel
Federal taxation of agricultural cooperatives, Robert Dean Knepper
Risus Sardonicus, Barbara Knight
Health instruction in Nebraska high schools, Wilbur William Knight
Causal attributions by children and adolescents concerning superior and inferior performance in masculine feminine and neutral school subjects, Christine M. Kniivila
Hutterian education: A descriptive study based on the Hutterian colonies within Warner county no. 5 Alberta Canada, William Douglas Knill
Ecology of the Rattlesnake Creek, Montana mule deer winter range, Kenneth Gene Knoche
Habitat selection home range size and movements of bobcats in north-central Montana, Pamela R. Knowles
The semantic differential as a measure of speech tension, William Ruemke Knowlton
The ecology of polar bears on North Twin Island Northwest Territories, Brian Murray Knudsen
Chemotaxonomic investigation of hybridization between Larix occidentalis and Larix lyallii; a preliminary study, Gerhard M. Knudsen
Barns as an index to ethnic origins in western Montana, Harold Selmer Knudsen
Temperature regulation in skunks (Mephitis mephitis and Spilogale putorius): Re-examination of metabolism and body size in mustelids, Kathy L. Knudsen
Cultural landscape report for the Lewis and Clark Expedition's Travelers Rest campsite near present-day Lolo, Montana, Susan L. Knudsen
Drug Policy: The Effect of Medical Marijuana on Opioid Consumption During the US Opioid Epidemic, Jonathon David Knudson
Role of mycorrhizae and phosphorus availability in the arsenic-tolerance of basin wildrye (Elymus cinereus), Julie Annette Knudson
Amphipod-substrate relationships in a warmspring slough, Kenneth Norman Knudson
Operation and management of State Park System sites on Flathead Lake Montana, Terry L. Knupp
Experimental study of the relationship between perceived nasality and judgments of personality, Linda Diane Kobitisch
Migration Patterns, Jennifer C. Kocher
Silicon poetics| The computer as author and artifice, Lawrence Andrew Koch
Development of vocational training as aided by the Smith-Hughes and George-Dean Acts, Marie J. Kochta
Interfering ions in the flame photometric determination of certain cations, William George Koch
Nutritional attitudes and beliefs of wildland firefighters in the West, Kristen L. Kodeski
Obsessive-compulsive symptoms and the cognitive effects of being weighed in a restrained eating population, Suzanne M. Kodya
A study of the growth of the guidance program in the Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps, George Henry Koehler
Coffee, consumerism, and conservation| An environmental discourse analysis of the sustainable coffee movement, Alexandra V. Koelle
Species diversity of stream insects as a measure of ecological stress Post Creek Lake County Montana, Patrick Karl Koelsch
Western coal gasification and local financial needs, Alfred Lee Koelzer
Elite competition and nationalism| Explaining the rise of nationalism in the former Yugoslavia, Gregory Richard Koers
1920 gubernatorial election in Montana, Mary Lou Koessler
Distinguishing human from non-human skeletal elements using photographs, Michael Eric Koetter
Seismic sub-bottom profiling study of recent sedimentation in Flathead Lake Montana, Jerry Kogan
Bison Conservation in the Northern Great Plains, Michel Thomas Kohl
The effect of snowmobile trails on coyote movements within lynx home ranges, Jay A. Kolbe
Kid Gloves, Anne North Kolle
Leaf area dynamics and stocking relationships of multi-aged lodgepole pine stands in western and central Montana, Cassandra L. Kollenberg
Nature of hearing impairments in Turner's syndrome, Cynthia J. Kollofski
Impacts of the global Echinacea market on the people and land of the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Reservation, Monique Kathleen Kolster
Determining the effects of fire restoration on elk winter range and hiding cover, William F. Koncerak
Three steps ahead: Redefining roles for women in Japanese fiction, Tracy T. Koncilja
Software system for mining spatio-temporal association rules, Abraham N. Konda
Patouchas, the bigfooted Greek, Ioannes Kondylakes
Ideals varieties and valuations, Richard Joseph Konesky
Fascism the technological rationality and monopoly capital, Jan Konigsberg
Improving the State of Montana all-alcoholic beverage license application process., Diana L. Koon
Tissue culture of Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii, Jeffrey Lee Koons
Recreational trail conflict| Achieving equity through diversity, Clifton R. Koontz