This collection includes 12288 University of Montana graduate student theses, dissertations, and professional papers (ETDs) from 1899-present. Use the following links to search discipline-specific ETDs:
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- World Languages and Cultures
Report and analysis of a survey of educational information and opinions of the registered voters of District Number One of Missoula County Montana, Daniel Story Low
Comparison of methods used to detect ear pathology in children, Marsha Lowe
Some basic characteristics of recreation and the recreationist Stillwater State Forest Montana, Frederick Charles Low
Verbal response to self image as related to level of adjustment, Sheilia Jean Lowney
Growth of the Circle K Corporation a convenience food store chain, John Clinton Lowry
Germany's attitude toward Swiss neutrality 1933-1945, George M. Lubick
Alternative medicine in Montana in 1998: A journalistic examination, Robert A. Lubke
Clinical interview as a behavioral antecedent of self concept, Jody Newport Lubrecht
Organizational effectiveness in the United States Army., Thomas W. Lucas
Exotic invasive plants drive different ecosystem processes than natives in Montana grasslands, Morgan Marie Luce
Soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations in the Upper Clark Fork River : a study of the contribution of 2 nonpoint sources of sediment, Scott Andrew Luchessa
Music handbook for the small high school, Alta Hallock Lucius
Privatization: An overview from a public administration perspective, Holly Luck
Hydrologic and geochemical controls on metals partitioning in the vadose zone and shallow ground water zone of a highly-contaminated floodplain near Butte Montana, Juliette Kathleen Lucy
Fire Control to Fire Management: A History of Policy and Program in the National Park and Forest Service, John G. Ludicke
Comparison of a stroke-based method and an inner tennis method for effectiveness in teaching beginning tennis skills to college students, Patrick K. Luebstorf
Private protection of natural environments, Dean Lueck
Metric density and approximate limits, Allen D. Luedecke
Heat acclimatization during seasonal wildfire suppression, Brianna Lui
Mitochondrial DNA variation and genetic population structure in Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis), Gordon Luikart
Taxonomical structures of Australopithecus : a reanalysis of hominid phylogeny, David Alexander Lukaszek
Silvicultural prescription for the Napa Special Management Unit on the Swan River State Forest, Anthony James Lukes
The effects of squats and plyometric training on selected measures of leg power in men, John M. Lukes
A GIS application for assessment of nonpoint source pollution risk on managed forest lands, Kenneth J. Lull
Phytosociology and fuel description of Pinus ponderosa communities in Glacier National Park, James Scott Lunan
Development of a formalized information needs assessment for multiresource inventories and landscape analysis, Renee Rene' Lundberg
Development of a formalized information needs assessment of multisource inventories and landscape analysis, Renee Rene' Lundberg
Plan for improving reading in grades four five and six at Lockwood School Yellowstone County Montana, Charles Kenneth Lundgren
Build-Up, Kate Lund
Evaluative study of the Montana Department of Labor and Industry hearing testing program, Marion Ilse Lund
Analysis of Keyman Insurance as a risk management tool designed to perpetuate business profits, Ronald W. Lundquist
An Examination of Error in the Application of Pubic Aging Techniques, Ellery Kate Lungmus
Humoral and cellular aspects of resistance in mice to Francisella tularensis strain 425 Fb4G, M. Kay Luoma
Dwelling and the Woman Artist in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Rebecca L. Lupold
Studies of Trypanosoma melophagium (Flu 1908) Noller 1917 (Protozoa Mastigophora), Sen-Chi Lu
Reliability of a new instrument and techniques for measuring joint range of motion in the lower extremity, Gary Franklin Lusin
Venturing into the Virtual: An Analysis of Virtual Museums and Creation of UMACF Southwestern Basketry Virtual Exhibit, Monica D. Lusnia
Comparison of methods for the quantification of coarse woody debris and identification of its spatial scale| A study from the Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, Montana, Duncan Campbell Lutes
Arbuscular mycorrhizae, glomalin, and soil aggregation in spotted knapweed invaded soils, Emily Rose Lutgen
Sabotage! And Other Stories, Gregory Elliott Luther
Comparative study of equity accounting in the United States and the United Kingdom from a generally accepted accounting practices viewpoint, James Paul Luther
Searching for higher ground| [poems], Mary C. Luthin
Petrology of Cretaceous and Tertiary intrusive rocks Red Mountains-Bull Trout Point area Boise Valley and Custer Counties Idaho, Stephen T. Luthy
The Giving business: Making out the social service scene in Missoula Montana, Loren Arthur Lutzenhiser
Head Start participation and public school performance; a longitudnal [sic], Susan C. Lutzenhiser
The status of the Montana Education Association as seen by Montana teachers, Joseph Henry Lutz
Where do we go from here? : the role of the community advisory group in addressing asbestos issues in Libby Montana, Colleen A. Lux
Theatre in Education| Catalyst for change, Yi-Hsin Lu
An Environmental Toxic Model of Parkinson's Disease: The Fruit Fly, Jennene Lyda
Protecting aesthetics through land use restrictions: Regulating hillside development in Park City Utah, Susan Traylor Lykes
Ceramic experience, Henry Hawkins Lyman
Witchcraft in Missoula: A case study of the rumor process, Margaret Gilliam Lynam
Campaigning for chlorine-free paper on the World Wide Web | http|//, Elisa Lynch
Study of the social-class backgrounds of failing students in four elementary schools Missoula Montana, Julia O. Lyndes
Comparative study between the Malmstrom Air Force Base Commissary and Great Falls area supermarkets, Dale Roger Lynn
An edition of Snchitsu'umshtsn volume II: A root dictionary, John M. Lyon
Bio-rational planning: An ecological approach to land use planning in San Diego County California, Gillian N. Lyons
An Adaptive Hybrid Method for Link Prediction in Multi-Modal Directed Complex Networks Using the Graph Traversal Pattern, William Lyon
Miami, my wife| A comedy in three acts, Thomas Lysaght
Plan for organizing and conducting a photography club for the Benson County Agricultural and Training School, Howard Peter Lysne
Comparative study of business education in selected counties in Mississippi of predominantly black-student schools and predominantly white-student schools, James Eddie Mabry
Importance of investigating phonetic and phonological parameters in children with repaired cleft lip and palate., Allison R. MacDonald
History of navigation on the Yellowstone River, John Gordon MacDonald
Contrasting patterns of fantasy and motility in Irish and Italian schizophrenics, Michael Ross MacDonald
The Mountains and The Men, Caitlin MacDougall
Inquiry into the part played by images and figures of speech in the technique of the novels of Virginia Woolf, Agnes Kathleen Mace
Assessment of need for a city/county jail in Great Falls Cascade County Montana, Mark L. Macek
Identification and evaluation of grizzly bear habitat in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area Montana, Richard D. Mace
The Intelligence of Indians in the schools of Montana data secured by an intelligence survey in federal state and mission schools, Ruth MacFarlane
The in vivo effect of ACTH on CYP17 mRNA in the rabbit adrenal, Kathleen E. Mach
XP PROJECT MANAGEMENT, Craig William Macholz
Geodatabase use in fire sciences research| The development lifecycle, Lee T. Macholz
Fat fingers| Stories and poems, Patricia A. MacInnes
Study of losses and psychological symptomatology in survivors of Hurricane Andrew, Sandra J. MacIntosh
Influence of specialization among anglers and hikers on information needs and site attribute preferences during site selection, Steven W. Mackay
Application of a social value survey to the design of an economic development strategy., Mark A. Mackin
Montana A guide to the museums and national historic sites with French interpretation, Mary Elizabeth Maclay
Growth and profitability of banking in Montana, Alistair Roberts MacMillan
Andrew Jackson Davis: A story of frontier capitalism 1864-1890, Donald Macmillan
Looking for hope| Environmental themes in seven speculative fiction novels, Katie Mac Millen
Butte miners' union: An analysis of its development and economic bargaining position, James Lusk Macpherson
Walk with Clark's crows, Thomas Roy Madden
Monstrous Oil: Theorizing Petromodernity's Monsters, Madalynn Lee Madigar
Problems encountered in Montana income tax receipts as a result of the 1955 transition to federal adjusted gross income, James Madison
Hydrologic model of an intermontane basin Helena Valley western Montana, James P. Madison
Genecology of Pinus ponderosa (Laws.) in the northern Rocky Mountains, Jeffrey Lynn Madsen
Variation of specific gravity (bulk density) in conifer stumps with reference to sampling technique and decay class, Gabagomotse J. Mafoko
Comparison of tetracycline hydrochloride concentrations in venous and capillary blood of domestic rabbits, Ravi Basavaraj Magavi
The 1982 asset management initiative: implications for recreation., Coleen Quest. Magera
Gifford Pinchot's Photographic Aesthetic, Carlie Shaw Magill