Submissions from 2024
Editing classic books: a threat to the public domain?, Cathay Y. N. Smith
Exercising the Right of Self-Rule: Tribal Constitutional Law and Customary Law, Kekek Jason Stark
Gwayak Ateg Onaakonigewi Dibenjigewin: Decolonizing Jurisdiction in Anishinaabe Tribal Courts, Kekek Jason Stark
Nakomidizo: An Anishinaabe Law Response to Two-Hundred Years of Johnson v. M'Intosh and the Doctrines of Discovery and Implicit Divesture, Kekek Jason Stark
Responsible Governance and Tribal Customary Rights, Kekek Jason Stark
Tribal Court Jurisdiction and the Exhausting Nature of Federal Court Interference, Kekek Jason Stark
Submissions from 2023
Debtor Embezzlement of Collateral, Jonathon S. Byington
Indian Policing: Agents of Assimilation, Kekek Jason Stark
Submissions from 2022
From Zero-Sum to Economic Partners: Reframing State Tax Policies in Indian Country in the Post-COVID Economy, Pippa Browde
Sacrificing Sovereignty: How Tribal-State Tax Compacts Impact Economic Development in Indian Country, Pippa Browde
The Power of Reciprocity: How the Confederated Salish & Kootenai Water Compact Illuminates a Path Toward Natural Resources Reconciliation, Michelle Bryan
Taking Stock: Open Questions and Unfinished Business Under the VAWA Amendments to the Indian Civil Rights Act, Jordan Gross
Bezhigwan Ji-Izhi-Ganawaabandiyang: The Rights of Nature and its Jurisdictional Application for Anishinaabe Territories, Kekek Jason Stark
Re-Indigenizing Yellowstone, Kekek Jason Stark
Submissions from 2021
Explicit Instruction in Legal Education: Boon or Spoon?, Beth A. Brennan
Putting Money Back into Consumers' Pockets: An Emperical Study of the CFPB's Civil Penalty Fund, Craig Cowie
Antiracism, Reflection, and Professional Identity, Andrew King-Ries, Monte Mills, and Eduardo R.C. Capulong
Copyright Silencing, Cathay Y. N. Smith
Political Fair Use, Cathay Y. N. Smith
Weaponizing Copyright, Cathay Y. N. Smith
Copyright & Memes: The Fight for Success Kid, Cathay Y. N. Smith and Stacey Lantagne
Anishinaabe Inaakonigewin: Principles for the Intergenerational Preservation of Mino-Bimaadiziwin, Kekek Jason Stark
Submissions from 2020
Estate Planning Choice of Wealth Management Entity: The Limited Partnership As An Alternative To The Trust, Elaine H. Gagliardi
Out to Save the World: The Intersection of Animal Welfare Law, Environmental Law, and Respect for Fragile Ecosystems, Stacey L. Gordon
Beyond the Belloni Decision: Sohappy v.Smith and the Modern Era of Tribal Treaty Rights, Monte Mills
Creative Destruction: Copyright's Fair Use Doctrine and the Moral Right of Integrity, Cathay Y. N. Smith
Submissions from 2019
The 'Second Wave' of Spanish Clinical Legal Education: Empirical, Pedagogical, and Institutional Lessons for a Pilot Course and Program at the University of Granada, Andrew King-Ries, Masao Javier Lopez Sako, Eduardo R.C. Capulong, and Pilar Fernandez Artiach
'Race, Racism, and American Law ': A Seminar From The Indigenous, Black, And Immigrant Legal Perspectives, Monte Mills, Eduardo R.C. Capulong, and Andrew King-Ries
Truth, Lies, and Copyright, Cathay Y. N. Smith
Mitigating Malheur's Misfortune: The Public Interest in the Public's Public Lands, Sandra B. Zellmer
Waiving Federal Sovereign Immunity in Original Actions between States, Sandra B. Zellmer
Submissions from 2018
Debtor Malice, Jonathon S. Byington
Devil Take the Hindmost: Reform Considerations for States with a Constitutional Right to Bail, Jordan Gross
Hearing the States, Anthony Johnstone
Troubled Water: Building a Bridge to Clean Energy through Small Hydropower Regulatory Reform, Samuel J. Panarella
Beware the Slender Man: Intellectual Property and Internet Folklore, Cathay Y. N. Smith
Squeeze Blood From Turnip: Abusing Trademark Law's Morality Provision in the TTAB, Cathay Y. N. Smith
Submissions from 2017
A Consumer Protection Rationale for Regulation of Tax Return Preparers, Pippa Browde
A Reflection on Tax Collecting: Opening a Can of Worms to Clean Up a Collection Due Process Jurisdictional Mess, Pippa Browde
Valuing Sacred Tribal Waters within Prior Appropriation, Michelle Bryan
The Fresh Start Canon, Jonathon S. Byington
Regarding Humanity: How a Punitive Damages Statute Reflects Humanity's View of Animal Cruelty, Stacey L. Gordon
Beyond a Zero-Sum Federal Trust Responsibility: Lessons from Federal Indian Energy Policy, Monte Mills
A Bird in the Hand: Shotguns, Deadly Oil Pits, Cute Kittens, and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Samuel J. Panarella
Takings, Torts, and Background Principles, Sandra B. Zellmer
Fish and Wildlife Management on Federal Lands: Debunking State Supremacy, Sandra B. Zellmer, Martin Nie, Christopher Barnes, Jonathan Haber, Julie Joly, and Kenneth Pitt
Submissions from 2016
A Next, Big Step for the West (Part II): Model Water-Climate Enabling Legislation with Commentary, Michelle Bryan, Zach Coccoli, Graham Coppes, and Dylan Desrosier
Fiduciary Capacity and the Bankruptcy Discharge, Jonathon S. Byington
Client as Subject: Humanizing the Legal Curriculum, Eduardo R.C. Capulong
The Federalist Safeguards of Politics, Anthony Johnstone
Community Rights to Public Art, Cathay Y. N. Smith
Oral Tradition and the Kennewick Man, Cathay Y. N. Smith
Lessons from the Wolf Wars: Recovery v. Delisting Under the Endangered Species Act, Martha C. Williams
Submissions from 2015
Many Unhappy Returns: The Need for Increased Tax Penalties for Identity Theft-Based Refund Fraud, Pippa Browde
At the End of the Day: Are the West's General Stream Adjudications Relevant to Modern Water Rights Administraton?, Michelle Bryan
Cause for Rebellion? Examining How Federal Land Management Agencies & Local Governments Collaborate on Land Use Planning, Michelle Bryan
A Past and Future of Judicial Elections: The Case of Montana, Anthony Johnstone
"Whimsy Little Contracts" With Unexpected Consequences: An Empirical Analysis Of Consumer Understanding Of Arbitration Agreements, Paul F. Kirgis, Jeff Sovern, Elayne E. Greenberg, and Yuxaing liu
Restating Environmental Law, Irma S. Russell, Tracey Hester, Robert Percival, Victor Flatt, and Joel Mintz
The Fallacy of Judicial Supermajority Clauses in State Constitutions, Sandra B. Zellmer and Kathleen Miller
Submissions from 2014
The Challenges of the New Defalcation Standard, Jonathon S. Byington
Outside Influence, Anthony Johnstone
The Hercules of Helena: Justice James C. Nelson and the Jurisprudence of Principle, Anthony Johnstone
Bargaining with Consequences: Leverage and Coercion in Negotiation, Paul F. Kirgis
Status and Contract in an Emerging Democracy: The Evolution of Dispute Resolution in Ghana, Paul F. Kirgis
For the Birds: Wind Energy, Dead Eagles, and Unwelcome Surprises, Sam Panarella
Food Art: Protecting "Food Presentation" under U.S. Intellectual Property Law, Cathay Y. N. Smith
Wilderness Management in National Parks and Wildlife Refuges, Sandra B. Zellmer
Submissions from 2013
A Next, Big Step for the West: Using Model Legislation to Create A Water-Climate Element in Local Comprehensive Plans, Michelle Bryan
Hitching Our Wagon to a Dim Star: Why Outmoded Water Codes and "Public Interest" Review Cannot Protect the Public Trust in Western Water Law, Michelle Bryan Mudd
Foreword to When a Woman Campaigns: Emily Sloan's Races to Become Montana's First Female County Attorney, Bari R. Burke
Family Mediation after Hendershott: The Case for Uniform Domestic Violence Screening and Opt-In Provision in Montana, Eduardo R.C. Capulong
The Fate of Native American Diversity in America's Law Schools, Raymond Cross
Foreword: The State of the Republican Form of Government in Montana, Anthony Johnstone
Recalibrating Campaign Finance Law, Anthony Johnstone
Response: Commandeering Information (and Informing the Commandeered), Anthony Johnstone
The System of Campaign Finance Disclosure, Anthony Johnstone
Joe Mazurek: July 27, 1948--August 29, 2012: In Memoriam, Greg Munro and Mike McGrath
Street Art: An Analysis under U.S. Intellectual Property Law and Intellectual Property's Negative Space Theory, Cathay Y. N. Smith
The Role of Culture in Advocating for Accurate Diagnosis and Rating of Veterans' Psychological Disabilities, Hillary A. Wandler
Treading Water While Congress Ignores the Nation's Environment, Sandra B. Zellmer
Improving Water Quality Antidegradation Policies, Sandra B. Zellmer and Robert L. Glicksman
Assessing Institutional Ability to Support Adaptive, Integrated Water Resources Management, Sandra B. Zellmer and Christina Hoffman
The Shallows Where Federal Reserve Water Rights Founder: State Court Derogation of the Winters Doctrine, Sandra B. Zellmer and Justin Huber
Submissions from 2012
Montana v. Wyoming: An Opportunity to Right the Course for Coalbed Methane Development and Prior Appropriation, Michelle Bryan
Mediation and the Neocolonial Legal Order: Access to Justice and Self-Determination in the Philippines, Eduardo R.C. Capulong
Montana Administrative Law Practice: 41 Years after the Enactment of the Montana Administrative Procedure Act, William L. Corbett
Deconstructing CRAC: Teaching Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law in a Legal-Writing Program, Larry Howell
Once Upon a Time in the West: Citizens United, Caperton, and the War of the Copper Kings, Larry Howell
A Madisonian Case for Disclosure, Anthony Johnstone
The Roberts Court VS. the Regulators: Surveying Arbitration's Next Battleground, Paul F. Kirgis
The Public Trust Doctrine and the Montana Constitution as Legal Bases for Climate Change Litigation in Montana, Gregory S. Munro
Wilderness, Water, and Climate Change, Sandra B. Zellmer
Submissions from 2011
A "Constant and Difficult Task": Making Local Land Use Decisions in States with a Constitutional Right to a Healthful Environment, Michelle Bryan Mudd
Serving a Summons by First Class Mail: Why Bankruptcy Rule 7004(b)(1) Violates Due Process, Jonathon S. Byington
Development's Victim or Its Beneficiary?: The Impact of Oil and Gas Development on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, Raymond Cross
Teens, Technology, and Cyberstalking: The Domestic Violence Wave of the Future?, Andrew King-Ries
Proposing Constitutional Amendments by Convention: Rules for Governing the Process, Robert G. Natelson
The State-Application-and-Convention Method of Amending the Constitution: The Founding Era Vision, Robert G. Natelson
Mudslinging on the Missouri: Can Endangered Species Survive the Clean Water Act?, Sandra B. Zellmer
Throwing Precaution to the Wind: NEPA and the Deepwater Horizon Blowout, Sandra B. Zellmer, Joel A. Mintz, and Robert Glicksman
Submissions from 2010
Tribute to Dean Robert E. Sullivan, J. Martin Burke
Stop the Beach Renourishment Stops Private Beachowners' Right to Exclude the Public, Kristen G. Juras, Sydney F. Ansbacher, and Robert K. Lincoln
A Fall from Grace: United States v. W.R. Grace and the Need for Criminal Discovery Reform, Andrew King-Ries and Beth Brennan
Floods, Famines, or Feasts: Too Much, Too Little, or Just Right, Sandra B. Zellmer
Submissions from 2009
Client Activism in Progressive Lawyering Theory, Eduardo R.C. Capulong
A Response to The Sounds of Silence, Andrew King-Ries
Just What the Doctor Ordered: The Need for Cross-Cultural Education in Law School, Andrew King-Ries
Arbitration, Bankruptcy and Public Policy: A Contractarian Analysis, Paul F. Kirgis
Streamlining NEPA to Combat Global Climate Change: Heresy or Necessity?, Irma S. Russell
Preemption by Stealth, Sandra B. Zellmer
Why Resilience May Not Always Be a Good Thing: Lessons in Ecosystem Restoration from Glen Canyon and the Everglades, Sandra B. Zellmer and Lance Gunderson
Submissions from 2008
The Anti-Speculation Doctrine and Its Implication for Collaborative Water Management, Sandra B. Zellmer
Unbundling Property in Water, Sandra B. Zellmer and Jessica Harder
Submissions from 2007
Remembering the Creditor at Death: Aligning Probate and Nonprobate Transfers, Elaine H. Gagliardi
An Agument for Original Intent: Restoring Rule 801 (d) (1) (A) to Protect Domestic Violence Victims in a Post-Crawford World., Andrew King-Ries
Judicial Review and the Limits of Arbitral Authority: Lessons from the Law of Contract, Paul F. Kirgis
Tempering the Commerce Power, Robert G. Natelson
The Founders' Hermeneutic: The Real Original Understanding of Original Intent, Robert G. Natelson
The Original Understanding of the Indian Commerce Clause, Robert G. Natelson
A Tale of Two Imperiled Rivers: Reflections from a Post-Katrina World, Sandra B. Zellmer
Is Water Property?, Sandra B. Zellmer and Jessica Harder
Mississippi River Stories: Lessons from a Century of Unnatural Disasters, Sandra B. Zellmer and Christine A. Klein
Submissions from 2006
Which Side Are You On? Unionization in Social Service Nonprofits, Eduardo R.C. Capulong
Forfeiture by Wrongdoing: A Panacea for Victimless Domestic Violence Prosecutions, Andrew King-Ries
The Contractarian Model of Arbitration and Its Implications for Judicial Review of Arbitral Awards, Paul F. Kirgis
Judicial Review of Special Interest Spending: The General Welfare Clause and the Fiduciary Law of the Founders, Robert G. Natelson
The Legal Meaning of Commerce in the Commerce Clause, Robert G. Natelson
Got Wheels? Article 2A, Standardized Rental Car Terms, Rational Inaction, and Unilateral Private Ordering, Irma S. Russell
The Logic of Legal Remedies and the Relative Weight of Norms: Assessing the Public Interest in the Tort Reform Debate, Irma S. Russell
Submissions from 2005
Crawford v. Washington: The End of Victimless Prosecution?, Andrew King-Ries
The Right to a Jury Decision on Sentencing Facts after Booker: What the Seventh Amendment Can Teach the Sixth, Paul F. Kirgis
Federal Land Retention and the Constitution's Property Clause: The Original Understanding, Robert G. Natelson
The Original Meaning of the Establishment Clause, Robert G. Natelson
Introduction -- 21st Century Law, Technology, and Ethics: The Lawyer's Role as a Public Citizen, Irma S. Russell
Beauty and the Beast-Hybrid Prosecution Externships in a Non-Urban Setting, Margaret A. (Peggy) Tonon
Submissions from 2004
True to Character: Honoring the Intellectual Foundations of the Character Evidence Rule in Domestic Violence Prosecutions, Andrew King-Ries
A Legisprudential Analysis of Evidence Codification: Why Most Evidence Rules Should Not Be Codified—But Privilege Law Should Be, Paul F. Kirgis
The Agency Law Origins of the Necessary and Proper Clause, Robert G. Natelson
The Constitution and the Public Trust, Robert G. Natelson
The Lawyer as Public Citizen: Meeting the Pro Bono Challenge, Irma S. Russell
Fundamental Human Rights Compared in Two Progressive Constitutions: Japan and Montana, Fritz Snyder
A New Corps of Discovery for Missouri River Management, Sandra B. Zellmer
A Preservation Paradox: Political Prestidigitation and an Enduring Resource of Wildness, Sandra B. Zellmer
Submissions from 2003
The Right to a Jury Decision on Questions of Fact Under the Seventh Amendment, Paul F. Kirgis
The Constitutional Contributions of John Dickinson, Robert G. Natelson
The Enumerated Powers of States, Robert G. Natelson
The General Welfare Clause and the Public Trust: An Essay in Original Understanding, Robert G. Natelson
Keeping the Wheels on the Wagon: Observations on Issues of Legal Ethics for Lawyers Representing Business Organizations, Irma S. Russell
Managing Interjurisdictional Waters Under the Great Lakes Charter Annex, Sandra B. Zellmer and Mark Squillace
Submissions from 2002
The Problem of the Expert Juror., Paul F. Kirgis
"No Armed Bodies of Men" -- Montanans' Forgotten Constitutional Right (With Some Passing Notes on Recent Environmental Rights Cases), Robert G. Natelson
Sustaining Geographies of Hope: Cultural Resources on Public Lands, Sandra B. Zellmer
The Improvement of Water and Water-Dependent Resources under the Great Lakes Charter Annex, Sandra B. Zellmer, David Gecas, and Anne Kori Mann
Biodiversity in and around McElligot's Pool, Sandra B. Zellmer and Scott A. Johnson
Submissions from 2001
Apportioning Tort Damages in New York: A Method to the Madness, Paul F. Kirgis
Meaning, Intention, and the Hearsay Rule., Paul F. Kirgis
The Government as Fiduciary: A Practical Demonstration from the Reign of Trajan, Robert G. Natelson
Reinventing the Deal: A Sequential Approach to Analyzing Claims for Enforcement of Modified Sales Contracts, Irma S. Russell
Submissions from 2000
Baldridge v. Board of Trustees: A Case for Reform of Montana's Tenured Teacher Dismissal Process, Michelle Bryan
Tribes as Rich Nations, Raymond Cross
Curtailing the Judicial Certification of Expert Witnesses, Paul F. Kirgis
Conserving Ecosystems through the Secretarial Order on Tribal Rights, Sandra B. Zellmer
Enjoy the Donut: A Regulatory Response to the White Paper on Preserventing Invasion of the Great Lakes by Exotic Species, Sandra B. Zellmer
The Devil, the Details, and the Dawn of the 21st Century Administrative State: Beyond the New Deal, Sandra B. Zellmer
The Virtues of Command and Control Regulation: Barring Exotic Species from Aquatic Ecosystems, Sandra B. Zellmer
Submissions from 1999
American Indian Education: The Terror of History and the Nation's Debt to the Indian Peoples, Raymond Cross
The West Digest System: The Ninth Circuit and the Montana Supreme Court, Fritz Snyder
Submissions from 1998
Sovereign Bargains, Indian Takings, and the Preservation of Indian Country in the Twenty-First Century, Raymond Cross
Judge William B. Jones and Judge Edward A. Tamm Judicial Lecture Series, E. Edwin Eck
Peremptory Pragmatism: Religion and the Administration of the Batson Rule, A. C. Johnstone
Not in My Backyard: The Clash between Native Hawaiian Gathering Rights and Western Concepts of Property in Hawaii, Samuel J. Panarella
Unreasonable Risk: Model Rule 1.6, Environmental Hazards, and Positive Law, Irma S. Russell
Indian Lands as Critical Habitat for Indian Nations and Endangered Species: Tribal Survival and Sovereignty Come First, Sandra B. Zellmer
Submissions from 1997
Getting Physical: Excluding Injury Awards under the New Section 104(a)(2), J. Martin Burke and Michael K. Friel
Section 1500 and the Jurisdictional Pitfalls of Federal Government Litigation, Paul F. Kirgis
Condominiums, Reform, and the Unit Ownership Act, Robert G. Natelson
Cries and Whispers: Environmental Hazards, Model Rule 1.6, and the Attorney's Conflicting Duties to Clients and Others, Irma S. Russell
Sacrificing Legislative Integrity an the Altar of Appropriations Riders: A Constitutional Crisis, Sandra B. Zellmer
Submissions from 1996
Citation Practices of the Montana Supreme Court, Fritz Snyder
Legislative History and Statutory Interpretation: The Supreme Court and the Tenth Circuit, Fritz Snyder
Submissions from 1995
An Authentic Life in the Law: A Tribute to James K. Logan, Irma S. Russell
Submissions from 1993
The Constitutionality of State Allocation of Punitive Damage Awards, Paul F. Kirgis
Submissions from 1992
Afterword: Pulling for the Shore of Independence, Bari R. Burke
Environmental Crimes: The Boom in "Busting" Corporations and Their Responsible Officers, Larry Howell
Extraterritoriality of Restrictive State Abortion Laws: States Can Abort Plans to Abort at Home But Not Abroad, Andrew King-Ries
Submissions from 1991
In Memoriam -- The Honorable William J. Jameson, J. Martin Burke
Peyote, Multiculturalism, and the Caricature of the West, Robert G. Natelson
Submissions from 1990
Consent, Coercion, and "Reasonableness" in Private Law: The Special Case of the Property Owners, Robert G. Natelson
Running with the Land in Montana, Robert G. Natelson
Submissions from 1989
Within the Best Interests of the Child: The Factor of Parental Status in Custody Disputes Arising from Surrogacy, Irma S. Russell
Submissions from 1987
Comments on the Historiography of Condominium: The Myth of Roman Origin, Robert G. Natelson
Mending the Social Compact: Expectancy Damages for Common Property Defects in Condominiums and Other Planned Communities, Robert G. Natelson
Submissions from 1986
Keeping Faith: Fiduciary Obligations in Property Owners Associations, Robert G. Natelson
Submissions from 1985
Allocating Partnership Liabilities, J. Martin Burke and Michael K. Friel
To Hold or Not to Hold: Magneson, Bolker, and Continuity of Investment under I.R.C. Section 1031, J. Martin Burke and Michael K. Friel
Submissions from 1984
Drafting Considerations in Appointing the Surviving Spouse as Trustee of the Nonmarital Trust, E. Edwin Eck
Submissions from 1983
Colorado "Buyer Brokerage": Does It Still Exist after Velten v. Robertson?, Robert G. Natelson
Submissions from 1982
Beyond Shooting Snaildarters in Porkbarrels: Endangered Species and Land Use in America, Irma S. Russell and George Cameron Coggins
The Political and Administrative History of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, Irma S. Russell and Arthur J. Stanley Jr.
Submissions from 1978
Prisoner's Rights -- Failure to Provide Adequate Law Libraries Denies Inmates' Right of Access to the Courts, Irma S. Russell
Submissions from 1970
Drugs and Alcohol -- Their Effect on Criminal Intent and Responsibility, William L. Corbett
The Right of Wyoming State and Municipal Employees to Organize, Receive Exclusive Recognition, and Bargain Collectively, William L. Corbett
Submissions from 1969
Idaho -- The Constitutionality of a Mandatory Permit System and Denial of a Water Use in the Public Interest, William L. Corbett