Volume 38
Table of Contents
Editor's Note
Letter from Editor In Chief
Kathryn Sears Ore
Riparian Rights, Navigability, and the Equal Footing Doctrine in Montana
Dennison A. Butler
“Coordinating” with the Federal Government: Assessing County Efforts to Control Decisionmaking on Public Lands
Michael C. Blumm and James A. Fraser
Do Sagebrush Rebels Have a Colorable Claim? The Space Between Parochialism and Exclusion in Federal Lands Management
Ann M. Eisenberg
Restoring the Skagit River Delta: Habitat Restoration and Farmland Reclamation on Fir Island
Wesley James Furlong
Form and Substance: The National Historic Preservation Act, Badger-Two Medicine, and Meaningful Consultation
Kathryn Sears Ore
Montana’s State School Trust Lands
Jessica Wiles