University of Montana Staff Senate Resolutions | University of Montana Staff Senate | University of Montana


Submissions from 2024


SB03_24-25 Resolution Encouraging Professional Development and Continuing Education by Lowering Cost Barriers to Employees, Trey Magnuson, Glenn Kneebone, and University of Montana--Missoula. Staff Senate


SB04-24_25 Resolution Adding "Monte" the University of Montana Mascot as an Honorary Member of the University of Montana Staff Senate, Ashley Smith and University of Montana--Missoula. Staff Senate Bylaws and Resolutions Committee


SB01 - 24-25 Resolution Supporting Elouise Cobell Day, Jennifer Harrington and University of Montana--Missoula. Staff Senate Bylaws and Resolutions Committee


SB02 - 24_25 Resolution Supporting Community Engagement Time Benefit, Trey Magnuson and University of Montana--Missoula. Staff Senate Bylaws and Resolutions Committee


SB01_23-24 Resolution to Achieve Equal Pay Throughout the Montana University System with Addendum, Trey Magnuson

Submissions from 2023


SB02-22/23 Resolution Encouraging Effective Employee Performance Review Practices, Trey Magnuson


SB04-22/23: Resolution Authorizing Approval of Staff Senate Signature of Bear Necessities Statement to University Administration, Kat Cowley, Kenzie Carter, Elizabeth Bowles, Adrianne Smith, Peter Donaldson, Jimmy Kendall, Bekah Neulinger, Joseph Grady, Ben Hamman, Charity Attebury, Kaaumoana Ahina, Haley Hatfield, Lauren Fern, Wilena Old Person, Anisa Goforth, O'Shat Birdinground, Jennifer Zellmer-Cuaresma, and Devin Carpenter


SB01-22/23 Resolution Encouraging Merit Increases for Staff with Addendum, Trey Magnuson

Submissions from 2017


SB01-17/18 University of Montana Staff Senate Resolution in Support of UM Strategic Vision: Creating Change Together, Jasmine Liane, Stephanie Domitrovich, and Daniel Bowling