This collection includes 12512 syllabi from several UM departments.
Submissions from 2006
CRT 100.01: Computer Literacy, Vicki Micheletto
CRT 100.02: Computer Literacy, Cheryl M. Galipeau
CRT 108.01: Word Processing, Vicki Micheletto
CRT 115T.01: Advanced Document Production, Sue Olson
CRT 151T.50: Networking Basics - Online, Penny Jakes
CRT 151T.50: Networking Basics (On-Line), Penny Jakes
CRT 172.01: Introduction to Computer Modeling, Niki L. Robinson
CRT 180T.01: Spreadsheets, Sue Olson
CRT 180T.02: Spreadsheets, Sue Olson
CRT 188T.01: Computers and Law, Cheryl M. Galipeau
CRT 260.01: Digital Publishing and Design, Cheryl M. Galipeau
CRT 263.01: Web Design and Development, Cheryl M. Galipeau
CRT 290T.01: Computer Technology Internship, Cheryl M. Galipeau
CUL 151T.01: Introduction to Food Service Industry, Melinda Dorn
CUL 156T.01: Dining Room Procedures, Wynne Wakley
CUL 157T.01: Pantry and Garde Manager, Wynne Wakley
CUL 158T.01: Short Order Cookery, Wynne Wakley
CUL 160T.01: Soups, Stocks, and Sauces, Ross W, Lodahl
CUL 161T.01: Meats and Vegetables, Ross W, Lodahl
CUL 165T.01: Baking and Pastry, Thomas L. Campbell
DAN 428.01: Internship in Children's Dance, Kaila June Gidley
DRAM 106A.01: Theatre Production I - Running Crew, Michael T. Monsos
DRAM 107A.02: Theatre Production I - Construction Crew, Paula Niccum
DRAM 107A.05: Theatre Production I - Construction Crew, Paula Niccum
DRAM 206.01: Theatre Production II - Running Crew, Michael T. Monsos
DRAM 207.02: Theatre Production II - Construction Crew, Paula Niccum
DRAM 207.05: Theatre Production II - Construction Crew, Paula Niccum
DRAM 211.01: Voice and Speech II, Joe Proctor
DRAM 215.01: Acting II, Noah Tuleja
DRAM 215.02: Acting II, Jillian Campana
DRAM 307.01: Production Construction I, Michael T. Monsos
DRAM 307.02: Production Construction II, Paula Niccum
DRAM 307.05: Production Construction II, Paula Niccum
DRAM 327A.01: Drama in Elementary Education, Randy Bolton
DRAM 336H.01: History of Architectural Design - Pre-History to 1850, Michael T. Monsos
DRAM 340.01: Intermediate Costume Construction, Laura Alvarez
DRAM 402.01: Methods of Teaching Theatre, Jillian Campana
DRAM 407.01: Production Construction II, Michael T. Monsos
DRAM 412.01: Physical Performance Skills IV, Noah Tuleja
DRAM 414.01: Acting V, Joe Proctor
DRAM 415.01: Acting VI, Joe Proctor
DRAM 438.01: Advanced Acting - Acting for the Camera II, Michael Murphy
DRAM 440.01: Advanced Acting - Contemporary Theatre, Gregory T. Johnson
DRAM 441.01: Draping, Laura Alvarez and Paula Niccum
DRAM 442.01: Tailoring, Laura Alvarez
DRAM 446.01: Costume Design II, Alessia Carpoca
DRAM 461.01: Theater Sound II, Malcom Lowe
DRAM 496.02: Independent Studies - Scenic Painting, Alessia Carpoca
DRAM 514.01: Studio Training for the Actor, Joe Proctor
DRAM 535.01: Problems in Scene Design, Alessia Carpoca
DRAM 560.01: Graduate Sound Design, Malcom Lowe
DRAM 596.02: Independent Study, Noah Tuleja
EDLD 581.50: Planning and Management for Technology in Education - Online, Sally Brewer
EDLD 656.50: Economics of Public Education - Online, Merle J. Farrier
EDLD 657.50: School Facilities Planning and Other School Business Functions - Online, Dean Sorenson
EDLD 658.50: School Public Relations for Superintendents - Online, Dean Sorenson
ENEX 101.01: Composition - Writing and Film, Sean O'Brien
ENLT 495.01: The Renaissance Debate on Women, Ruth Vanita
EVST 295.53: Society in a New Energy Age - Online, Unknown
EVST 395.01: Globalization, Justice and the Environment, Daniel T. Spencer
EVST 427E.01: Environmental Ethics, Christopher J. Preston
EVST 430.01: Culture and Agriculture, Joshua H. Slotnick
EVST 494.80: The Greening of Religion - Religion, Nature, and the Environment, Daniel T. Spencer
EVST 502.01: Environmental Law for Non-Lawyers, Leonard Broberg
FIN 410.01: The $50,000 Portfolio, Unknown
FIN 420.01: Investments, Keith Jakob
FIN 420.02: Investments, Keith Jakob
FIN 429.01: Financial Management I - Theory and Analysis, Bruce A. Costa
FIN 429.02: Financial Management I: Theory and Analysis, Bruce A. Costa
FIN 495.01: Capstone, Joseph D. Vinso
FOR 170N.01: International Environmental Change, Stephen F. Siebert
FSM 270.01: Purchasing and Cost Controls, Timothy Olson
GEOL106N.01: The History of Life, George D. Stanley
HMR 110T.01: Introduction to Public Relations, Sue Olson
HSTR 395.01: Revolution and Reform in China, Terry M. Weidner
IS 370.01: Database Management Systems, Lee N. Tangedahl
IS 471.01: Fundamentals of Network Administration, Ken Burrington
LEG 184T.01: Legal Ethics, Thomas Stanton
LEG 185T.01: Introduction to Paralegal Studies, Miva VanEngen
LEG 186T.01: Introduction to Legal Research, Colleen M. Dowdall
LEG 270T.01: Civil Litigation, Thomas Stanton
LEG 286T.02: Legal Research and Writing II, Teresa Ann Thompson
LING 405.01: Applied Linguistics, Naomi L. Shin
LS 151L.01: Introduction to the Humanities, James M. Scott
LS 151L.02: Introduction to the Humanities, Phil Fandozzi
LS 151L.03: Introduction to the Humanities, Nathaniel B. Levtow
LS 151L.05: Introduction to the Humanities, Mark J. Hanson
LS 151L.07: Introduction to the Humanities, Elizabeth A. Hubble
LS 151L.80: Introduction to the Humanities, Paul A. Dietrich
LS 152L.01: Introduction to the Humanities, Paul A. Dietrich
LS 152L.02: Introduction to the Humanities, Daniel T. Spencer
LS 152L.03: Introduction to the Humanities, Elizabeth A. Hubble
LS 152L.05: Introduction to the Humanities, John Glendening
LS152L.06: Introduction to the Humanities, Phil Fandozzi
LS 152L.07: Introduction to the Humanities, Elizabeth Graff Ametsbichler
LS 152L.80: Introduction to the Humanities, Stewart Justman
LS 152L.81: Introduction to the Humanities, Ruth Vanita
LS 180L.01: Introduction to Film, Sean O'Brien
LS 362H.01: Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, Hayden W. Ausland
LS 395.01: Shakespeare - Comedy and Tragedy, Stewart Justman