The growing number of studies on mathematics teacher educator knowledge have consistently argued that mathematics teacher educators require specialized knowledge in their work with prospective teachers (beyond the knowledge needed for teaching students), what researchers refer to as mathematical knowledge for teaching teachers. Drawing from existing research and aspects of our own work as mathematics teacher educators, we offer our own conceptualization of mathematical knowledge for teaching teachers and illustrate ways in which we as mathematics teacher educators use our own knowledge in teaching mathematics content to prospective teachers. We are particularly concerned with the knowledge mathematics teacher educators use to support prospective teachers’ relearning of mathematics, which involves prospective teachers ultimately reconstructing their previously developed knowledge of mathematics. We will illustrate ways in which we use various aspects of mathematical knowledge for teaching teachers to support prospective teachers’ relearning of mathematics through the lens of three different tasks of teaching. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of our analysis for informing the growing knowledge base for mathematics teacher educators.
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Castro Superfine, A., Prasad, P. V., Welder, R. M., Olanoff, D., & Eubanks-Turner, C. (June 2020). Exploring mathematical knowledge for teaching teachers: Supporting prospective teachers’ relearning of mathematics. In A. Appova, R. M. Welder, and Z. Feldman, (Eds.), Supporting Mathematics Teacher Educators’ Knowledge and Practices for Teaching Content to Prospective (Grades K-8) Teachers. Special Issue: The Mathematics Enthusiast, ISSN 1551-3440, vol. 17, nos. 2 & 3, pp. 367–402. ScholarWorks: University of Montana. Retrieve (open access) from: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/tme
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