Volume 17, Numbers 2 & 3 (June 2020)
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. -- Henry David Thoreau
Foreword: Building a profession of mathematics teacher education
James Hiebert and Dawn Berk
Guest editorial: Special issue on supporting mathematics teacher educators’ knowledge and practices for teaching content to prospective (grades K-8) teachers
Aina Appova, Rachael M. Welder, and Ziv Feldman
Theme 1: The Unique Nature of the Curriculum, Knowledge, and Participants in Mathematics Content Courses for Prospective Elementary Teachers
Exploring mathematical knowledge for teaching teachers: Supporting prospective elementary teachers’ relearning of mathematics
Alison Castro Superfine, Priya V. Prasad, Rachael M. Welder, Dana Olanoff, and Christina Eubanks-Turner
What Content PreK-8 Prospective Teachers Should Know and Why: Topic Recommendations for Content Courses
Pingping Zhang, April Brown, Manjula Joseph, and Jia He
Teaching Sociopolitical Issues in Mathematics Teacher Preparation: What do Mathematics Teacher Educators Need to Know?
Mathew D. Felton-Koestler
Opportunities to decrease elementary prospective teachers’ mathematics anxiety
Monica S. Karunakaran
Theme 2: Professional Development for Mathematics Teacher Educators Focused on the Teaching of Mathematics Content Courses for Prospective Elementary Teachers
Supporting novice mathematics teacher educators teaching elementary mathematics content courses for the first time
Siobahn Suppa, Joseph DiNapoli, Eva Thanheiser, Jennifer M. Tobias, and Sheunghyun Yeo
Professional development for mathematics teacher education faculty: Need and design
Billy Jackson, Shandy Hauk, Jenq Jong Tsay, and Alma Ramirez
Growing a greater understanding of multiplication through lesson study: Mathematics teacher educators’ professional development
Mollie H. Appelgate, Lara Dick, Melissa Soto, and Dittika Gupta
Theme 3: Promoting and Facilitating Prospective Elementary Teachers' Learning in Mathematics Content Courses: Activities, Lesson Ideas, Examples and Suggestions for Mathematics Teacher Educators
Experiencing active mathematics learning: Meeting the expectations for teaching and learning in mathematics classrooms
Kristy Litster, Beth MacDonald, and Jessica F. Shumway
The role of uncertainty in mathematical tasks for prospective elementary teachers
Ziv Feldman, Megan Wickstrom, Sayonita Ghosh Hajra, and Dittika Gupta
Providing opportunities to develop prospective teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge
Aina Appova and Cynthia E. Taylor
Using transformative learning theory to help prospective teachers learn mathematics that they already “know”
Kim Johnson and Dana Olanoff
Teaching the mathematics that teachers need to know: Classroom ideas for supporting prospective elementary teachers’ development of mathematical knowledge for teaching
Eric W. Kuennen and John E. Beam
Strategies for assessing mathematical knowledge for teaching in mathematics content courses
Cody L. Patterson, Amy Parrott, and Jason Belnap
Mathematics teacher educators’ addressing the common core standards for mathematical practice in content courses for prospective elementary teachers: A focus on critiquing the reasoning of others
Brooke Max and Rachael M. Welder
Supporting mathematics teacher educators’ practices for facilitating prospective teachers’ mathematical explanations in content courses
Allyson Hallman-Thrasher, Ginger Rhodes, and Kyle Schultz
Fostering and modeling the common core standards for mathematical practice in content courses for prospective elementary teachers
Stephanie Bernander, Jennifer E. Szydlik, and Carol E. Seaman
- Guest Editor
- Aina Appova
- Guest Editor
- Rachael M. Welder
- Guest Editor
- Ziv Feldman
Special Issue:
Supporting Mathematics Teacher Educators’ Knowledge and Practices for Teaching Content to Prospective (Grades K–8) Teachers