Volume 18, Numbers 1 & 2 (January 2021)
"The world is put back by the death of every one who has to sacrifice the development of his or her peculiar gifts to conventionality." - Florence Nightingale (1820-1910)
Editorial: The Planet’s Pandemic Pandemonium
Bharath Sriraman
When is Freshman's Dream Actually True?
Michael P. Abramson
Unit shapes and a wealth of calculus problems
Robert G. Donnelly and Alexander F. Thome
Real numbers as infinite decimals
Nicolas Fardin and Liangpan Li
A formal justification of the Ancient Chinese Method of Computing Square Roots
Edilberto Najera and Leslie Cristina Najera-Benitez
Squaring the Circle and Doubling the Cube in Space-Time
Espen Gaarder Haug
The History of Bootstrapping: Tracing the Development of Resampling with Replacement
Denise LaFontaine
Indigenous Culture-Based School Mathematics in Action: Part I: Professional Development for Creating Teaching Materials
Sharon Meyer and Glen Aikenhead
Indigenous Culture-Based School Mathematics in Action Part II: The Study’s Results: What Support Do Teachers Need?
Sharon Meyer and Glen Aikenhead
Impediments to mathematical creativity: Fixation and flexibility in proof validation
Per Øystein Haavold
Secondary School Mathematics Students Exploring the Connectedness of Mathematics: The Case of the Parabola and its Tangent in a Dynamic Geometry Environment
Margo Kondratieva and Christer Bergsten
The Academic Community’s Perceptions of the Two-Column Proof
Jeffrey Pair, Susanne Strachota, and Rashmi Singh
Beauty is in the blind spot of the beholder
Ron Aharoni
Using Records of Practice to Bridge from Teachers’ Mathematical Problem Solving to Classroom Practice
Davida D. Fischman and Iris M. Riggs
Variations on Convergence Criteria
Reinhard Oldenburg
The Suuji Approach to Multi-Digit Addition: Using Length to Deepen Students’ Understanding of the Base 10 Number System
Ryota Matsuura, Olaf Hall-Holt, Nancy Dennis, Michelle Martin, and Sarah Sword
Flattening the Curve
Peter Zizler and Mandana Sobhanzadeh
DanceSport and Power Values
Diana Cheng and Peter Coughlin