This Colloquia Archive includes a complete list of all Department of Mathematical Sciences colloquia titles, abstracts and speakers going back to 1997.


Submissions from 2015

Math Department Awards Ceremony, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Montana

The Significance of Applied Mathematics and Statistics in Data Science Driven Corporations, Alex Philp

Factors Considered by Elementary Teachers When Modifying Mathematical Tasks to Support or Extend Children’s Mathematical Thinking, Mike Fredenberg

Cross-disciplinary training: A vehicle for research collaboration and STEM education promotion, Lia Harrington

Beyond rise over run! Learning slope in a cascade of artifacts, Fredercik Peck

Equivalence criteria in the safety evaluation of a genetically modified crop, Christopher I. Vahl


Set membership with two bit probes, Jaikumar Radhakrishnan

Using numerical optimization techniques for sampling in statistical inverse problems, John M. Bardsley

Mobile Educational Technology and the Mathematics Classroom, Grant Swicegood

Submissions from 2014

A Longitudinal Study of Students' Reasoning About Variation in Distributions in an Introductory College Statistics Course, Rachel Chaphalkar

Some Mathematical Models in Neuroscience Applications, Denis M. Shchepakin

A mechanism of mode locking in slow-fast delayed systems, Dr. Dmitry Rachinskiy

Regularity of the Bergman Projection on Finite Type and Infinite Type Domains, Andy Raich

Ma-Kap-Pii: Historical Trauma Perceptions from Diverse Cultures, Lydia Silva

Distance between chaotic trajectories by fractal dimension concepts, Heikki Haario

An Introduction to Research in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, John Bardsley, Brian Steele, and Ke Wu

An Introduction to Research in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Jen Kacmarcik, Emily Stone, Eric Chesebro, and Cory Palmer

Update and Discussion regarding Electronic & IT Accessibility Activities, Janet Sedgley and Lucy France

Partitioning edge-2-colored graphs into monochromatic paths and cycles, Dániel Gerbner and Alfréd Rényi

MINERVA: Small Planets from Small Telescopes, Nate McCrady

The Bayesian Approach to Inverse Problems, Andrew Stuart

Diophantine approximation: automatic numbers and their generalisations, Michael Coons

Digraphs and Homomorphisms: Cores, Colorings, and Constructions, Michael Severino

The Impact of ‘Tipi Geometry’, A Lesson Combining Elementary Geometry Concepts and Blackfeet Tipi Building, on Preservice K-8 Teachers, Elizabeth Lask

Progress on the 123-Conjecture, Cody Fouts

Mathematics Anxiety and the Nontraditional Student, Jack Lelko

The Character Table of PGL(2,q), Daisy Matthews

A short construction of highly chromatic digraphs without short cycles, Michael Severino

Number Theory in Several Complex Variables, Dusty Grundmeyer

Investigating and Assessing Student Interest in a Math Seminar Class, Adam Clinch

Minerva: Big Exoplanet Science with Small Telescopes, Nate McCrady

Some Questions on Hex, Ryan B. Hayward

Bayesian Estimator Assessment Methods for Minimizing Costs in Multivariate Driving Performance Studies, Clark Kogan

Students' Reasoning about Variation, Rachel Chaphalkar

Statistical Tests for Regularization in Ill-posed Inverse Problems, Dr. Jodi Mead

Turán numbers for forests, Cory Palmer

Submissions from 2013


Abstracted Primal-Dual Affine Programming, Tien Chih

Physics based interpolation techniques, Jesse Johnson

Linear Preserver Problems and Algebraic Groups, Hernando Bermudez

Modeling Cognitive Performance under Sleep Restriction, Clark Kogan

Guided Reinvention: The Case for Technology in the Mathematics Education Classroom, Matt Roscoe

Large-deviations limits for non-equilibrium Markov processes, path entropies, and applications, D. Eric Smith

Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods for Breast Tomosynthesis Image Reconstruction, Jim Nagy

Math for Fun and (Small) Profit: An Eclectic Tour of Prize Problems in Mathematics, Katherine St. John


Son of Dog & Pony Show*, Ke Wu, Cory Palmer, and Kelly McKinnie


Dog & Pony Show*, Emily Stone, Jennifer Halfpap, Matt Roscoe, and Eric Chesebro

“Hamilton-Stable Edge-Labellings of Graphs”, Takehiko Yamaguchi

"Abstract Primal-Dual Affine Programming", Tien Chih

“Peripherally-Multiplicative Spectral Preservers between Function Algebras”, Jeffrey Johnson

Spectrally Arbitrary Zero Nonzero Patterns, Timothy Melvin

“Computational Methods for Support Vector Machine Classification and Large-Scale Kalman Filtering”, Marylesa Howard

A Principal Function Problem — Finding a meromorphic function with a given boundary behavior or singularity, Mikihiro Hayashi

On the multiplier algebra of certain locally m-convex algebras, Lourdes Palacios

Incorporating Academic Service Learning Projects and Model-Eliciting Activities into Introduction to Statistics, Rachel Chaphalkar


On Banach Algebras of Bounded Continuous Functions with Values in a Banach Algebra, Hugo Arizmendi

"Giving a MOOC – a Survival Guide", Keith Devlin

The game of Cops and Robbers, William Kinnersley

On the tree packing conjecture, Cory T. Palmer

An Exploration of Ordered Rings, Tien Chih

Boundaries in Functional Analysis, Jeff Johnson

Relative Likelihood Comparisons: Heuristics, Biases and Fallacies, Egan J. Chernoff

Non-Beatles’ perspectives on non-Edmonds graphs, Mark Kayll

Submissions from 2012

Inverse and Ill-posed Problems in Banach Lattices: Theory and Applications in Ice Sheet Bed Elevation Measurements, Yuri Korolev

Cancelled, Iman Chahine

An approach to cellular-based modeling of brain microcircuits, Frances K. Skinner

Virtual Mentoring: A Novice Teacher's Use of Twitter, Hilary Risser

The Support Vector Machine as a Supervised Classification Technique, Marylesa Howard

The Fundamental Morphism Theorem in the Categories of Graphs, Demitri Plessas

The Traveling Philosopher and Avoiding Szemerédi's Regularity Lemma, Tyler Seacrest

Physics Experiments and Abstract Harmonic Analysis: A Generalized Peano Kernel Theorem for Estimating Errors in Laser Interferometry, Aaron Luttman

Model Development, Uncertainty Quantification and Control Design for Nonlinear Smart Material Systems, Ralph C. Smith

Uncertainty quantification of large models: parameters of weather and climate models, Heikki Haario

Using Numerical Methods for Sampling in Inverse Problems, John Bardsley

"Contribution of Greenland Ice Sheet to Sea Level Rise Delayed by Meltwater Storage in Firn", Joel Harper

Surjective isometries between function spaces, Professor Takeshi Miura

Isometries on groups and its applications, Professor Osamu Hatori

“Nontraditional Positional Games: New methods and boards for playing Tic-Tac-Toe”, Mary J. Riegel

Analysis of a Competing Yeast Model in Continuous Environments, Nick McClure

“Inference for High-Dimensional Doubly Multivariate Data under General Conditions”, John Z. Hossler

High-Dimensional Inferential Procedures under General Conditions, John Hossler

“A Theoretical Development and Simulation-Based Comparison of Four Parameter Estimation Methods for the Spatio-Temporal Autologistic Model with Emphasis on Maximum Generalized and Block Generalized Pseudolikelihood”, Jordan Earl Purdy

Understanding the Autologistic Model, Jordan Earl Purdy

Nontraditional Positional Games: New methods and boards for playing Tic-Tac-Toe, Mary Jennifer Riegel

A mathematical model of human sleep and insomnia, Michael Rempe

Optimization of Bayesian Data Reduction Algorithm within Parallel Processing Environment for Real-Time Analytics on Extreme Data Volumes: A Cast Study, Alex Philip Ph.D.

Is Creativity a Tautological Construct? (Postponed), Bharath Sriraman

Co-examining the Development of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching and Conceptions About Mathematics Teaching and Learning, Rachael M. Welder


Teaching Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching, Matt Roscoe

New Proofs of Old Geometry Theorems, Bill Derrick

A Novel Approach to Automated Algorithm Design, Frank Stomp

Submissions from 2011

Informing Instruction and Instructional Design: A Framework for Student Thinking about Matrix Multiplication, Christine Larson

Investigating curriculum effectiveness: Results from a curriculum comparison study in secondary mathematics, Óscar Chávez

Estimating survival of dormant plants using mark-recapture methods, Martha Ellis

A New Procedure for Estimating Mutation Rates, Nick McClure

From perfect numbers to modern primality tests, Dr. Pedro Berrizbeitia

Engineering (Design) for Science Inquiry, Dr. Anne Kern

Short course in Mathematica, Craig Bauling

Looking at Spacings to Assess Streakiness, Dr. James Albert

On-Base Percentage — the Moneyball Statistic, Dr. James Albert

Mathematics changed my life, Dr. William Yslas Vélez