This Colloquia Archive includes a complete list of all Department of Mathematical Sciences colloquia titles, abstracts and speakers going back to 1997.
Submissions from 2008
The Proof-Writing Process: A Look at Novice Mathematics Students, Hillary VanSpronsen
Teaching Quantitative Literacy, Bill Briggs
Surfaces, 3-manifolds, and character varieties, Eric Chesebro
Division algebras over fields of characteristic p, Kelly McKinnie
Combinatorics of Trig Functions, Amanda Riehl
Spatial problems in mathematical ecology, Andrew Nevai
Knowledge Assisted Data Management and Retrieval in Multimedia Database Systems, Min Chen
Submissions from 2007
Algebraic Literacy: Empirical Tests of an Instructional Strategy, Theodore Hodgson
Standards-based or Traditional Mathematics: Does it matter?, Ke Norman
Middle School Teachers' Formative Use of a Feedback Guide, Jessica Strowbridge
Error Estimates for Ill-Posed Problems, Anatoly Yagola
Why model malaria? Disease dynamics in a changing world, David Alonso
Future Teachers' Professional Knowledge, Gabriele Kaiser
The Center Manifold, Al Kelley
Mathematics Building Inauguration, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Montana
Freeman Dyson's challenge for the future: The mock theta-functions, Ken Ono
Freeman Dyson's Challenge for the Future - The Story of Ramanujan's Mock Theta Functions, Ken Ono
"Who Wants to Be a Mathematician" contest, University of Montana
Adventures in Finland: Mathematical and Otherwise, John Bardsley
Mathematical Modelling: Linking Mathematics, Science, and the Arts in the Primary Curriculum, Lyn D. English
Using Software in Solving Mathematical Modeling Problems, Nicholas G. Mousoulides
“Comparison of Trend Detection Methods”, Kathy Gray
Towards an Axiomatic Theory of the Category of Graphs, Liam Rafferty
An Exploratory Study Of First-Year Students' Math Experience At The University Of Montana, Sharon O'Hare
The Ubiquitous Newton Diagram, Malabika Pramanik
“Lobachevski Illuminated: Content, Methods, and Context of the Theory of Parallels”, Seth Braver
Semigroups and controllability in distributed parameter systems: some examples, Farhad Jafari
The Effect of Killer Virus on Competition in S. Cerevisiae (Baker's Yeast), Nicholas McClure
Nonisotropic Balls and Metrics, Christine Carracino
Departmental Awards Ceremony, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Montana
Asymptotic reduction of neuroscience models, Leonid Kalachev
Synaptic clearance of neurotransmitter and asymptotic reduction of neuroscience models, Michael Kavanaugh
8th Annual Math Film Festival, University of Montana
Debugging the Neural Code, John Miller
Phase-locking in electrically coupled networks of cortical neurons, Tim Lewis
The Road to Mathematics Reform: One State's Perilous Journey, Michael Lundin
Teaching with Classroom Voting, Kelly Cline
Linearity in non-linear situations, Richard Aron
Change of Settings and Row-Reduction Process in Undergraduate Linear Algebra (Cancelled), Lance Burger
Proof: Definitions, Difficulties, and Help, Hillary VanSpronsen
Peer Review of Teaching Beyond the Classroom, Nancy Chism
Spline Regression Techniques for Trend Detection, Kathy Gray
Graduate Teaching Assistants’ Knowledge of Statistics and Knowledge for Teaching Statistics, Jennifer Noll
Pre-Algebra and the Chinese Remainder Theorem: Connections for Teachers and Students, Beth Burroughs
Student Obstacles and Historical Obstacles to Foundational Concepts of Calculus, Robert Ely
The Best Little Horosphere in Kazan, Seth Braver
Submissions from 2006
Weakly Peripherally-Multiplicative Operators Between Uniform Algebras, Scott Lambert
Empirical Likelihood, Arne Bathke
Conjectures on Circuits, Clones, and Connectivity in Matroids, Talmage James Reid
A Partially Anecdotal History of Matroid Theory, Thomas Brylawski
On the spectrum of matroids, Talmage James Reid
A Panel Discussion: Using Projects throughout the Undergraduate Mathematics Curriculum, Montana State University
What's Really Being Taught vs. What's Really Being Tested vs. What's Being Said, Alan Zollman
Color-Permuting Automorphisms of Cayley Graphs, Liz McMahon
Evaluating Student Writing for Mathematicians, Nancy Mattina
Book Presentation: Shift-Invariant Uniform Algebras on Groups, Birkhauser, 2006, Thomas Tonev
Scissors, Glue, and Hilbert, Too. Hilbert's Third Problem, Seth Braver
On Extensions of Holomorphic Motions, Zbigniew Slodkowski
Representations of Quivers, Paul Smith
Understandings of First-year Mathematics Majors about Differential Calculus — One Episode on Differentiability, Antonio Olimpio Junior
Multivariate Factorial Designs when The Number of Factor Levels is Large, Solomon Harrar
Looking at Learning from a Complex Systems Point of View, Andrew Hurford
"Robustifying" Parametric Models via Mixtures of Polya Tree Priors, Tim Hanson
A Three-dimensional Variational Approach to Video Segmentation, Aaron Luttman
Quasi-3D Statistical Inversion of Oceanographic Tracer Data, Radu Herbei
Pulse interactions and self-replication in activator-inhibitor type reaction-diffusion systems, Tasso Kaper
Factors in Statistics Learning: Developing a dispositional attribution model to describe differences in the development of statistical proficiency, Jennifer Kaplan
Non-linear process specifications in hierarchical spatio-temporal models, Mevin Hooten
The Process and Impact of Implementing Standards-Based Mathematics Curriculum and the Georgia Performance Standards, Samuel Obara
Teaching Innovations for Related Rates Problems in First Semester Calculus, Nicole Engelke
Hierarchical Team Learning using Fuzzy Perceptron Algorithms, Hideyuki Nojiri
Submissions from 2005
Self-Organization in Large Scale Population Network Models, Bill Troy
Continuous Models for Networks of Interacting Machines: A Review and Outlook, Dieter Armbruster
Models & Modeling as Foundations for the Future in Mathematics Education, Richard Lesh
The SVD and Image Restoration, Jim Nagy
Derivatives Risk and the Physics of Finance, Vasilios "Bill" Koures
Linear Inequalities for Flag f-vectors of Polytopes, Richard Ehrenberg
Solving Inverse Problems of Molecular Spectroscopy and Analysis of Molecular Force Fields, Gulnara Kuramshina
Propagation Time in Stochastic Communication Networks, Jonathan E. Rowe
Why To, Rather Than How To, Ilan Samson
Simple Minded Sonar, Michael D. Vose
Conflict of Values: The Dilemma of Equity, Diversity, and Participation in Higher Mathematics, Deborah Sloan
Investigations of a Chip-firing Game, Dave Perkins
History of Traditional Mathematics Knowledge in Tibet, Guru Kyi (Geriji)
Gravity: How the Weakest Force Rules the Universe, Dave Friend
The Definition & Utility of Correlation Coefficients, Rudy Gideon
Statistical Methods for Valley Elevation Cross-Profiles, Mark Greenwood
Game Theory, Climate Change, and the Management of Shared Natural Resources, Robert McKelvey
The Texas Cake Cutting Massacre: Can conflicts be resolved by making piece?, Edward Burger
On the Representation Theory of the Virasoro Algebra, Emilie Wiesner
Using Amplitude Equations to Solve Initial Value Problems over Long Time Intervals, Robert E. O'Malley, Jr.
Dynamics of a Single Species Natural Forest in the Presence of a Disease, Peter McCauley
Algebraic Generalization in the Elementary Classroom: Student Thinking and the Mathematical Preparation of Teachers, David Barker
Functions as Discursive Objects, Aaron Weinberg
Mathematics Education Reform: Factors Affecting Practices in High School Algebra, Robert Powers