This Colloquia Archive includes a complete list of all Department of Mathematical Sciences colloquia titles, abstracts and speakers going back to 1997.
Submissions from 2005
The Problem of CR Extension, Jennifer Halfpap
A Treasure-trove of Matroids, Jakayla Robbins
What is so Quasinormal about these Tuples?, Jim Gleason
Submissions from 2004
Causal Discovery of Latent-Variable Models from a Mixture of Experimental and Observational Data, Changwon Yoo
Topological Measures and Quasi-linear Maps, Daniel Grubb
The Truth behind the Data: PISA 2003, Jan de Lange
Hybrid (those taught partially on-line and partially in-class) Mathematics Courses-Feasibility and Samples, Becky Johnson, Mike O'Lear, and Ryan Schrenk
A Science & Math Curriculum Structure for Effective Student Learning, Hashim Saber
Statistical Tools for Chemical Kinetics, Heikki Haario
Use of Network Algorithms in Forestry Applications, Woodam Chung
Mathematical Modeling of Heterogeneous Bio-Switches, Leonid Kalachev
Teaching Applied Mathematics Through Open-Ended Projects, Kelly Cline
Polytopal Graphs and Digraphs, Jed Mihalisin
The Structure of Clawfree Graphs, Maria Chudnovsky
Groups and Graphs, Brian Alspach
Mathematics and Poker, Brian Alspach
Mathematical Analysis of Facilitated Diffusion in Membrane Transport, Luke Casady
Mathematical Quantization and Operator Spaces, Vrej Zarikian
Non-Local Dispersal and the Spatial Spread of Disease, Jan Medlock
Multiplicatively spectrum preserving maps of function algebras II, Rao Nagisetty
Cauchy Regression and Confidence Intervals for the Slope, Rudy Gideon and Adele Rothan
Discovering the structure of real-valued functions on binary strings, Alden Wright
A Study of Post-Calculus II Students' Understandings of Indirect Proofs, VJ Bedros
Approximating Irrationals by Means of Calculator Technology: Some Classical Examples, Maurice Burke
Pollinators synchronize chaotic flowering in a perennial plant: Mathematical and statistical approaches to understanding ecological dynamics, Elizabeth Crone
Integer Partitions and Composite Fermions, Jennifer Quinn
The Voter Model with Confidence Levels, Stephen Hartke
Valuations in Algebraic Geometry, Laura Ghezzi
Submissions from 2003
Intersection theory and the Jacobian Conjecture, William Adams
Greedoid Invariant Theory and the Greedoid Tutte Polynomial, Chris Clouse
Using a Priori Information for Constructing Regularizing Algorithms, Anatoly Yagola
Duality in Noncommutative Algebra and Geometry, Amnon Yekutieli
Technology and the Real Numbers: Studying irrational numbers at the high school level, Maurice Burke
Electronic Journals, ScienceDirect, and Dissertations Online - Oh My!, Barry Brown and John Greer
A.J. Gibson's Women's Hall at the University of Montana, A Brief History, Rafael Chacon
58,000 AP Statistics Exams Later, Adele Marie Rothan CSJ
Return map characterizations for a model of bursting with two slow variables, Mark Pernarowski
Infectious Disease Ecology and Mathematical Research, Don Christian
MyMathLab, a Feasible, Useful Environment For Mathematics Distance Courses, Becky Johnson and Mike O'Lear
Coloring Graphs on Surfaces, Bojan Mohar
Planar Graphs, Parallel Computing, and the Traveling Salesman Problem, William Cook
The Traveling Salesman Problem and Optimization on a Grand Scale, William Cook
Can the Mathematics Community Afford Not to Be Political?, Dr. Johnny W. Lott
Mathematics in Stone and Bronze, Claire Ferguson and Dr. Helaman Ferguson
Book-thickness of Graphs, Dr. Shannon Overbay
New Results in Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Majors' Understanding of the Role of Definitions in Mathematics, Dr. Barbara Edwards
Radial Basis Function Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Dr. Scott Sarra
Two-Sided Vector Spaces, Dr. Christopher J. Pappacena
An Inverse Problem in Atmospheric Imaging, Dr. John Bardsley
Quantum Logics over Rationals, Dr. Daniar H. Mushtari
New Numerical Methods for PDE Models of Biological Populations, Dr. Bruce Ayati
Nonlinear Models of Dynamics in Drilling, Dr. Emily Stone
Reversing the Design Cycle - Technology and Mathematics Instruction, Dr. G. T. Springer
Submissions from 2002
Amalgams or A Tale About Two Groups Who Wish To Become One, Dr. Arturo Magidin
Toida's Conjecture is True and Other Results on the Cayley Isomorphism Problem, Dr. Joy Morris
Mathematics in Estonia, Dr. Mati Abel
How Can the "I-Like-Ike Teacher" Motivate the "Be-Like-Mike Student" in Middle Grades Mathematics, Dr. Rick Billstein
The 24th International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2002 - Beijing), Dr. Thomas Tonev
Graphs & Digraphs with Large Chromatic Numbers & Long Shortest Cycles, Dr. Mark Kayll
A TEXnology Tour, Dr. Karel Stroethoff
Graph Products with Small Cycle Double Covers, Dr. Karen Seyffarth
Colouring Problems and Transversals in Graphs, Dr. Penny Haxell
The Curvature of Space, Dr. Jeffery Weeks
The Shape of Space, Dr. Jeffery Weeks
The Effect Of Information On A Stochastic Fishery, Greg Cripe
Inside Math Excel - A Video Visit, Professor Tom Dick
Asymptotic Analysis of a Fast Reaction Outside a Solid Sphere in a Creeping Flow, Supawan Lertskrai
The Instantaneous Pressure-Volume Relationship of the Left Ventricle, Professor Scott A. Stevens
Dreamweaver, Jessie Neidigh
Hopf Algebras: An Introduction (Cancelled), Professor Serban Raianu
An Introduction to Noncommutative Geometry, Professor Adam Nyman
Analysis of the Distribution of Grades from the Fall 2001 Calculus 152 Final Examination and Nonparametric Estimation of a Linear Relationship for Bivariate Data, Professor Rudy Gideon
On Universal Cycles of k-sets of an n-set, Professor Brett Stevens
Is There a Shoe Polish with Fluoride?, Johnny W. Lott
Graphs in the Theory of Location of Facilities, K. B. Reid
Submissions from 2001
Mathematical Creativity in Problem Solving Situations, Bharath Sriraman
Native American Mathematics: An Ethnomathematical Review, Dr. Charles P. Funkhouser
Computer use in Mathematics, Professor Karel Stroethoff, Professor Scott Stevens, Professor Brian Steele, and Dick Lane
A Century of Geometry Texts, Jim Elander
Malfatti Problems, Professor Oleg Mushkarov
Geometry of Twistor Spaces, Professor Johann Davidov
Panel Discussion on Large Mathematics Classes At The University of Montana, Professor Libby Krussel
Down Memory Lane: A Growing University; Is Bigger Better?, Michael Allan Andrus
Forensic DNA Probabilities, Jim Streeter
Hierarchical Linear Modeling, Professor Hashim Saber
Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems and Their Applications, Professor Anatoly G. Yagola
Random Walks on Graphs, Professor Sean McGuinness
From Coloring Planar Graphs to Choosability in Vector Spaces, Professor Matt DeVos
A Combinatorialist Counts the Rational Numbers, Professor Herbert S. Wilf
From the Königsberg Bridges to DNA Sequencing, Professor Herbert S. Wilf
Proposal Preparation Workshop, Dr. Joseph Brennan
A Class of Models Describing Age Structure Dynamics of a Natural Forest, Michael A. Kraemer
Systems of Distinct Representatives, Dr. Evan Wantland
Bridging Cognitive and Measurement Models in the Analysis of Mathematics Achievement Tests, Dimiter Dimitrov
Exploring the Cold Oceans of the North... With Math, Peter B. Rhines
Classroom Fractals, Jane Wilson
Unleashing Student Energy: Teaching Math at a Tribal College, Matt Seeley
Defying Distance: Research and Action in Rural Mathematics Education, Jennie Luebeck
Analytical Solution of Hermite Collocation Discretization of Differential Equations, Dr. Stephen H. Brill
The Burden of Mathematics: Coping with Societal Prejudice Plays Defining and Socializing Roles in a Mathematics Department, Timothy Gutmann