This collection includes 12288 University of Montana graduate student theses, dissertations, and professional papers (ETDs) from 1899-present. Use the following links to search discipline-specific ETDs:
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- World Languages and Cultures
Douglas MacArthur's occupation of Japan| Building the foundation of U.S.-Japan relationship, Mieko Endo
British Foreign Policy Under Canning, Andrew Montgomery Endorf
Influence of Livestock and Electrified Fences on Livestock Depredation and Habitat Selection by Grizzly Bears in the Mission Valley, Montana, Kari Lynn Eneas
A Transcription for Band of Enedsco's Second Rumanian Rhapsody In D Major, Georges Enesco
Survey of subject combinations, training, experience, preparation, and salaries of men and women physical education teachers in Montana for the 1953-54 school year, Carl Robert Engebretson
How to start a business: Coping with business regulations, Timothy Richard Engelhardt
Exploring Indigenous Involvement in the Fur Trade at the Bridge River Pithouse Village, British Columbia, Rebekah Jean Engelland
Corporate trustee and summary of Montana trust activity, David Alf Enger
Investment criteria in economic development, Thomas Peter Enger
Apparent dispersion of a contaminant plume under transient groundwater flow conditions, Viraf Eruch Engineer
Fire master planning : a case study of Missoula Montana, Ann Englehart
Methods of summation of divergent series, Robert Dean Engle
Geodatabase Design for Resource and Land Management GIS: Missoula Field Office BLM Case Study, Mark English
Evaluation of a 'zero-balance' inventory count concept for the Air Force standard base level supply system, Richard C. Ennes
Development of an electronic data processing instructional program for implementation in the business department at the secondary level in the Great Falls public schools, Great Falls, Montana, Richard Duane Enochson
Octave-species and key| A study in the historiography of Greek music theory, Eugene Enrico
Depositional environment of the Pagoda Pentagon and Steamboat formations (Middle Cambrian) northwest Montana, Theodore R. Enterline
Darker room | a collection of stories and poems, Charles Entrekin
Latine legamus, part III; Selections based on "Titi Livi, Ab Urbe Condita", Henry Ephron
A Needs Assessment of People Living with HIV in Montana, Emily Olive Epperson
Upstream Geomorphic Response to Dam Removal: The Blackfoot River, Montana, Joshua Aaron Epstein
LiDAR-Landsat Covariance for Predicting Canopy Fuels, Margaret D. Epstein
Coordinative aerobic exercise does not enhance attention and concentration in college students, Meryl Heather Epstein
Coordinate systems in Gã, Kurt Erbach
The determination of seed source by the ignitibility of tree seed, Gayne G. Erdmann
Boys in Butte: The Ku Klux Klan confronts the Catholics 1923-1929, Christine K. Erickson
"Go with haste into the mountains": A history of the Diocese of Helena, Cornelia Flaherty Erickson
A history and an evaluation of the parent teacher conference in the Simmons Elementary School Aberdeen South Dakota, Isabel Lillian Erickson
Huckleberry Finn| Realist vs. romanticist, Mary Dorene Erickson
Variations on a painting theme, Nancy Neilsen Erickson
Variations on a painting theme II, Nancy Neilsen Erickson
Some Factors in Vocational Guidance, Nels E. Erickson
Image of an idea| Didactic expressionism in medieval drama and its reflection in modern drama, Olga Wik Erickson
Marketability of the Great Falls retail trade within the golden triangle counties, Patricia E. Erickson
The Value of a Neighborhood School: The Story of Paxson Elementary, Missoula, Montana, Tina K. Erickson
The legislative and political development of the Montana Department of Fish Wildlife and Parks (1895-1921): A case of cultural heritage, Diann Ericson
Buffalo soldiers : inside a season of activism with the Buffalo Field Campaign : a photographic documentary., John M. Ericson
Petrology and uranium mineralization of the Idaho batholith near Stanley Custer County Idaho, Elise L. Erler
Vicinity| [Poems], Wendy N. Erman
Lithofacies and Microfacies of a Fossil Hot Spring System: McGinness Hills, Nevada, Bonnie Jean Ertel
Development of criteria for evaluating family campsites, Angeline Louise Erusha
Racial legislation in Montana 1864-1955, Glenda Rose Eruteya
All Under One Roof: An Ethnographic Commons in the Missoula Public Library, Caitlin Ervin
Effects of the safeguard anti-ballistic missile system on urban land use in Conrad Montana, William Howard Erwin
Deeds of trust, Lee Esbenshade
Pancho Villa and the Medellin Drug Cartel: Use of the Army against non-governmental entities., Steven Norman. Eschenbacher
Cultural history of Nahuatl people| The roots of racism and internationalized oppression, Bettina Escudero
A study of the facilities sanitation services and personnel in the school lunch programs of five Flathead County town schools for the 1957-58 school year, Joseph Harley Eslick
Some studies on a previously undescribed fungus on Juniperus scopulorum Sarg, Wallace E. Eslyn
Proposed Cabin Creek coal development| The social impact for the North Fork of the Flathead River, Karen Espeseth
Ruffled Feathers: Shared narratives in the sage-grouse management conflict in Sublette County, Wyoming, Maureen A. Essen
Synthetic study of levoglucosenone, Maria G. Essig
Electronic determination of rapidly induced high temperature mortality in Pinus ponderosa seedlings, Robert H. Ethridge
A Comparison of the Utility of Craniometric and Dental Morphological Data for Assessing Biodistance and Sex-Differential Migration in the Pacific Islands, Brittney A. Eubank
Development of ceramic form and materials, Charles Franklin Evans
Temporal and Spatial Variation of Fine Sediment Infiltration in a Gravel-Bed River, Elena Gronli Evans
Guide for planning a fundraising event on National Forest Service land, Gina Ruth Evans
Preliminary investigation of caribou in northwestern United States, Henry Frank Evans
Nurturance and succorance as influenced by birth order and status: A test of Stotland's social schema theory, Jenean Sue Evans
Physical education program for the boys in the junior high school in Butte, Montana, John G. Evans
Beyond the golden haze| Women and representation in To the Lighthouse, Lee Evans
Fisherman's widow| [Poems], Lee Evans
Montana's role in the enactment of legislation designed to suppress the industrial workers of the world, Robert Emlyn Evans
The population genetics of Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) of Montana, Rebecca Jane Everett
Still point| [Poems], Clara Emily Everts
Knife River Flint Distribution and Identification in Montana, Laura Evilsizer
Comprehensive planning in Missoula County Montana: How it can help local communities, Ronald J. Ewart
Understanding Incubator Farms: Innovative Programs in New Farmer Development, Brianna M. Ewert
Lessons in Loyalty: American Patriotism and Education in the Progressive Era, Cody Dodge Ewert
Teachers' ability to predict the friendship status of speech-handicapped children, Charlotte Fraser Ewing
Low stream flow and geology in western Montana and northern Idaho, Juliet Amuche Ezeilo
A Study to determine the feasibility of instituting a periodic motor vehicle inspection program for the State of Montana, Robert Frederick Fackler
Communication analysis of the structural plywood market in Missoula, Montana, Carl Fager
Avian Community Responses to Bison Grazing in North American Intermountain Grasslands, Danielle A. Fagre
Use and Effectiveness of Wildlife Crossing Structures with Short Sections of Wildlife Fencing, Elizabeth Rose Fairbank
A taxonomic study of Oreohelix haydeni in western Montana, Harold Lee Fairbanks
Movements populations and behavior of deer on a western Montana winter range, Larry L. Fairman
Riddle of experience, Armand Elroy Falk
Where's the rest of him?| An analysis of the political cartoons of Jeff MacNelly and Pat Oliphant about President Reagan, Mark Falkenberg
Historical analysis of the Montana planning program, Victor Hilton Fall
Client/server prototype of visual price-matching system for on-line stock transactions, Hong Fan
Cuchulainn compared with other folk epic heroes, Barbara Jean Fant
Trilogy of Maxine Hong Kingston| The quest for identity and the invention of selfhood, Weili Fan
General aspects of team teaching an African unit -- examplification of in-depth teaching of the African nation Egypt, George Samoul Farag
Emotion regulation and the quality of romantic relationship, Makon Fardis
Surface Water and Groundwater Exchanges in Fine and Coarse Grained River Bed Systems and Responses to Initial Stages of Dam Removal, Milltown, Montana, Anthony Joseph Farinacci
Moral world of William Golding, Kristie Langlow Farley
Characterization in the comedies of Sir George Etherege, Leland Wayne Farley
Effect of alerting stimuli on learning and responding under induced muscle tension (IMT), Jim Fillmore Farnes
Cards, chips and characters| An ethnography of the social world of the Oxford poker players, Gwen Farnsworth
A hand-book on vocational guidance, Mary Shidler Farnsworth
Study of deans of girls in secondary schools, Mary Josephine Farnum
Dictionary Unreal| [Poems], Kathleen Farragher