Artifact from 2023
Determining species-specific false-positive rates using visual and auditory cues: a case study with sagebrush steppe songbirds, Amelia K. Evavold
Return, Shasta Hecht
Assessing the Efficacy of Beaver Dam Analogs in Willow Restoration, Hannah Hill and Dylan Ritter
Creating a business plan: RestReviews & Luxr Facilities, Avery Holden
Self-saturated, Maja Holmquist
Seamus Jennings Solo Transcription Project, Seamus Jennings
“Principles which constitute the only basis of the Union” : Virginian Beliefs during the Nullification Crisis, 1832-1833, Sean Elliott Kellogg
Eating Disorders and Autism: A Network Approach, Lillian C. King
Telomeres: a Tool to Assess the Impacts of Mining Contaminants on Riparian Songbirds, Lillian Krach, Bridger Creel, Megan Fylling, Zac Cheviron, and Creagh Breuner
Medical Waste Day, Kayla Leavell, Lauren Tucker, Wyatt Walters, and Kayla Leavell
A Comparison of Divergence in Non-Introgressing Genes Across a Chickadee Hybrid Zone, Eliana K. Lowe
Landscape Influences on Microclimate and Forest Growth Cessation in a Semiarid Montane Forest, Fin A. Malone
Depictions of Strikes on Social Media, Zachary D. Mangels
Perceived Post-Graduate Job Prospects of University of Montana Wildlife Biology Students, Andrew C. Marriner
Climate Change Education: How can we teach climate change to create agency rather than anxiety with outdoor education?, Kennedy-Anne Hokulani Marx
Law student’s educational experiences and perceptions of legal abuse, Kylie K. Mckittrick and Julie Olomi
Bird Articulation Guide, Kelsey Blaze Miller
Career Research Framework for University Students and Recent Graduates Interested in Nonprofit Sector Employment, Reed Miller
External Analysis of Avis Car Rental: Impact of External Factors on Business Operations, John R. Milton
Honors Capstone- Analysis of Service Quality Index (SQI) Programs in the Rental Car Industry, Brandon Nally
Rethinking Trust, Reconnecting Us, Jacob Owens, Connor Dunlap, Seth Carmichael, Ben Brodhead, Reed Lindsey, Colin McLean, and Elle Wilgus
Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire: How Hunting Affects the Diel Activity Patterns of Ungulates in Lubrecht Experimental Forest, Shawn M. Parsons
Analyzing the Accessibility of Sports Facilities in Missoula, Montana, Quinn T. Peacock
Analyzing the Accessibility of Sports Facilities in Missoula, MT, Quinn Tricia Peacock
Your Friend, Wildfire, Elizabeth Riddle, Aubrey Frissell, Mackenzie Weiland, Katherine Wendeln, Rory McLaverty, and Lillian Hollibaugh
Employee Satisfaction at Avis-Budget, Dylan Sandau
Fly Fishing's Gift, Steven Kincaid Von Smeltzer
For Women of Missoula: Menstruation and Refugees, Bella M. Spencer
The Beauty and the Beast: Beauty and Misfortune in Maria de Zayas’s Novellas, Clarise Ann Sviatko
Beyond the Pacific: Chinese Women and Habeas Corpus at the 1898 Omaha World’s Fair, Lauryn Nicole Tecca
Effects of warming and drying on the survival and performance of giant salmonfly nymphs (Pteronarcys californica), Kailie Todd
Blackstone LaunchPad University of Montana Strategic Analysis/Jacob Treece Honors Capstone Report, Jacob R. Treece
Kept Things, Caroline J. Tuss
A Document Based Question on the Civil Rights Movement, Brenna Renae Utzman
Strong Little Minds: A Children's Introduction to Mental Illness, Teresa Irene Vick
Just Be- The Fabulous History of the Drag Musical, Benjamin George Wambeke
Artifact from 2022
The Ecological Consequences of Horizontally Transferred Nitrogen Fixation Genes in Cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina, Jacob J. Baroch
The History and Conflicts of the Montana Environmental Policy Act, William Oliver Borghesani
Cardiopulmonary and Cancer Rehabilitation, Erica E. Braig and Aubree L. Osier
The Effects of Climate Change on Six Bird Species Across an Elevational Gradient, Emily Casseday
The Economic Obstacles to Electric Vehicle Adoption in Montana, Lily B. Duray
Every Artist is an Advocate: An autoethnographic analysis of how higher education imposes artist advocacy, Noah R B Durnell
An analytical framework for quantifying seasonal molt plasticity in snowshoe hares, Grace Erba
Honors Capstone - Magazine Production (Byline Magazine), Joseph Abraham Evans
Mapping of Microseismic Aftershock Sequences Following the 2017 Lincoln, Montana M 5.8 Earthquake, Reyer M. Fenoff
Indigenous (Mis)Representation: Implications for the MMIWG2S Epidemic, Desi Greer, Jillian TopSky, Danara Greer, Chloe Burnstein, Emma Swartz, and Sam Severson
The Unexpected Movements of Tennis: Breaking the College Expectation to Conform Through Dance, Isabella Mae Kasper
QUEST Capstone 2022- Making Missoula's Communication More Effective, Lorelei Keith, Brooke Nicklay, and Noah Gilder
The Shape of Faith: Understanding God Through Pottery, Kenton Ke
Caution in Stalin's Wake: Perspectives of American Leaders, Keegan Sorelle Lundman
Pulmonary Response to Exercise, Woodsmoke, and Acute Sleep Deprivation, Aidan DA McCloy, Joseph A. Sol, and John C. Quindry
How Perfectionism Plays a Role in Eating Disorders Among Dancers, Jenna R. Mitchell
Making Relief Real for the Most Vulnerable: Securing Housing for Overlooked Communities by Improving the Administration of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, Nathaniel L. Morin-Ferguson
Netflix Strategic Business Analysis, Kegan L. Morris
A comparison of predicted and observed ocean tidal loading displacements around the Puget Sound, Tanessa Caitlyn Morris
Winter Wings: An Introduction to Environmental Education, Samuel G. Mothner
Mitigating the Damaging Effects of COVID-19 Isolation in the Elderly, Hailey Powell, Addie Slanger, Mazana Boerboom, Brenna Spurling, and Maria Goheen
Measuring The Effects of Pre-Exhaust Training Using Electromyography, Zephaniah S. Pratt
Assessing the accuracy and deficits of popular drug-interaction software programs in detecting interactions between cannabis and pharmaceutical drugs, Nathan C. Ramsbacher
Analysis of Bass Lines Played by Ray Brown and Charlie Haden over the Blues Form, Kyler W. Rebich
Adult Female Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos horribillis) Abundance and Distribution in Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Region 2, Emily E. Ruta
The Relationship Between Food Retailers and Distributors, Madison Seigler, Julia Anderson, Aidan Morton, Cassandra Williams, Victoria Bloomgren, and Jacob Tutty
Wilderness Ideology: Understanding the 1964 Wilderness Act and Wilderness Recreation, Allison Simko
City of Missoula Partnership Project: Supporting the Affordable Housing Trust Fund, Petra Leah Slater
Different Versions of Myself, Anya Smith
Medication Use Evaluation: Enoxaparin per Pharmacy Protocol and the Use of Anti-Xa Monitoring, Kinsey A. Smith
Understanding Caribou Population Cycles, Jack R. St. John
Managing "Culturally Significant" Land: The Badger-Two Medicine Area as a Case Study, Ava Sweet, John Nicholas Mills, Dante Filpula Ankney, Adison Thorp, and Hayden Blackford
The Future of Food Production at UM: Learning from the Past & Envisioning the Future of Campus Gardens, Elizabeth Todd
The Sound of the Viola: A Harmonic Analysis of the Classical Music World's Most Underrated Instrument, Lea V. Tonnerre
Sustainability Education at the University of Montana, Zoe M. Transtrum
Relating Habitat Use to Survival of Oncorhynchus in Rock Creek and the Clark Fork River, Brett D. Traxler
Roots to Reasons: A Podcast Series - Emotional, Intellectual, & Substantive Environmental Conversations, Abigail Vogt, Damara Stewart, Sarah Griffin, Rowan Ulrigg, Sierra Franklin, and Cara Shepard
Artifact from 2021
Welcome to the World of Flipping, Will E. Bazler
El argumento para una tercera opción de género neutro en la lengua española (The Argument for a Third Gender-Neutral Option in the Spanish Language), Fiona Siobhan Bean
An Evaluation of Sex Education in Missoula County Schools from Students Perspectives, Sara Lindsay Bigelow
Differential Diagnosis of Abnormal Muscle Gross Anatomy of a Male Cadaver, Audrey V. Broffman and Carley R. Carpenter
The MMM Initiative, Erika Byrne, Brianna Bal, McKenna Jones, Noelle Annonen, Christian Pfeifer, Amanda Cunningham, Jaime Breisch, and Rachel Brosten
Religion, but not Parents, Predict Children's Tendency to Anthropomorphize, Sarah R. Carbis
Medication Assisted Treatment Programs to Reduce Recidivism in Montana, Asia Chhon, Taylor Hill, Mason Hutchinson, Kian Speck, and Alex Whaples
An Exploration of Nonpublic Educational Facilities in the Pacific Northwest, Ana L. Crites
The Humanities: So Much More Than Meets the Eye, Lauren E. D'Angelo
Decoupling Neoliberal Ideologies with American Governance and Civics, Henry J. DeLuca
Can we predict knee and Achilles tendon forces with ground reaction force and stride lengths?, Alexis Doutt
Disrupting Settler Stories: learning to live with respect, intimacy, and reciprocity on colonized land, Anna S. Favour
Measured in Miles, Chapter Five, Lindsey Marie Gallagher
Ethnobotany Interpretive Signs at the Fort Missoula Native Plant Garden, Magalloway E. Gammons
Teaching With Desmos, Rebecca Ngari Hasenyager
Youth Wilderness Therapy Intervention Outcomes: Case Study in Montana, Morgan Heimbigner
Issue of Disparities in Healthcare Among People with Disabilities, Amanda Lyn Jennings
Does adaptation to high altitude affect hypoxia-dependent structural plasticity of the placenta?, Hannah C. Johnson, Kathryn Wilsterman, Jeffrey M. Good, and Zachary A. Cheviron
Correlating energetic neutral atom rates with solar wind pressure data to determine the scale of the heliosphere, Joseph Kelly
Analyzing the multipath of GPS time series to study snow properties, Ashlesha Khatiwada
Binegativity and Depression: Examining Alcohol Use Among Nonexclusively-Oriented Womxn, Kaylee M. Kronsperger
Enhancing the public’s general vaccine knowledge through a comprehensive and user-friendly website., Bonnie Renee Long
Analyzing Interactions among Migratory Elk and Semi-permeable Fences amongst a Highly Fragmented Landscape on the Blackfeet Reservation, Landon J. Magee
An Exploration of Ethnobotanically Significant Plants to the Native American Tribes of Montana, Margaret Magee