Artifact from 2019
Investigating a Macro Level Trial Tax: An Analysis of the Relationship Between a Circuit's Plea Proportion and Median Sentence Length in U.S. Federal Courts, Denise LaFontaine
Trends in Opinion Writing & Consensus: the Roberts Court, Marti Auburn Liechty
Obesity in Postmenopausal Rural Women: Clinical and Psychological Prevention and Treatment Techniques, Julliette T. Lucas
Health Safety and Security for New Student Orientations, William M. Malloy
Effects of Climate Change on Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Public Health Implications in Western Montana, Tiffany Matthews, Benjamin Hickey, Sydney Qualls, Max Enger, Ella Baumgarten, and Ronan Kennedy
Effects of PAG1 on Src-family kinase trafficking in neuroblastoma cells, Makenzie E. Mayfield
Sex Education Materials for Blue Mountain Clinic, Laurel Naylor
Barriers to Implementing a Single-Use Plastic Bag Ban in Missoula, Tess Elizabeth Parker
Small Scale Living, Jake Pennington, Bailey Carpenter, Mark Trepanier, and Fiona Bean
Through the Eyes of Locals: A Changing Climate in Bolivia, Jacob D. Rex
Western Cider CRM Implementation & Data Migration Project, Greg Rosbarsky, Jesson Preston, Yannick Schmidl, and Thomas Wartick
Social Isolation and Loneliness and the Experience of Gratitude and Affection, Elizabeth Sholey
Systems of Sex and Gender Misinformation in Biological Education, Lily Summer
Longevity in Snowshoe Hares, Katrina L. Theisen, Alexander V. Kumar, and L. Scott Mills
The Flow: Educate. Empower. Change, Kirsten Tucker, Shaylee Ragar, Madison Haynes, Lea Graham, and Monica Paul
Inquiries of Entomophagy: Developing and Determining the Efficacy of Youth-Based Curriculum, Dakota Vaccaro, Kaitlyn Anderson, Lauren Clark, Ellie Gluhosky, Sarah Lutch, and Spencer Lachman
Planned Change Process: Case Study and Presentation, Emma Woodring
To Feel Better: A Personal Account of my Eating Disorder, Savannah Kate Woods
Artifact from 2018
Face Perception and Identification, Audrey Aamot
The Relationship Between Racing Experience and the Ability to Adhere to a Race Plan, Erika Ackerlund
Camera Traps in Wildlife Research: Through my Lens, Bryson P. Allen
Language Use in Totalistic Social Groups, Emily H. Allen
Analysis: The Boeing Company, Steven C. Allen, Kady Bartsch, Kaixuan Yang, and Katlyn Yelsa
Honors Capstone Poster: Does the Metabolic Cost of Load Carriage Differ Between Males and Females?, Katherine Berglund
Missoula Community/Children's Theater - Tour Logistics, Addison W. Boyer
Exploring the role of a novel RpoD protein in Borrelia burgdorferi, Bethany Crouse
Glycerol utilization during nutrient stress in the Lyme disease bacterium, Bethany Crouse
The role of glycerol utilization in the Lyme disease spirochete, Bethany Crouse
A Comparison of Traditional American, German and French Oboe Reeds, Nicole Evans
Honors Capstone Novel Writing Reflection, Cheyenne Goetz
After All the Dreaming: On Student Leadership in the Montana University System, Chase Greenfield
Barnes & Noble: Business Analysis, Wendy Gregory
Theatres Across America, Sophia Holter
Healthy Heart Project, Emily Hurst
Ninemile Sod Transplants and Willow Monitoring, Colton W. Kyro, aeriel Lavoie, Casey Goff, and Tanner Pedretti
The Impact of Outdoor Education on Health, Tessa A. Leake
Children bear consequences of Montana's failure to treat mothers: DHC Capstone, Alicia Leggett
JWCable Website Redesign, Parker T. Lund
Extreme smoke events: climate change and human health in western Montana, Sarah Luth
Food For Thought: Eating Habits of College Freshmen Examined Through the Socio-Ecological Model, Malia T. Morris Ms.
The Earth's Magnetosphere, Soren Ormseth
Rocky Mountain High: An Investigation of Downhill Snow Sports and Marijuana Use, Silas Phillips
The Effect of Accountability on Dialectical and Elaborative Complexity, Gavin W. Ploger
Stress Less with Art Therapy, Delaney M. Rogers
Place Based Science & Climate Change Lessons for Middle and High Schoolers, Maizie Smith
How to Properly Assess Eyewitness Testimony, Kendra L. Sorensen
Field Measures of Wilderness Character for Bitterroot Recommended Wilderness, Bitterroot National Forest., Carly Stinson
Quantifying False Positives in Avian Survey Data, Kaitlyn M. Strickfaden
Spatial Patterns of Winter Roadside Gray Wolf Sightability in Yellowstone National Park, Jeremy SunderRaj
A Reflection on a DHC Senior Project: "Silvie Danger", Breann Watterson
Climate Change: Our Adaptive Future in the Columbia and Mekong River Basins, Cassidy D. White, Alex Braun, Brandon Lowry, Thiago Cardoso, Hannah Tibke, and Lauren Swett
Fantasy versus Reality: A Twenty-First Century Film Series to Explore How the Absurdity of Alternate Realities Affects the Individual in the Audience, Courtney Wunderwald
Blaming the Victim: Deconstructing María de Zayas's Feminism, Jennifer Zundel
Artifact from 2017
Iggy Azalea’s Dialectal Disguise: A pursuit of power through speech and privilege, Caroline JH Allen
Indigenous Representation in the Media and the Importance of Personal Narrative, Rehana E. Asmi
Badass Beauties: The Culture of Rebellious Femininity, Natalia L. Boise
How do Stream Confluences Influence Aquatic Invertebrate Taxonomic and Functional Diversity?, Jeremy Brooks
Identifying Gentrification: The Case of Portland, Lindsey M. Buck
Successful Interventions: Identifying and Influencing Key Variables, Braeden J. Campbell
Atlassian: Analysis and strategic recommendation, Ryann M. Carlson
Assessing Written Narratives: Current versus Theoretical Practices, Megan Chamberlin, Michelle Tatko, Marissa McElligott, and Savannah Lovitt
The Traffic of Native American Women, Nasrin M. Chaudhry
The E. coli Protein YbgL: A Novel DNA Repair Enzyme?, Mason H. Conen, Brooke D. Martin, Kent Sugden, and Savannah Whitfield
Blacklight Symphony No. 1, William J. Cook
Factors Influencing Mountain Lion Kill Rates Across Three Ecosystems in the Americas, steven cross
Characterization of RNA aptamer binding to Rift Valley fever virus nucleocapsid protein, Ilona C. Csik
Helca Mining Company, Claire Dalman
Just Warfare, or Genocide?: Oliver Cromwell and the Siege of Drogheda, Lukas Dregne
Molecular Biology of a Surface-Exposed Protein Family of Bartonella Bacilliformis, Hannah Fay
Building Community through Mindfulness and Equine Connection, Alyssa Fusco
Habitual Intravenous Drug Use and the Connection to Self-Medication in the Missoula County Area, Meaghan Gaul
Editing: The Value of Quality Content in an Online-First Industry, Megan Giddings
University of Montana Students and the Gardasil Vaccine, Markie C. Glidewell
An Analysis of Outside Investment Strategies to Aid Nations in Mitigating the Risk Posed by Natural Disasters, Jared Halvorson
Linguistic Imperialism and Volunteer English Teaching: A Neo-colonial Practice?, Sarah K. Hamburg
Ruined, Hannah I. Higgins
A Reflection on My Writing Process, Madison R. Hinrichs
Detecting Regional Groundwater Discharge to the Clark Fork River, Melinda Horne
Defining an Agency: Animals, Fire, and the U.S. Forest Service, Ellen A. Ipsen
Using Fluorescence Lifetimes to Characterize Lipid Behavior in Nanodiscs, Cynthia Janku
Satirical Perspectives: A Cross-Cultural Comparison, Mariah Johnson
The Effect of a Bait-administered Sylvatic Plague Vaccine on Non-Target Small Mammal Survival, Emily K. Leonhardt
Meat for Missoula: Educating Our Youth on Sustainable Meat Production Practices, Amelia R G Liberatore
Hillary Rodham Clinton and Shifts in Gendered Rhetorical Style, Mackenzie Lombardi
The Rest of the Story, Mackenzie M. Martin
Nitrogen Pulses and Competition between Native and Invasive Plant Species, Nicolas Matallana, Mandy L. Slate, and Ragan M. Callaway
The Development of Feminism in China, Augustine Menke
Protectors of Hegemonic Masculinity: An Analysis of Gun Legislation and Masculinity, Claire Michelson
Protecting Players While Protecting the Integrity of the Game in Youth Soccer, Aspen Peifer
Glucocorticoids and parental effort in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), Mackenzie Prichard
Cultural Considerations for Teaching American Indian Students, Corlin P. Reed
Analysis of 3-Dimensional Movement Kinematics of Rising from Supine: Implications for Bed-Fall Detection, Brielle E. Rolle
Eigengrau: A Novel, Jesse N. Rowan
Global Grizzlies 2016: Arusha, Tanzania, Madison R. Schwarzkoph
The Success of Bottled Water: The Hidden Costs Hurt Us and the Environment, Cassandra Sevigny
They Called It Patriotism, Darla C. Shelton