This Colloquia Archive includes a complete list of all Department of Mathematical Sciences colloquia titles, abstracts and speakers going back to 1997.


Submissions from 2024

Farey Recursive Functions for Hyperbolic Dehn Filling, José Martinez

A Gentle and Brief Introduction to Lp-Operator Algebras, Ellen Weld

Decomposing Flow Networks for DNA Sequencing, Lucia Williams

Active Learning in College Algebra, College Trig and Precalc: A Demonstration, Regina P. Souza

Ramsey-Turán Results, Van Magnan

An algebraic approach to scaling limits of up-down chains, Kelvin Rivera-Lopez

Proper Rainbow Saturation Numbers, Anna Halfpap

Multivariate Information Theory: Difficulties and Recent Progress, Ryan James

Submissions from 2023

Examining Metamorphic Testing with Requirements Knowledge in Practical Settings, Zedong Peng

A generalization of diversity for intersecting families, Ryan Wood

Matching data from multiple experiments to a genetic network model, Breschine Cummins

Counting number fields, Allechar Serrano Lopez

Network Traffic Classification Using Deep Learning Neural Networks, Qian Mao

Generalized Voronoi Diagrams and Lie Sphere Geometry, Tracy Payne

Exotic number bases with application to combinatorics, Tyler Seacrest

Circle Actions and Stratifications, Benjamin Moldstad

A simple modification to the classical SIR model to estimate the proportion of under-reported infections using case studies in flu and COVID-19, Leonid Kalachev

Template Arrays and Two-Dimensional Recurrence Relations, Jordan Broussard

Zeros of Complex-Valued Harmonic Functions, Jennifer Brooks

Using Kronholm's Ideal to Compute Bredon Cohomology, Eric Hogle

Longitudinal Data Regression Analysis Using Semiparametric Modelling, Abdulla Al Mamun

Bringing the outside in: Building with and strengthening community-based problem-solving practices in math classrooms, Frederick Peck

A resolution to Landis' conjecture in the plane, Blair Davey

An introduction to RNAseq, Claire Seibold

Motivating Generalized Extremal Problems, Anna Halfpap

Modeling Covid-19 in Montana, Ian Derickson

Classifying Invariants of k-Graph C*-Algebras, Joey Lippert

Submissions from 2022

What is Deficit Discourse in (Undergraduate) Mathematics Education and What Can We Do About It?, Aditya Adiredja

Deep Learning the Properties of Metamaterials, Jordan M. Malof

The Hochschild Cohomology of Roe Type Algebras, Matt Lorentz

Math Metaphors: A Window into Students' Mathematical Experiences, Megan Wickstrom

Legislative Redistricting in Montana, Kelly L. McKinnie and Dave Patterson

Wearable Sensor Development For Health Monitoring & Personalized Medicine, Anh Nguyen

The finiteness conjecture for skein modules, Sam Gunningham

A comparison of spatio-temporal patterns in seasonal flu and COVID 19 in a rural US state, Emily Stone

Political Geometries: Graphs, Geometry, and Gerrymandering, Daryl Deford

Regular Ideals, Ideal intersections, and quotients, Jonathan Brown

Randomly Perturbed Graphs And Rainbow Connectivity, John Finlay

Close Enough! How to (Probably) Calculate the Chromatic Number, JD Nir

Cohomology related to commuting k-tuples of local homeomorphisms, Judith Packer

Department of Mathematical Sciences Awards Ceremony, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Montana

Math Education Graduate Student Research Projects, Math Education Graduate Students, University of Montana

Rainbow Connectivity of Randomly Perturbed Graphs, John Finlay

An Introduction to Computational Complexity Via Games, Jon Lenchner

Presentation by Racheal Kenney, Racheal Kenney

Black Bears in México: Outliers, Local Knowledge, and Management, Diana Crider

Discovering Genetic Network Interactions Through Iterative Hypothesis Reduction, Bree Cummins

Learning as a collective process: Some ideas from the theory of objectification, Luis Radford

Configurations, dimension, and fractal sets, Krystal Taylor

Strengthening the Food System of the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara people, Ruth Plenty Sweetgrass-She Kills

An Analysis of Tribal Consultation: A case study of policy versus practice Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribes and Nmisuletkʷ (the Middle Fork of the Clark Fork River) As a Tribal Trust Resource, Jennifer Harrington

Desmos Activity Builder: Technology for the Promotion of Active Learning, Fredercik Peck and Matt B. Roscoe

Submissions from 2021

Collective Behavior in Locust Swarms from Differential Equations to Data, Jasper Weinburd

Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Social Justice, part 2, Chad Topaz

Positive co-degree problems for 3-graphs, Anna Halfpap

Persistence in Data, Cosheaves, and K-Theory, Ryan Grady

Measuring Water Waves: Using Pressure to Reconstruct Wave Profiles, Katie Oliveras

Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Social Justice, Chad Topaz

Mathematics Research for Security and Science in the US National Laboratories, Aaron Luttman

Classical infectious disease modeling paradigms shifted by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, Leonid Kalachev

Mathematical Discovery of Natural Laws in Biomedical Sciences with Application to Metastasis, Leonid Hanin

K-Theory: Algebraic Topology and Non-commutative Algebraic Topology, Jeff Boersema

Extending Bootstrap Aggregation of Neural Networks for Prediction with an Application to COVID-19 Forecasting, Mohsen Tabibian

The geometric nature of Diophantine equations, Jen Berg

Weighted Neural Networks for Predicting Daily Covid-19 Death Counts, Mohsen Tabibian

Equilibria in Networks with Steep Sigmoidal Nonlinearities, William Duncan

Variance Approximation Approaches For The Local Pivotal Method, Ted Owen

Reducibility of parameter ideals in low powers of the maximal ideal, Katharine Shultis

Cartan subalgebras of non-principal twisted groupoid C*-algebras, Rachael M. Norton

Metric Convergence of Spectral Triples on the Sierpinski Gasket and Other Fractal Curves, Therese-Marie Landry

Communities in Data, Katherine Moore

Translating solitons in Euclidean space, Ling Xiao

Expressing graphs as symmetric differences of cliques of the complete graph, Puck Rombach

Choreography in Nature (towards theory of dancing curves, superintegrability), Alexander Turbiner

Knot Theory and the Fourth Dimension, Patricia Cahn

Markov Partitions: from Decimal Expansions to Nilmanifolds, Jarek Kwapisz

Submissions from 2020

The City of Numbers: Unique Prime Factorization, Manipulative Development and the Big Apple, Matt B. Roscoe

Intersections of Virtual Multistrings, David Freund

Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Settler Colonialism in Mathematics, Belin Tsinnajinnie

Topological Data Analysis on Networks – Applications and Scalability issues, Cuneyt Gurcan Akcora

How do you grow an Erdős-Rado sunflower?, Cory Palmer

High dimensional regression with survey design: an application to the association between physical activity and mortality in NHANES, Ekaterina Smirnova

Semivariogram Methods for Modeling Whittle-Matérn Priors in Bayesian Inverse Problems, Rick Brown

A Natural Rank Problem for Homogeneous Polynomials and Connections with the Theory of Functions of Several Complex Variables, Kevin A. Palencia Infante

Proper Mappings Between Balls, Kevin A. Palencia Infante

Using Mixed Methods in Unlocking the Black Box of Classroom Learning (Canceled), Jingjing Sun

Presentation by Pedro Berrizbeitia (Canceled), Pedro Berrizbeitia

N-Graded Filiform Nilpotent Lie Algebras (Canceled), Tracy Payne

Information theoretic-based Biological Network Analysis, Ellie Bayat-Mokhtari

The Space of Persistence Diagrams on n points Coarsely Embeds in Hilbert Space, Atish Mitra

The u-Invariant and Friends, Adam Chapman

Few H copies of F saturated graphs, Juergen Kritschgau

Pure extension property for étale groupoid crossed products, Danny Crytser

Model Discrepancy Updates: Model calibration and uncertainty quantification applied to CT with uncertain view-angles, Nicolai A. B. Riis

Autoregression Modeling of the American Stock Market, Andrey Sarantsev

Submissions from 2019

The Predictive Performance of Objective Measures of Physical Activity Derived From Accelerometry Data for 5-Year All-Cause Mortality in Older Adults: National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey 2003–2006, Quy Cao

Coarse Geometry and Inverse Semigroups, Diego Martinez

Almost Commuting Matrices, Jeff Boersema

Undirected graphs and their C*-algebras, David Pask

Semivariogram Methods for Modeling Whittle-Matérn Priors in Bayesian Inverse Problems, Rick Brown