This collection includes theses, dissertations, and professional papers from the University of Montana Department of Counselor Education, Department of Educational Leadership, and Department of Teaching and Learning. Theses, dissertations, and professional papers from all University of Montana departments and programs may be searched here.
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Analysis of a predictive model for college choice by high school football players, Douglas M. Abbott
United States Supreme Court decisions that have shaped K--12 education in America 1972--2004, Kelly M. Benson
Effective feedback and error treatment: EFL guidance for academic leaders, Jen-Ru Christine Chen
A principal component analysis of the roles responsibilities and criteria of Catholic school leadership, Patrick J. Haggarty
An analysis of dropout's talk about participation at school from democratic perspectives, Rosemary J. Hertel
From theory to practice: A multiple case study on novice administrators, David T. Hobbs
Perceptions of leadership expectations on the Blackfeet Reservation, Lester R. Johnson
The relationship between kindergarten principal leadership style and teacher turnover rate in Taichung City Taiwan, Chu-Yung Liao
The relationship of business school performance to deans' self -perceived leadership styles in Taiwan, Kai Li Liu
The response of physical education department leaders to organizational restructuring mandated by Taiwan higher education reform, Christine Ting-Yi Luo
Special education and the least restrictive environment: United States federal appeals court outcomes and expert testimony, Linda A. Maass
Negotiator perceptions: An analysis of United States teachers' strikes in 1999, Kristine A. Miller
Job satisfaction characteristics of full -time faculty members at Montana tribal colleges, Mary Herak Sand
An exploration of the experience of friendship jealousy and relational aggression in preadolescent girls, Renee' M. Schoening
The objectivity of student ratings of instructors among Taiwanese students, Shu-Hui Tsai
Faculty attitudes about students' ratings of instruction: Enhancing quality management in higher education, Yumei Wang
A narrative inquiry of non -profit organization turnaround: Leadership through operant focus, Rory A. Weishaar
Principal leadership school climate and the distribution of leadership within the school community, Cheryl L. Wilson
The relationship between prewriting and holistic scores of a direct writing assessment, Robyn Lee Wingo
Relationship between school principals' workload and their quality of life in Taiwan, Hui-Tzu Wu
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Prison voices: Lessons on youth recidivism, Shad E. Bailey
Instructors' perceptions of higher technological and vocational education reform in Taiwan the Republic of China, Frances Feng-Mei Chang
The relationship of leadership style to education reform as indicated by teachers' job satisfaction, Rebecca Hsing-Ling Chang
Sustaining schools in a rural Montana community, Martha Cheney
"Highly qualified" secondary educators: Perspectives from a rural community, Hilve Firek
A leader's guide to the factors influencing organizational commitment: A study of nurses in Taiwan, Lichi Huang
A study of women's experiences of living with HIV/AIDS in rural areas, Joyce Tinanani Mphande-Finn
Reservation public-school programs for Indian-language revitalization: Building on grassroots voices from rural districts with mixed Indian and White student populations, Phyllis Bo-yuen Ngai
The development of phonological awareness skills in preschool children: From syllables to phonemes, Lucy Hart Paulson
Perceptions of effective middle school teacher-advisors, Janice E. Petritz
Hispanic participation in an extended-day program, Rebecca A. Truelove
Analysis of Montana education litigation 1999--2003, Donald K. Wattam
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
Bereavement camp: A qualitative analysis of a therapeutic program for grieving youth, Christine Barrett
Leadership styles of successful tribal college presidents, Margarett H. Campbell
The phenomenon of intellectually gifted underachievers and education: Listening to the male adolescent voice, Barbara Lynne Cunningham
An exploratory study of the usefulness of solution -focused brief therapy groups with elementary school children, Jennifer Clevenger Demmons
Indigenous language revitalization in Montana: Perspectives from four nations, Mary Groom-Hall
Civic engagement in higher education: A grounded theory, Dean Patrick McGovern
The role of the future in work motivation, Jonathon J. Richter
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Community in the classroom : a research synthesis, Martha Cheney
Preservice teacher education in family engagement: An emerging model, Kathy B. Grant
At-risk students' perceptions of their school experiences, Glen A. Johnson
A historical case study of Lowell Elementary School in Missoula Montana, Mark P. Johnson
The effectiveness of Catholic college and university student discipline/judicial processes as measured by the recidivism rate, Frances L. O'Reilly
College student-athletes' experience of living with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A phenomenological analysis, Charles G. Palmer
Contemplatives in action: Five Jesuit -formed Catholic college university and seminary presidents, Robert A. Pastoor
The impact of systemic reform of subject matter and educational coursework on early career teacher performance, Richard Thomas Rushton
Student perceptions of the impact security measures have on their high school experience, Kenneth C. Stuker
Sharing stories healing hurts and becoming allies for change : NCBI Intergroup Dialogues pilot program, Amie Thurber
Procedures of power and school restructuring: A phenomenological study, Wayne Milford Youngward
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Superintendents' leadership in Alberta schools: Influencing school improvement?, Arthur J. Aitken
Barriers and contributions to American Indian academic success at the University of Montana: A qualitative study, Jiraporn Angspatt
The Stevensville High School transcript study for the class of 2000 Stevensville Montana USA, Michael J. Kincaid
Secondary school mathematics in transition: A comparative study of mathematics curricula and student results, Terry A. Souhrada
"Middle" generation Hmong students' perceptions of their college experiences at the University of Montana: A phenomenological analysis, Eloise K. Thompson
Community perspectives in higher education service learning and volunteerism, Andrea Vernon
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
The relationship between individual teachers' conflict styles and perceptions of school culture, Gail D. Aaberge
Case study of a service-learning partnership: Montana Tech and the Montana State Prison, John Amtmann
Montana's canon for post-secondary literature foundation courses, John J. Crowley
Literacy development within multiage and single grade age cohorts: The impact of organizational structure, Leslie J. Ferrell
An interpretive biography of K. Ross Toole: A legacy of leadership in Montana, Jael Marchi Prezeau
Instructional technology theory alignment with practical application during student teaching, Carole S. Robinson
Presidential Award winners in mathematics at the secondary level: Classroom management beliefs and career stages, Timothy Eaton Skinner
Geography education: Learning from the leaders, Susan K. Watne
The impact of administrator and teacher leadership on the development of an exemplary arts program and its role in school, Michelle Wiebe Zederayko
A grounded theory study of personal coaching, Brenda M. Wilkins
Curriculum revision and implementation: Implications for business teacher education, Sandra R. Williams
Variables in schools becoming learning organizations, Glenn E. Zederayko
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
One teacher's journey to uncover a personal belief system about the teaching of writing, David L. Christensen
The impact of school reform: A follow-up study of the framework for aesthetic literacy, Janice Lenore Clinard
Bullying in Montana's K-8 schools, Joe Fontana
Strategic leadership in university wellness programs, Teresa Washut Heck
The alternating day block schedule: Its impact on musical performing organizations in grades 9-12, John J. Matt
The perception of followers, William P. McCaw
An analysis of the implementation of the essential elements in accredited Montana middle schools, Mark W. Neill
Men's experience of making the decision to have their first child: A phenomenological analysis, Andrew Peterson
Athletic department practices that relate to the academic performance and persistence of student-athletes, Richard L. Unruh
What school communities say is needed in elementary school counseling programs as reported in Montana, Sally A. Woodruff
Impacts of interdisciplinary team teaching on assessment practices in high school classrooms, Christine Wortman
The relationship of teacher optimism to attitudes and beliefs regarding classroom management, Debra Peters Yerkes
An investigation of Taiwanese middle school teachers' attitudes toward Taiwanese middle school education, Zhizheng Zhou
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Faculty practice in nursing education programs in rural states, Gelene Berkram
Relationship of ACT/SAT scores to the superintendency, Merle J. Farrier
An analysis of the relationship between school safety and social integration, John K. Frederikson
Attitudes of rural nurses toward computers: Implications for continuing education, Lori Hendrickx
Perceived abuse: Correlation with self-esteem and educational success, K. S. Hill
Teachers' civil rights in China: Current and future educational social consequences, Sheng-lu Li
Athlete preferences for sport psychology interventions, Sameep D. Maniar
Transformational leadership and teachers' tendency to take risks, David Arden Wipf
Team teaching: A study of collaboration, Nancy L. Zadra
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Analysis of the effects of a parenting program upon attitudes and behaviors of abusive parents mandated to participate, Linda E. Carlsen
A descriptive correlation study of the Holistic Developmental Writing Scales designed for children in grades K-6, Tammy Elser
The effects of the abacus in the elementary mathematics classroom, G. Don Gilmore
Rural school restructuring: A qualitative study of one Montana school district, Anita Jo. Jakupcak
Fettered and frayed: The effects of censorship incidents on teachers' attitudes and practices, Mary Sheehy Moe
Venezuelan college teachers' perceptions of efficacy and their attitudes toward interdisciplinary teacher education curriculum, Ana T. Rangel
Growth of foundation funding in doctoral universities I and II during a period of decreasing state appropriations, Stephen B. Smith
Instructional technology use in Montana high schools : a comparison by class, Sandra R. Williams