Content Posted in 2021
10 Things Only Single Moms Who Were in my Living Room Will Understand, Kelly Magee
150A.17: Chamber Ensembles - World Percussion Ensemble, Robert LedBetter
1/8: I Am Afraid; Artist's Statement, Stella Nall
1D Crustal Velocity Model for West-Central Montana, Courtenay Jo Duzet and Michael C. Stickney
2018 Friends of The University of Montana Herbarium Newsletter, Peter Lesica
2019 Friends of The University of Montana Herbarium Newsletter, Peter Lesica
2020 Economic Contribution of Nonresident Travel Spending in Montana Travel Regions, Kara Grau
2020 Friends of The University of Montana Herbarium Newsletter, Peter Lesica
2020 LGBTQ+ Specific Substance Use Services Survey: A Study on the Availability and Perceived Helpfulness of Treatment Programs, Chonghui (Gabriella) Ji
2020 LGBTQ Specific Substance Use Service Survey: A Study on the Availability and Perceived Helpfulness of Treatment Programs, Chonghui (Gabriella) Ji
2020 Nonresident Visitation, Expenditures & Economic Impact Estimates, Kara Grau
2020 #realcollege Survey School Report, Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice at Temple University
AAST 141H.01: Black - From Africa to Hip-Hop, Tobin Miller Shearer
AAST 141HX.50B: Black - From Africa to Hip-Hop, Tobin Miller Shearer
AAST 250.50: Human Rights and Mass Incarceration, Alhaji Conteh
AAST 310.50: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Tobin Miller Shearer
AAST 491.50J: Special Topic - Dismantling Institutional Racism - From Theory to Practice, Tobin Miller Shearer
Aber Day Work List, 1920s, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Traditions Board
Aber Day Work List, 1923, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Traditions Board
Aber Day Work List, 1924, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Traditions Board
Aber Day Work List, 1925, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Traditions Board
Aber Day Work List, 1926, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Traditions Board
Aber Day Work List, 1927, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Traditions Board
Aber Day Work List, 1928, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Traditions Board
Aber Day Work List, 1929, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Traditions Board
Aber Day Work List, 1930, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Traditions Board
Aber Day Work List, 1931, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Traditions Board
Aber Day Work List, 1932, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Traditions Board
Aber Day Work List, 1933, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Traditions Board
Aber Day Work List, 1935, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Traditions Board
Aber Day Work List, 1939, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Traditions Board
Aber Day Work List, 1945, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Traditions Board
Aber Day Work List, 1946, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Traditions Board
Abraham Lincoln, 1921, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Abuela, Nikki Zambon
Accent on Youth, 1939, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Accessibility of Police Officer Conduct Records in Montana and Policy Solutions to Move Toward Transparency, Sophia Speckert, Isabelle Lyon, Gillian Oneil, and John Bazant
Accessing the Crazy Mountains with MTFP's Amanda Eggert, Justin W. Angle
ACCT 201.01: Financial Accounting, Joseph A. Weber
ACCT 201.01: Financial Accounting, Joshua Herbold
ACCT 202.01: Managerial Accounting, Barbara Reider
ACCT 311.01: Intermediate Accounting I, Barbara Chaney
ACCT 675.01: Contemporary Accounting Problems, Unknown
A Century of Island Queens, 1960, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
A Collection of Moments, Sophia Reichelt
A Conversation with Dr. Annie Belcourt (Otter Woman) on PTSD Research & Trauma Recovery, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
A Conversation with Dr. Erica Woodahl on Pharmacogenomics, Returning to Missoula, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
A Conversation with Dr. Justin Angle on Getting Your Academic Reps In, Bond Trading, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
A Conversation with Dr. Ke Wu on Ascending the Heron Tower and Humanizing Mathematics, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
A Conversation with Dr. Mark Hebblewhite on sublime landscapes, hard-win victories, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
A Conversation with Dr. Rachel Severson on Personified Technology and Singing Lilies, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
A Conversation with Nadia White on Journalism, Story as a Guide, and Luxuriating in Words, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
A Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) in Soccer Analytics, Russell E. Goodman and Katelin Valster
Activating Hope: How Functional Support Can Improve Hope in Unemployed Individuals, Rylee P. Walter
Adding Quantities to Quantifiers: Measuring Frequency of Code Switching, Sonya Trawick and Dora LaCasse
Addressing Concerns in Linguistics and Pedagogy Through Collaboration, Mizuki Miyashita, Naatosi Fish, Min Chen, and James Randall
A Deep Learning Approach to Mapping Irrigation: U-Net IrrMapper, Thomas Henry Colligan IV
Administrators of Democracy: Implementing & Innovating in Election Administration, Christina Barsky
Admissions & Bitterroot, Jesse Thomas Nee-Vogelman
Adobe Sugar, Liana Espey Woodward
A dual-chamber method for quantifying the effects of atmospheric perturbations on secondary organic aerosol formation from biomass burning emissions, Daniel S. Tkacik, Ellis S. Robinson, Adam Ahern, Rawad Saleh, Chelsea Stockwell, Patrick Veres, Isobel J. Simpson, Simone Meinardi, Donald R. Blake, Robert J. Yokelson, Albert A. Presto, Ryan C. Sullivan, Neil M. Donahue, and Allen L. Robinson
Aerobic fitness predicts tibial bone loads during field exercises with moderate load carriage, Marin Plemmons
Aerosol Mass and Optical Properties, Smoke Influence on O3, and High NO3 Production Rates in a Western U.S. City Impacted by Wildfires, Vanessa Selimovic, Robert J. Yokelson, Gavin R. McMeeking, and Sarah Coefield
Aerosol optical properties and trace gas emissions by PAX and OP-FTIR for laboratory-simulated western US wildfires during FIREX, Vanessa Selimovic, Robert J. Yokelson, Carsten Warneke, James M. Roberts, Joost De Gouw, James Reardon, and David W.T. Griffith
African-American Women in Montana, Molly Putnam
After the Fall, 1967, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1965-1994). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Agency and criticality in statistics teaching practices: the account of a teacher, Celi Espasandin Lopes and Nathalia Tornisiello Scarlassari
Agricultural fires in the southeastern U.S. during SEAC4RS: Emissions of trace gases and particles and evolution of ozone, reactive nitrogen, and organic aerosol, Xiaoxi Liu, Y. Zhang, L. G. Huey, R. J. Yokelson, Y. Wang, J. L. Jimenez, P. Campuzano-Jost, A. J. Beyersdorf, D. R. Blake, Y. Choi, J. M. St. Clair, J. D. Crounse, D. A. Day, G. S. Diskin, A. ried, S. R. Hall, T. F. Hanisco, L. E. King, S. Meinardi, T. Mikoviny, B. B. Palm, J. Peischl, A. E. Perring, I. B. Pollack, T. B. Ryerson, G. Sachse, J. P. Schwarz, I. J. Simpson, D. J. Tanner, K. L. Thornhil, K. Ullmann, R. J. Weber, and P. O. Wennberg
A hand-held, photogrammetric, approach to riparian and stream assessment and monitoring, Joseph Dehnert
Airborne measurements of western U.S. wildfire emissions: Comparison with prescribed burning and air quality implications, Xiaoxi Liu, L. Gregory Huey, Robert J. Yokelson, Vanessa Selimovic, Isobel J. Simpson, Markus Müller, Jose L. Jimenez, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Andreas J. Beyersdorf, Donald R. Blake, Zachary Butterfield, Yonghoon Choi, John D. Crounse, Douglas A. Day, Glenn S. Diskin, Manvendra K. Dubey, Edward Fortner, Thomas F. Hanisco, Weiwei Hu, Laura E. King, Lawrence Kleinman, Simone Meinardi, Tomas Mikoviny, Timothy B. Onasch, Brett B. Palm, Jeff Peischl, Ilana B. Pollack, Thomas B. Ryerson, Glen W. Sachse, Arthur J. Sedlacek, John E. Shilling, Stephen Springston, and Jason M. St. Clair
A Land Use Study of the Bob Marshall Wilderness Area of Montana, Lawrence C. Merriam Jr.
A Large Flock of Small Birds: Essays, Rebecca Hanna Jacobson
Albert Seligmann Interview, circa 2000, Albert Seligmann
Alex Dreussi, Law (J.D.) & Public Administration (M.P.A.) on Ethics & Corruption, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, 1955, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Alice in Wonderland, 1949, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Alice Sit-by-the-Fire, 1922, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Allison Cutuli on Resilient Communities and Mutual Aid Networks in the Time of COVID, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
All My Sons, 1948, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
All the King's Men, 1960, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
A Look at the National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age in the Mathematics Education Context, Carlos Roberto Vianna, Elenilton Vieira Godoy, and Emerson Rolkouski
A Mathematics Pipeline to Student Success in Data Analytics through Course-Based Undergraduate Research, Kristin P. Bennett, John S. Erickson, Amy Svirsky, and Josephine C. Seddon
Ambient air quality in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, during the pre-monsoon: Concentrations and sources of particulate matter and trace gases, Md Robiul Islam, Thilina Jayarathne, Isobel J. Simpson, Benjamin Werden, John Maben, Ashley Gilbert, Puppala S. Praveen, Sagar Adhikari, Arnico K. Panday, Maheswar Rupakheti, Donald R. Blake, Robert J. Yokelson, Peter F. Decarlo, William C. Keene, and Elizabeth A. Stone
America at a glance: 5310 & 5311 Transportation Funding in Rural Counties, University of Montana Rural Institute
America at a glance: COVID-19 vaccination among people with disabilities, University of Montana Rural Institute
A Midwest Migration with Endangered Whooping Cranes, Katherine Anne Hill
Amphitryon 38, 1954, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Amy Allison Thompson leads the Poverello Center, Justin W. Angle
Amy Scherer Interview, October 17, 2019, Amy Scherer
Anaconda, Montana: From Smelting to Superfund, Megan Moore
Analysis of motility in multicellular Chlamydomonas reinhardtii evolved under predation, Margrethe Boyd, Frank Rosenzweig, and Matthew D. Herron
Analyzing Interactions among Migratory Elk and Semi-permeable Fences amongst a Highly Fragmented Landscape on the Blackfeet Reservation, Landon J. Magee
Analyzing Interactions among Migratory Elk and Semi-permeable Fences on the Blackfeet Reservation, Landon Magee
Analyzing the multipath of GPS time series to study snow properties, Ashlesha Khatiwada
Analyzing the multipath of GPS time series to study snow properties, Ashlesha Khatiwada
Anatomy students perceptions towards the transition to online due to COVID 19., Drake C. Leonard
Andrew "Andy" Cohen Interview, September 16, 2019, Andrew Cohen
Androcles and the Lion; The Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden, 1952, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
An Exploration of Ethnobotanically Significant Plants to the Native American Tribes of Montana, Margaret I. Magee
An Exploration of Ethnobotanically Significant Plants to the Native American Tribes of Montana, Margaret Magee
An Exploration of Nonpublic Educational Facilities in the Pacific Northwest, Ana L. Crites
An Exploration of the Adaptive Capacity of Community-Based Organizations in Northern Botswana in Response to a Hunting Ban, Katherine Kellam Coe
Angel Street, 1956, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
An Inclusive Future: Creating Interest, Diversity and Inclusion in Archaeology through Children’s Literature, Erin D. Rosenkrance
An Investigation Into the Natural Mineral Lick at Lick Creek, Toby Dunn
An Ironist, Caelan Cummings
An Italian Straw Hat, 1968, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1965-1994). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Anne and Maureen Mansfield at home in Chevy Chase, Maryland, Creator Unknown
Anne and Maureen Mansfield at home in Chevy Chase, Maryland, Creator Unknown
Anne and Maureen saying goodbye to Mike Mansfield before a trip, Creator Unknown
Anne, Mike, and Maureen Mansfield, Creator Unknown
Annual Financial Report, 1917-1918, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.)
Annual Financial Report, 1918-1919, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.)
Annual Financial Report, 1919-1920, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.)
Annual Financial Report 2005, University of Montana--Missoula
Annual Financial Report 2006, University of Montana--Missoula
Annual Financial Report 2007, University of Montana--Missoula
Annual Financial Report 2009, University of Montana--Missoula
Annual Financial Report 2010, University of Montana--Missoula
Annual Financial Report 2011, University of Montana--Missoula
Annual Financial Report 2012, University of Montana--Missoula
ANTH 314.01: Principles of Forensic Anthropology, Randall Skelton
ANTH 511.01: Seminar in Physical Anthropology - Ancient Migrations Seminar, Unknown
Antigone, 1950, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Anti-Racism Auditing and Community Change Initiatives to Address Racial Inequities in Missoula, Jenna McCrorie and Kale Kreitinger
ANTY 101H.02: Anthropology and the Human Experience, Ashley E. Hampton and David Garrett Kerr
ANTY 122S.01: Race and Minorities, Gregory R. Campbell
ANTY 122S.BH1: Race and Minorities, Jamie L. Ogden
ANTY 210N.01: Introduction to Physical Anthropology, Randall Royce Skelton
ANTY 213N.00: Introduction to Physical Anthropology Lab, Keith Biddle
ANTY 250S.50: Introduction to Archaeology (Online), John E. Douglas
ANTY 310.01: Human Variation, Meradeth H. Snow
ANTY 312.50: Human Evolution (Online), Randall Royce Skelton
ANTY 314.01: Principles of Forensic Anthropology, Randall Royce Skelton
ANTY 351H.50: Archaeology of North America (Online), John E. Douglas
ANTY 430.01: Social Anthropology, G.G. Weix
ANTY 430.50: Social Anthropology (Online), G.G. Weix
ANTY 454.01: Lithic Technology, Anna M. Prentiss
ANTY 466.01: Archaeology Survey, Kelly J. Dixon and Nikki Marie Manning
ANTY 491.01: Special Topics - Archaeology and Social Justice, Nikki Marie Manning and Kelly J. Dixon
ANTY 500.01: Contemporary Anthropological Thought, G.G. Weix
ANTY 510.01: Seminar in Human Variation and Evolution, Meradeth H. Snow
ANTY 515.01: Theory and Methods in Biological Anthropology, Randall Royce Skelton
ANTY 595.02: Special Topics - Issues in Arctic Cultural Heritage, Anna M. Prentiss
ANTY 595.03: Special Topics - Forensic Casework, Katherine Scot Baca
ANTY 600.01: Issues in Cultural Heritage, Gregory Ray Campbell
A Personal History of Invasive Hands and Endangered Lovers, Samuel Paul Boudreau
Aphasia VR, Kristina D. Mahagamage
A Population Analysis of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bears, John J. Craighead, Joel R. Varney, and Frank C. Craighead Jr.
Appealing Unpeeled: The layers of meaning of lemons as portrayed in Dutch Golden Age Paintings, Amanda M. Barr
Applied Mathematics Laboratory: A Course-Based Research Internship, Mathew Gluck and Alexei Kolesnikov
April 2021 news releases, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
A Profile of Lumber Marketing in Western Montana, Kent T. Adair
Are English Speakers “Deaf” to Serbian Lexical Pitch Accent Contrasts?, Dušan Nikolić
Are robots morally culpable? The role of intentionality and anthropomorphism, Sarah Sweezy and Shailee Woodard
A Review and Evaluation of Techniques for Improved Feature Detection in Mass Spectrometry Data, Annika R. Tostengard and Rob Smith
Arnold (Arnie) Bolle, Richard W. Behan
Arnold (Arnie) Bolle, Richard W. Behan
Arnold (Arnie) Bolle, Richard W. Behan
Arnold Bolle and Gifford Pinchot II, Richard W. Behan
ART 125A.02: Color and Design, Kevin Bell
ART 395.01: Special Topics - Sculpture Casting, Bradley D. Allen
ARTH 150H.50: Introduction to Art History, Valerie L. Hedquist
ARTH 250L.01: Introduction to Art Criticism, Valerie L. Hedquist
ARTH 333H.01: Architectural History I, Michael Trevor Monsos
ARTH 440.01: 20th Century Art, Valerie L. Hedquist
ARTH 503.01: Critical Theories in the Visual Arts I, Hipolito Rafael Chacon
ARTH 533.01: Graduate Architectural History I, Michael Trevor Monsos
Arts Calendar, Fall-Winter 2000, University of Montana--Missoula. School of Fine Arts
Arts Calendar, Fall-Winter 2001, University of Montana--Missoula. School of Fine Arts
Arts Calendar, Fall-Winter 2002, University of Montana--Missoula. School of Fine Arts
Arts Calendar, Fall-Winter 2004, University of Montana--Missoula. School of Fine Arts
Arts Calendar, Winter-Spring 2000, University of Montana--Missoula. School of Fine Arts
Arts Calendar, Winter-Spring 2001, University of Montana--Missoula. School of Fine Arts
Arts Calendar, Winter-Spring 2002, University of Montana--Missoula. School of Fine Arts
Arts Calendar, Winter-Spring 2003, University of Montana--Missoula. School of Fine Arts
Arts Calendar, Winter-Spring 2005, University of Montana--Missoula. School of Fine Arts
ARTZ 105A.01: Visual Language - Drawing, Jason Elliott Clark
ARTZ 105A.02: Visual Language - Drawing, Karl Yonner Schwiesow
ARTZ 105A.03: Visual Language - Drawing, Erica Renee Hitzman
ARTZ 105A.04: Visual Language - Drawing, Karl Yonner Schwiesow
ARTZ 105A.05: Visual Language - Drawing, Steven Michael Krutek
ARTZ 105A.50: Visual Language - Drawing, Steven Michael Krutek
ARTZ 108A.50: Visual Language - 3-D Foundations, Shannon Crystal Webb
ARTZ 131A.01: Ceramics for Non-Majors, Drake Michael Gerber
ARTZ 131A.02: Ceramics for Non-Majors, Julia M. Galloway
ARTZ 194.01: Seminar - First Year, Karl Yonner Schwiesow
ARTZ 211A.01: Drawing I - Figure, Sarah Ann Jones
ARTZ 214.50: Illustration, Nikolyn Gloria Garner
ARTZ 221A.01: Painting I, Jennifer K. Combe
ARTZ 221A.02: Painting I, Eric Jensen
ARTZ 231A.01: Ceramics I, Trey W. Hill
ARTZ 251A.01: Sculpture I, Karl Yonner Schwiesow
ARTZ 271A.01: Printmaking, James Bailey
ARTZ 271A.02: Printmaking I - Introduction to Screenprint, James Bailey
ARTZ 284A.01: Photography I - Technologies and Processes, Matthew Michael Hamon
ARTZ 284A.50: Photography I - Technologies and Processes, Matthew Michael Hamon
ARTZ 302A.01: Foundations of Visual Art Education, Steven Michael Krutek
ARTZ 302A.02: Foundations of Visual Art Education, Jennifer K. Combe
ARTZ 311.01: Drawing II, Sarah Ann Jones
ARTZ 311.50: Drawing II, Sarah Ann Jones
ARTZ 314A.01: Environmental Drawing, Steven Michael Krutek
ARTZ 321.01: Painting II - Contemporary Themes, Kevin J. Bell
ARTZ 331.01: Ceramics II - Handbuilding, Trey W. Hill
ARTZ 331.02: Ceramics II - Wheel Throwing, Julia M. Galloway
ARTZ 351.02: Sculpture II, Trey W. Hill
ARTZ 371.01: Printmaking II - Advanced Relief, James Bailey
ARTZ 385.01: The Art of Digital Photography, Matthew Michael Hamon
ARTZ 391.01: Special Topics - Digital Drawing, Sarah Ann Jones
ARTZ 494.01: Seminar - Professional Practices, Sarah Ann Jones
ARTZ 501.01: Graduate Critique Seminar, Jennifer K. Combe
ARTZ 507.01: Beyond Art School, Julia M. Galloway
A Seraph Intercedes, 1956, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
A Silent Struggle: Eating Disorders in College, Grace P. Olechowski
"A Splendid Investment": Black Colonization and America's Pacific Empire, 1898-1904, Jolie Colette Scribner
Assessing Effectiveness of Using a Moist Heat Pack Prior to Single Leg Vertical Jump Performance, TediJo Todd, Sola Yeager, and Katlyn Norton
Assessing Food Insecurity in Student Veterans, Gabrielle Alissa Norconk
Assessing Shrimp Farm Activity in the Gulf of California and Modeling Potential for Restoration, Miles Scheuering
Assessing the Prevalence of Food Insecurity in College Student Veterans, Gabrielle A. Norconk
Assessing the role of time and beavers in driving recovery following restoration, Shawnalee M. Voyles, Daylen Egger, and Kory Shoja-Chaghorvand
A Statement of Needs, 1957 to 1970, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Office of the President
A Stick for a Crib: A digital story inspired by the Northern Cheyenne culture, Chloe Erin Ortega
ASTR 131N.01: Planetary Astronomy, Mark Andrew Reiser
ASTR 134N.01: Planetary Astronomy Lab, Mark Andrew Reiser
ASTR 363.01: Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics I, Nathan T. McCrady
A Study and Application of Nature and Empathy Based Environmental Education, Lia Volpa
A Technologically Enhanced Introduction to Creative Writing --Instructional Unit Plan, Evangeline Campbell
A Time Study of Shearing Wild Stands of Douglas-fir Christmas Trees, William H. Covey
A tribute in honor of Ubiratan D’Ambrósio’s life and legacy, Jonei Cerqueira Barbosa
Attribution of Soil Surface Temperature Sensitivity to Hydro-climatic Drivers, Sarah Khalid and Marco Maneta
Audio Recording with Dr. Robert E. Eagle, circa 1972, Robert E. Eagle `
August 2021 news releases, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Autumn Morning, Cass Sissel
A Welcome Conclusion, Clara McRae
A wolf in fox’s clothing? Using stable isotopes to quantify ecological replacement, Tyler James Clark
BADM 257.01: Business Law, Jerry Furniss and Jack K. Morton
BADM 495.01: Special Topics - Montana Business Development Seminar, Clyde Neu and Gerald Evans
Bahá'u'lláh and the God of Avicenna, Joshua Hall
Bahr v. Regan, Aspen B. Ward
Bahr v. Regan, Aspen B. Ward
Barefoot in the Park, 1970, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1965-1994). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Bark Residues: A Model Study for Quantitative Determination, John P. Krier and Bryan H. River
BCH 380.00: Fundamentals of Biochemistry, Kent D. Sugden
BCH 480.01: Advanced Biochemistry I, Bruce E. Bowler
BCH 480.B01: Advanced Biochemistry I, J. Lodmell
BCH 547.01: Experimental Molecular, Cellular, and Chemical Biology, Brent J. Ryckman
BCH 547.01: Experimental Molecular, Cellular, and Chemical Biology, Brent Jay Ryckman
BCH 561.01: RNA Structure and Function, John Stephen Lodmell and Jean-Marc Lanchy
BCH 561.B01: RNA Structure and Function, J. Lodmell and Jean-Marc Lanchy
BCH 584.01: Nucleic Acids, John Stephen Lodmell
BCH 694.01: Biochemistry and Biophysics Seminar, Brent Jay Ryckman
Bear Paw Patch, University of Montana--Missoula.
Beauty and the Beast, 1964, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Be Creative Now: Seeking Creativity, Sam Kulla
Being the Beaver- a Dive into Beaver Mimicry and Nutrient Cycling, Kenna O. Karjala
Bell, Book and Candle, 1953, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Below the Line: Misrepresented Sources in the Rosenhan Hoax, Stewart Justman
Ben Harada Interview, July 9, 1998, Ben Harada
Benthic Invertebrate Paleontology of the late Mississippian (Serpukhovian) Bear Gulch Limestone, Central Montana, Amy Elizabeth Singer
Beside| |Between, Brooke J. Armstrong
Bidirectional Cross-Linguistic Influence and Language Dominance: The Case of Preverbal Indefinites in Cantonese-English Bilingual Children, Hannah Bou-Lai Lam
Biennial Budget Request, 1967-1969, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Office of the President
Biennial Budget Request, 1969-1971, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Office of the President
Biennial Budget Request, 1971-1973, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Office of the President
Biennial Budget Request, 1973-1975, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Office of the President
Big, Open Dusty World, Lindsey Gallagher
Binegative Minority Stress, Psychological Processes, and Disordered Alcohol Use: Disparities Among Sexual Minority Womxn, Kinsie Jean Dunham
Binegativity and Depression: Examining Alcohol Use Among Nonexclusively-Oriented Womxn, Kaylee Mae Kronsperger
Binegativity and Depression: Examining Alcohol Use Among Nonexclusively-Oriented Womxn, Kaylee M. Kronsperger
BIOB 101N.00: Discover Biology, Andrea Theresa Green
BIOB 101N.50: Discover Biology, Andrea T. Green
BIOB 101N.50: Discover Biology, Andrea T. Green
BIOB 101N.51: Discover Biology, Andrea T. Green
BIOB 101N.B00: Discover Biology, Andrea T. Green
BIOB 160N.00: Principles of Living Systems, H. Arthur Woods, Scott Miller, and Brandon Cooper
BIOB 160N.01: Principles of Living Systems, Art Woods and Brandon S. Cooper
BIOB 160N.02C: Principles of Living Systems, Jennifer A. Corbin
BIOB 160N.50B: Principles of Living Systems, Laurie A. Minns
BIOB 161.50B: Principles of Living Systems Lab, Laurie A. Minns
BIOB 161N.51B: Principles of Living Systems Lab, Laurie A. Minns
BIOB 170N.01D: Principles of Biological Diversity, Gregory D. Peters
BIOB 171N.01D: Principles of Biological Diversity Lab, Gregory D. Peters
BIOB 260.00: Cellular and Molecular Biology, Mark Lindsay Grimes and James David Driver
BIOB 260.01B: Cellular and Molecular Biology, Laurie A. Minns
BIOB 260.02B: Cellular and Molecular Biology, James D. Driver
BIOB 260.R00: Cellular and Molecular Biology, Scott Samuels and Mark L. Grimes
BIOB 301.01: Developmental Biology, Ekaterina Voronina
BIOB 301.R01: Biology of Development, Ekaterina Voronina
BIOB 410.01: Immunology, Scott A. Wetzel
BIOB 410.B01: Immunology, Scott A. Wetzel
BIOB 411.01: Immunology Laboratory, Scott A. Wetzel
BIOB 411.01: Immunology Laboratory, Scott A. Wetzel
BIOB 486.01: Genomics, Jeffrey M. Good
BIOB 486.B01: Genomics, Jeffrey M. Good
BIOB 505.B01: OBE Core Course - Graduate Ecology and Evolution Core, Jeffrey M. Good, John L. Maron, and Bret W. Tobalske
BIOB 506.01: OBE Core Course, Winsor Hayes Lowe, Jeffrey M. Good, and Bret William Tobalske
BIOB 524.01: Physiological Plant Ecology, Anna Sala
BIOB 547.01: Experimental Molecular, Cellular, and Chemical Biology, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOB 547.01: Experimental Molecular, Cellular, and Chemical Biology, Brent Jay Ryckman
BIOB 594.R04: Seminar in Biology, Jim Elser, Matt Church, Brian Hand, Yang Kuang, Irakli Loladze, and Puni Jeyasingh
BIOE 370.01: General Ecology, William J. Roach
BIOE 370.R01: General Ecology, Robert Ogden Hall
BIOE 371.00: General Ecology Lab, Holly Reading Jackson
BIOE 371.R00: General Ecology Laboratory, H. Maurice Valett, Holly Jackson, Scott Waller, Cole Wolf, Sarah Twoteeth, and Scott Debnam
BIOE 403.01: Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Bret William Tobalske
BIOE 403.02: Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Erin Keller and Hila Tzipora Chase
BIOE 406.01: Behavior and Evolution, Douglas J. Emlen
BIOE 409.00: Behavior and Evolution Discussion, Douglas J. Emlen
BIOH 112.01: Human Form and Function I, Andrea Theresa Green
BIOH 112.R01: Human Form and Function, Katie M. Holick
BIOH 280.01: Molecules to Mind - Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Katie M. Holick and Michael Kavanaugh
BIOH 365.01: Human Anatomy and Physiology for Human Professions I, Bret William Tobalske
BIOH 365.R01: Human Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professions I, Laurie A. Minns
BIOH 366.01: Human Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professions I Laboratory, Victoria Gifford and Syd Ladas
BIOH 405.01: Hematology, Pamela K. Shaw
BIOH 405.01: Hematology, Denise P. Higgins
BIOH 441.01: CNS Diseases, Sarah J. Certel
BIOH 458.01: Neuroscience Research Techniques, Sarah J. Certel, Kasper Hansen, and Jesse C. Hay
BIOH 461.80: Tutoring Human Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professions I - Honors, Laurie A. Minns
BIOH 480.80: Teaching Anatomy and Physiology I, Victoria Lee Gifford
BIOH 480.80: Teaching Anatomy and Physiology I (Honors), Audrey Vail Broffman and Carley R. Carpenter
Biological Station Summer Session, 1899, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1893-1913) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1900, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1893-1913) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1901, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1893-1913) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1902, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1893-1913) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1903, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1893-1913) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1904, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1893-1913) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1905, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1893-1913) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1906, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1893-1913) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1907, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1893-1913) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1913, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1893-1913) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1916, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1916 (brochure), State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1917, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1918, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1919, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1921, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1948, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1949, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1950, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1951, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1952, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1953, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1954, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1955, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1956, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1957, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1958, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1959, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1960, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1961, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1962, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1963, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1964, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1965, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1966, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1967, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1968, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1969, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1970, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1971, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1972, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1973, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
Biological Station Summer Session, 1974, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994) and Flathead Lake Biological Station
BIOM 227.01: Vectors and Parasites, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOM 227.01: Vectors and Parasites, Brent Jay Ryckman
BIOM 250N.01D: Microbiology for Health Sciences, James Michael Battisti
BIOM 360.01E: General Microbiology, James Michael Battisti
BIOM 360.01: General Microbiology, Michael F. Minnick
BIOM 361.00: General Microbiology Lab, Michael F. Minnick
BIOM 427.01: General Parasitology, James David Driver
BIOM 427.B01: General Parasitology, James D. Driver
BIOM 428.01: General Parasitology Laboratory, James D. Driver
BIOM 428.01: General Parasitology Laboratory, James David Driver
BIOM 450.01: Microbial Physiology, Patrick Robert Secor
BIOM 451.01: Microbial Physiology Lab, Patrick Robert Secor
BIOM 494.01: Professional Seminar, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOM 594.01: Professional Seminar, Brent J. Ryckman
BIOM 594.01: Professional Seminar, Brent Jay Ryckman
BIOO 320.01: General Botany, Larry Hufford
BIOO 320.B01: General Botany, Marilyn Marler
BIOO 335.01B: Rocky Mountain Flora, Gregory D. Peters
BIOO 340.00: Biology and Management of Fishes, Lisa A. Eby
BIOO 340.B00: Biology and Management of Fishes, Lisa Eby
BIOO 475.00: Mammalogy, Jedediah Brodie
BIOO 475.00: Mammalogy, Jedediah Farrell Brodie
BIOO 475.01: Mammalogy Lab, Jedediah Farrell Brodie and Angela Hornsby
BIOO 475.02: Mammalogy Lab, Jedediah Farrell Brodie and Angela Hornsby
BIOO 475.03: Mammalogy Lab, Jedediah Farrell Brodie and Angela Hornsby
BIOO 475.04: Mammalogy Lab, Jedediah Farrell Brodie and Angela Hornsby
Bitterroot, Bitter History: Heritage Along the Nez Perce National Historic Trail, Emory Chandler Padgett
Blithe Spirit, 1956, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Blocking a specific ion channel reduces inflammation in lung cells, Becky Kendall
Blood Wedding, 1963, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Blue Bathtub on 9th Street, Elizabeth Hewey
BMED 324.01: Medicinal Plants, Rustem S. Medora
BMED 341.01: Physiological Systems I, Elizabeth A. Putnam, Jerry R. Smith, Mark Pershouse, Diana Lurie, Darrell Jackson, Douglas Coffin, and Lilian Calderón-Garcidueñas
BMED 395.01: Special Topics - Introductory Pharmacogenetics, Douglas Coffin
BMED 432.01: Biopharmaceutics / Pharmacokinetics, Erica L. Woodahl
BMED 443.01: Pharmacology and Toxicology, Howard Beall, Richard J. Bridges, Keith Parker, and mark pershouse
BMED 593.01: Current Research Literature, Elizabeth A. Putnam
BMED 641.01: Toxicology I - Principles of Toxicology, Andrij Holian
BMED 643.01: Cellular and Molecular Toxicology, Mark Pershouse
Bob Folkestad and Marj Folkestad Interview, January 22, 2021, Bob Folkestad and Marj Folkestad
Bob Giordano and Gene Schmitz see more bikes in Missoula, Justin W. Angle
Bob Swartout Interview, July 21, 1998, Bob Swartout
Bonus: Justin Angle speaks with the Confluence Podcast, Justin W. Angle
Boy Meets Girl, 1950, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Brain Cancer Caregivers Experience High Emotional Distress, Sunny Mathaun
Brendan Leonard is SEMI-RAD, Justin W. Angle
Brianna Ashley on Sleeping Under the Stars and Diversifying Outdoor Recreation Opportunities, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
Bridges to a New Era: A Report on the Past, Present, and Potential Future of Tribal Co-Managment on Federal Public Lands, Monte Mills and Martin Nie
Bringing a CURE into a Discrete Mathematics Course and Beyond, Lipika Deka, Peri Shereen, and Jeffrey Wand
Brothers On Three with Abe Streep, Justin W. Angle
Brush Made of Her Hair, Kate Heidlebaugh
Buck, Abigail Hogan
Buck Morigeau Interview, October 26, 2019, Buck Morigeau
Buffalo in the Mountains: Mapping Evidence of Historical Bison Prescence and Bison Hunting in Glacier National Park, Kyle Langley
Building Foundational Writing Skills: Designing a Second Grade Writing Curriculum, Sydney A. Roberts
Building Montana's First Firewise Demonstration Garden, Nathaniel Maxwell Miller, Melody Hollar, Zachary Garibay, William Stevens, and Maxwell Rebholz
Buttonnose, 1969, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1965-1994). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Bylaws of the Associated Students of the University of Montana as of December 14, 2021, University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Bylaws of the Associated Students of the University of Montana as of SB01-21/22 Resolution Creating an ASUM Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee, University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Campaign speech at Shelby, Montana, October 1952, Michael "Mike" J. Mansfield
Campaign speech to Democratic Convention in Yellowstone County, 1964, Michael "Mike" J. Mansfield and Roland Renne
Campus Rakings, 1921, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1923, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1924, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1926, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1927, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1928, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1929, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1930, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1931, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1932, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1933, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1937, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1938, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1939, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1940, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1941, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1942, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1943, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1944, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1945, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1946, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1947, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1948, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1949, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1950, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1951, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1952, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Campus Rakings, 1953, Theta Sigma Phi. Kappa chapter (University of Montana)
Captain Applejack, 1925, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Caregivers of GBM Need Support from Family and Friends, Dishanna Lynn Miller
Caregivers of GBM Patients Express High Financial Burden, Madison Rose Cutaia
Cases vs. Statistics: A Crux in the History of Medicine, Stewart Justman
Catherine, Mike, and Helen Mansfield as children, Creator Unknown
Cavalleria Rusticana; Pagliacci, 1965, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
CBS News' Meg Oliver has stories to tell, Justin W. Angle
Celebrating the Flow of Ideas: Confluence and the Story of Graduate Education, Ashby Kinch, Charles Bolte, and Jordan Unger
Centering Trauma-Informed Care in Montana’s Juvenile Justice System: Why It’s Challenging, and Why It’s Important, Amelia Hawes
Chandra Brown & The Freeflow Institute, Justin W. Angle
Chapter 1.3: 3-D Topo Surface Visualization of Acid-Base Species Distributions: Corner Buttes, Corner Pits, Curving Ridge Crests and Dilution Plains, Garon C. Smith and Md Mainul Hossain
Chapter 2.1: Visualization of Metal Ion Buffering Via 3-D Topo Surfaces of Complexometric Titrations, Garon C. Smith and Md Mainul Hossain
Chapter 2.2: 3-D Topo Surface Visualization of Metal Ion Anti-Buffering: An Unexpected Behavior in Metal–Ligand Complexation Systems, Garon C. Smith, Md Mainul Hossain, and Daniel D. Barry
Chapter 2.3: Natural Attenuation of Chromium and Manganese from a Bangladesh Tannery Effluent Via Humic Substance Complexation: Field, Laboratory and Modeling Studies, Ayesha Sharmin, Md Mainul Huda, Mahabub Islam, Md Mainul Hossain, Garon C. Smith, Sohidul Islam, Mohammad Moshiur Rahman, Mohammad Hossain Shahriare, Mohsin Kazi, and Mohammad Jakariya
Chapter 3.1: Visualization of the Nernst Equation Via 3-D Topo Surfaces: E⁰ Plateaus, Left-Hand Bluffs, Front Cliffs and Reaction Paths, Garon C. Smith and Md Mainul Hossain
Characteristic genome rearrangements in experimental evolution of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Maitreya J. Dunham, Hassan Badrane, Tracy Ferea, Julian Adams, Patrick O. Brown, Frank Rosenzweig, and David Botstein
Characterization of a catalyst-based conversion technique to measure total particulate nitrogen and organic carbon and comparison to a particle mass measurement instrument, Chelsea E. Stockwell, Agnieszka Kupc, Bartlomiej Witkowski, Ranajit K. Talukdar, Yong Liu, Vanessa Selimovic, Kyle J. Zarzana, Kanako Sekimoto, Carsten Warneke, Rebecca A. Washenfelder, Robert J. Yokelson, Ann M. Middlebrook, and James M. Roberts
Charanga: A Work for Solo Flute by Michael Colquhoun, Hailey Anne Rasmussen
Charlie Beaton Interview, October 17, 2019, Charlie Beaton
Chemical characterization of fine particulate matter emitted by peat fires in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, during the 2015 El Niño, Thilina Jayarathne, Chelsea E. Stockwell, Ashley A. Gilbert, Kaitlyn Daugherty, Mark A. Cochrane, Kevin C. Ryan, Erianto I. Putra, Bambang H. Saharjo, Ati D. Nurhayati, Israr Albar, Robert J. Yokelson, and Elizabeth A. Stone
Child and Family Tip Sheet: Building Skills Through Toys, University of Montana Rural Institute
Child and Family Tip Sheet: Communicating with Children, University of Montana Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities
Child and Family Tip Sheet: Communicating with Families, University of Montana Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities
Child and Family Tip Sheet: Create a Learning Environment, University of Montana Rural Institute
Child and Family Tip Sheet: Making Connections with Children, University of Montana Rural Institute
Childe Roland and I to the Library Came, Kristine Langley Mahler
Children's Understanding of Logical Connectives, Cheryl Iwanchuk and Dimitrios Skordos
CHIN 101.01: Elementary Chinese I, Cao Zhen
CHIN 101.01: Elementary Chinese I, Cao Zhen
CHIN 102.01: Elementary Chinese II, Cao Zhen
CHIN 201.01: Intermediate Chinese I, Cao Zhen
CHIN 201.01: Intermediate Chinese I, Cao Zhen
CHIN 202.01: Intermediate Chinese II, Cao Zhen
CHIN 313L.B01: Chinese Poetry in Translation, Cao Zhen
CHIN 380.01: Chinese Folktales, Cao Zhen
CHMY 104.00: Preparation for Chemistry, Lu Hu
CHMY 104.00: Preparation for Chemistry, Lu Hu
CHMY 121N.00: Introduction to General Chemistry, Kimberly A. Stanek
CHMY 122.00: Introduction to General Chemistry Lab, Kimberly A. Stanek
CHMY 123.00: Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry, Victoria Lee Gifford
CHMY 123.00: Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry, Brooke D. Martin
CHMY 141N.00: College Chemistry I, Mark Cracolice
CHMY 142N.00: College Chemistry Lab I, Mark Cracolice
CHMY 221.01: Organic Chemistry I, Nigel D. Priestley
CHMY 222.00: Organic Chemistry I Lab, Orion B. Berryman
CHMY 222.00: Organic Chemistry I Lab, Orion B. Berryman
CHMY 311.00: Analytical Chemistry - Quantitative Analysis, Christopher P. Palmer
CHMY 311.00: Analytical Chemistry - Quantitative Analysis, Royce C. Engstrom
CHMY 373.01: Physical Chemistry I - Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Xi Chu
CHMY 373.B01: Physical Chemistry 1 - Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Xi Chu
CHMY 397.01: Teaching Chemistry, Mark Cracolice
CHMY 401.01: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Dong Wang
CHMY 485.01: Laboratory Safety, Kent D. Sugden
CHMY 485.01: Laboratory Safety, Kent D. Sugden
CHMY 501.01: Teaching University Chemistry, Mark S. Cracolice
CHMY 544.01: Applied Spectroscopy, Michael D. DeGrandpre
CHMY 562.01: Organic Structure and Mechanism, Orion B. Berryman
CHMY 562.01: Organic Structure and Mechanism, Orion B. Berryman
CHMY 640.01: Introductory Graduate Chemistry Seminar, Michael D. DeGrandpre
CHMY 652.01: Original Research Proposal, Michael D. DeGrandpre
Chris Badgley Interview, November 21, 2019, John Chris Badgley
Christina Henderson on Montana's changing economy, Justin W. Angle
Chuck Johnson is the Dean of Montana politics, Justin W. Angle
C&I 200.01: Exploring Teaching Through Field Experience, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 200.01: Exploring Teaching Through Field Experiences, Heather C. Davis
C&I 200.02: Exploring Teaching Through Field Experience, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 200.02: Exploring Teaching Through Field Experience, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 200.03: Exploring Teaching Through Field Experience, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 200.03: Exploring Teaching Through Field Experiences, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 200.04: Exploring Teaching Through Field Experience, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 200.04: Exploring Teaching Through Field Experiences, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 200.05: Exploring Teaching Through Field Experience, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 287.01: Business Communication, Melinda M. Bollinger
C&I 300.01: Language Arts Field Experience Seminar, Melinda M. Bollinger
C&I 301.01: Professional Field Experience - Grades K-8, Collier Kaler
C&I 302.01: Professional Field Experience - Grades 9-12, Collier Kaler
C&I 303.01: Educational Psychology and Measurement, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 303.01: Educational Psychology and Measurement, Scott Richard Hohnstein
C&I 303.02: Educational Psychology and Measurement, Melinda M. Bollinger
C&I 303.30: Educational Psychology and Measurements, Scott Richard Hohnstein
C&I 306.01: Instructional Media, Sally Brewer
C&I 306.01: Instructional Media and Computer Applications, Georgia Cobbs
C&I 306.02: Instructional Media, Jeff Crews
C&I 306.04: Instructional Media, Sandra Williams
C&I 316.01: Children's Literature and Critical Reading, Rhea A. Ashmore
C&I 316.01: Children's Literature and Critical Reading, Raenelle Lees
C&I 318.01: Teaching Language P-8, Jan LaBonty
C&I 318W.01: Teaching Language Arts P-8, Jan LaBonty
C&I 341.01: Information Management and Design, Sandra Williams
C&I 400.00: Block Seminar, Scott R. Hohnstein
C&I 401.00: Integrated Methods - Field Experience, Scott R. Hohnstein
C&I 402.01: Teaching Mathematics K-8, Georgia Cobbs
C&I 402.01: Teaching Mathematics K-8, Georgia Cobbs
C&I 404.01: Teaching Science K-8, Lisa M. Blank
C&I 404.01: Teaching Science K-8, Lisa M. Blank
C&I 404.02: Teaching Science K-8, Jeff Crews
C&I 407E.01: Ethics and Policy Issues, Jean Luckowski
C&I 407E.01: Ethics and Policy Issues, Jean Luckowski
C&I 407E.02: Ethics and Policy Issues, Jean Luckowski
C&I 407E.02: Ethics and Policy Issues, Jean Luckowski
C&I 407E.03: Ethics and Policy Issues, Lisa M. Blank
C&I 407E.03: Ethics and Policy Issues, Lisa M. Blank
C&I 410.01: Exceptionality and Classroom Management, Ann N. Garfinkle
C&I 410.01: Exceptionality and Classroom Management, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 410.02: Exceptionality and Classroom Management, Ann N. Garfinkle
C&I 410.02: Exceptionality and Classroom Management, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 410.03: Exceptionality and Classroom Management, Philip Wittekiend
C&I 410.03: Exceptionality and Classroom Management, Trent Atkins
C&I 420.01: Assessment and Curriculum in Early Childhood Special Education, Stacia Jepson
C&I 428.01: Teaching Social Studies in the Middle and Secondary School, Jean Luckowski
C&I 429.01: Teaching Business Subjects, Sandra Williams
C&I 430.01: Teaching Mathematics in the Middle and Secondary School, David R. Erickson
C&I 433.01: Basic Diagnosis and Correction of Reading and Writing, Rhea A. Ashmore
C&I 444.01: Advanced Technology and Supervision, Sandra Williams
C&I 453.01: Introduction to Special Education Law and Policy, Trent Atkins
C&I 457.01: Assessment and Instruction for Exceptional Learners, Ann N. Garfinkle
C&I 459.01: Consulting and Resource Teacher, Trent Atkins
C&I 463.01: Advanced Classroom Management for Exceptional Learners, Ann N. Garfinkle
C&I 470.01: Young Adult Literature and Critical Reading, Jan LaBonty
C&I 480.01: Collection Development, Sally Brewer
C&I 483.80: Library Media Technical Process (Online), Sally Brewer
C&I 486.01: Statistical Procedures in Education, Merle J. Farrier
C&I 488.01: Libraries and Technology, Sally Brewer
C&I 504.01: History of American Education, Jean Luckowski
C&I 520.01: Educational Research, Trent Atkins
C&I 555.01: Workshop - Mentoring the Beginning Teacher, Susan Harper-Whalen
C&I 571.01: Planning, Preparing, and Assessing Educational Technology Media, Sally Brewer
C&I 594.50: Seminar II - Meeting the Specialized Needs of Children with Severe Disabilities from Diverse Cultural and Linguistic Backgrounds (Online), Ann N. Garfinkle
CJUS 125N.01: Fundamentals of Forensic Science, David Garrett Kerr and Haley Nicole O'Brien
Clarence, 1921, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Clark Fork Currents, April-May 1985, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
Clark Fork Currents, December 1984, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
Clark Fork Currents, February 1985, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
Clark Fork Currents, November 1984, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
Clark Fork Free Press, April 1982, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
Clark Fork Free Press, April 1983, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
Clark Fork Free Press, February 1983, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
Clark Fork Free Press, June 1982, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
Clark Fork Free Press, March 1982, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
Clark Fork Free Press, May 1982, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
Clark Fork Free Press, May 1983, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
Clark Fork Free Press, November 1981, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
Clark Fork Free Press, November 1982, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
Clark Fork Free Press, October 1981, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
Clark Fork Free Press, October 1982, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
CLAS 180H.01: Environment and Nature in the Classical World, Megan E. Bowen
CLAS 252L.01: Greek Drama - Politics on Stage Classics, Megan E. Bowen
Classifying Forest Land Based Upon Its Timber Management Investment Potential: A Case Study of the Lolo National Forest, James P. Merzenich
Classroom Language Socialization: Language acquisition, educator beliefs, and intercultural communicative competence, Rebekah M. Skoog
Claudia, 1955, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Climate Change in Greater Yellowstone with Cathy Whitlock and Steven Hostetler, Justin W. Angle
Closing Ceremony, Naatosi Fish
Cloud Shadows Over Blodgett, Lindsay Hause
Cobalt Blue, Connor W. Southard
Cock Robin, 1930, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Cocreating with Stakeholders Through Participatory Curriculum Development, University of Montana Rural Institute
Code of Ethics of the Associated Students of the University of Montana, University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Cognitive Reserve and Sex Differences in an Alzheimer's Disease Population, Emily Hicks, Genna Mashinchi, and Hannes Heppner
Collaboration on the Upper Clark Fork River: a case study from the Montana CREWS project, Michelle Terwilliger, Theresa M. Floyd, Libby C. Metcalf, and Jakki J. Mohr
Collaborative Language Planning Project: All Liaisons Meeting, Richard Littlebear, Mizuki Miyashita, and Susan Penfield
Collaborative Language Planning Project: Report 04: Winter 2020, Mizuki Miyashita, Susan Penfield, and Richard Littlebear
Collaborative Language Planning Project: Report 05: Summer 2021, Richard Littlebear, Mizuki Miyashita, Susan Penfield, and Madeleine Shek
Collage, Rebekah Jenkins
College success is for Foster Children too, Ashlyn M. Kincaid
Colter Feuerstein on Westslope Cutthroat Trout, Fin Clips, and Fisheries Management, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
Common Lower Extremity Injury Sites Among Service Members and Combat Sport Athletes: A Systematic Review, Luke Joseph McCarthy and Tyler Hansen
Communique, 2014, University of Montana--Missoula. School of Journalism
Communique, 2015, University of Montana--Missoula. School of Journalism
Communique, 2020, University of Montana--Missoula. School of Journalism
Communique, April 1955, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). School of Journalism
Communique, Autumn 1955, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). School of Journalism
Communique, Fall 1956, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). School of Journalism
Communique, February 1953, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). School of Journalism
Communique, February 1955, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). School of Journalism
Communique, May 1954, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). School of Journalism
Communique, November 1954, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). School of Journalism
Communique, Spring 1956, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). School of Journalism
Communique, Winter 1956, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). School of Journalism
Comparing Fence Modeling and Mapping Approaches to Support Wildlife Management and Research in Southwest Montana, Simon Albert Buzzard
Comparing Preliminary Telehealth Outcomes to In-Person Delivery of a Rehabilitation Program for Stroke Survivors with Aphasia, Kortney M. Sims and Claire Buehler
Comparing Skin temperature rewarming times between cold water immersion and crushed ice packs, Jason Ryan Nielsen and Nicholas Verlanic
COMX 111A.01: Introduction to Public Speaking, Rachelle K. Ginn
COMX 111A.02: Introduction to Public Speaking, Jeremy Thomas Miner
COMX 111A.04: Introduction to Public Speaking, Rachelle K. Ginn
COMX 111A.05: Introduction to Public Speaking, Katie Benson
COMX 111A.06: Introduction to Public Speaking, Marley Rose Merchen
COMX 111A.08: Introduction to Public Speaking, Elizabeth Margaret Sholey
COMX 111A.10: Introduction to Public Speaking, Tucker Jeffrey Wilson
COMX 111A.12: Introduction to Public Speaking, Mary Jeter
COMX 111A.13: Introduction to Public Speaking, Sheena Alyse Brown
COMX 111A.14: Introduction to Public Speaking, Elizabeth Margaret Sholey
COMX 111A.15: Introduction to Public Speaking, Sheena Alyse Brown
COMX 111A.50: Introduction to Public Speaking - Online, Margaret C. Brock
COMX 111A.50: Introduction to Public Speaking (Online), Margaret Conarroe Brock
COMX 111A.51: Introduction to Public Speaking (Online), Margaret Conarroe Brock
COMX 111A.80: Introduction to Public Speaking (Honors), Jeremy Thomas Miner
COMX 111A.B08: Introduction to Public Speaking, Rachelle K. Ginn
COMX 111A.B09: Introduction to Public Speaking, Miranda B. Henrich
COMX 111A.B13: Introduction to Public Speaking, Ashley M. Arsenault
COMX 111A.B14: Introduction to Public Speaking, Miranda B. Henrich
COMX 111A.B80: Introduction to Public Speaking - Honors, Elizabeth Sholey
COMX 202S.01: Nonverbal Communication, Stephen M. Yoshimura
COMX 204X.50: International and Development Communication, Phyllis Bo Yuen Ngai
COMX 220S.B01: Introduction to Organizational Communication, Gregory S. Larson
COMX 240H.01: Introduction to Rhetorical Theory, Sara E. Hayden
COMX 240H.50: Introduction to Rhetorical Theory - Online, Steven J. Schwarze
COMX 312.80: Forensics (Honors), Tucker Jeffrey Wilson and Joel O. Iverson
COMX 312.B80: Forensics - Honors, Joel O. Iverson
COMX 351.50: Principles of Public Relations, Megan K. O'Rourke
COMX 351.50: Principles of Public Relations (Online), Megan Kate O'Rourke
COMX 380.R01: Gender and Communication, Sara E. Hayden
COMX 391.50: Social Media for Strategic Communication - Online, Megan K. O'Rourke
COMX 412.50: Communication and Conflict, Christina M. Yoshimura
COMX 414.50: Communication in Personal Relationships, Christina M. Yoshimura
COMX 414.50: Communication in Personal Relationships, Christina Marie Yoshimura
COMX 415.50: Intercultural Communications - Online, Phyllis B. Ngai
COMX 424.01: Risk, Crisis, and Communication, Joel O. Iverson
COMX 424.B01: Risk, Crisis, and Communication, Joel O. Iverson
COMX 445.R01: Rhetorical Criticism and Theory, Sara E. Hayden
COMX 460.50: Research Methods (Online), Christina Marie Yoshimura
COMX 460.B01: Communication Research Methods, Stephen M. Yoshimura
COMX 461.B00: Communication Research Seminar Lab, Stephen M. Yoshimura
COMX 480.50: Health Communication - Online, Heather L. Voorhees
COMX 485.B01: Social Interaction and Human Well-Being, Stephen M. Yoshimura
COMX 491.01: Special Topics - Health and Family Communication, Heather L. Voorhees
COMX 491.02: Special Topics - Discourses of Motherhood, Sara E. Hayden
COMX 491.B01: "It Runs in the Family" - Health and Family, Heather L. Voorhees
COMX 520.01: Seminar in Organizational Communication, Gregory S. Larson
COMX 555.R01: Seminar in Rhetorical Criticism and Theory, Sara E. Hayden
COMX 591.01: Special Topics - Interpersonal Health Communication Seminar, Heather L. Voorhees
COMX 591.B01: Organizations and Communicating Community, Joel O. Iverson
Connections, 2020, University of Montana--Missoula. Mansfield Library
Connor Southard: Creative Writing (M.F.A.) on the "Religion" of Reading and Writing Fiction, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
Conrad Anker sees the climate changing, Justin W. Angle
Consequences of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plant drought responses and possible mechanisms, Kian G.M. Speck and Ylva Lekberg
Conservation Nonprofits and Communication of Values, Madeline Damon, Libby Metcalf, and John Chandler
Consolidated Financial Report 2003, University of Montana--Missoula
Constitution of the Associated Students of the University of Montana as of 1/27/21, University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Constitution of the Associated Students of the University of Montana as of October 20, 2021, University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Contributors' Notes, Back Cover
Contributors' Notes, Back Cover
Contributors' Notes, Back Cover
Contributors' Notes, Back Cover
Controls on the magnitude of bedrock recharge in two paired, snow-dominated watersheds, Kimberly Bolhuis
Coordination of Transboundary Marine Protected Areas in the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape, Lindsey Ellett
COP9 signalosome component CSN-5 promotes accumulation and function of stem cell regulators FBF-1 and FBF-2, Emily Osterli
Copyright & Memes: The Fight for Success Kid, Cathay Y. N. Smith and Stacey Lantagne
Copyright Silencing, Cathay Y. N. Smith
Correlating energetic neutral atom rates with solar wind pressure data to determine the scale of the heliosphere, Joseph Kelly
Costco Wholesale's Dominance in the Market, Elliot Andrew Johnson
Cough Desensitization Treatment: Randomized Control Trial Update, Jane Reynolds
Cover, Title Page, Staff List, Contents
Cover, Title Page, Staff List, Contents
Cover, Title Page, Staff List, Editors' Note, Contents
COVID-19’s Impact on Western Montana’s Food System Resiliency, Sis Gibson, Sydney Lang, Bella Butler, Lili Pongracz, Michael Martello, Trevor Finney, Liam Hauck, and Jared Gibbs
COVID-19 Team Based Learning In Cellular and Molecular Biology Enhances Student Engagement and Enthusiasm In Learning, Raegan B. Hauschildt
Cows at Ranch in South Hills, Alec Bartell
Creating a Work-Self Persona; Emotional Labor in the Gendered Occupation of Waitressing, Sara Razia Wozniak
Creating Educational Opportunities for Independent Living Through Participatory Curriculum Development: A Toolkit for Centers for Independent Living, University of Montana Rural Institute
Creating Strategies: Designing Lessons for the Elementary Classroom, Elizabeth A. Morphis
Crime and Punishment, 1955, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Crime and Punishment, 1962, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
CRWR 115L.01 - Montana Writers Live, Robert Stubblefield
CRWR 115L.01: Montana Writers Live, Robert S. Stubblefield
CRWR 210A.01: Introductory Fiction Workshop, Winthrop E. Knowlton
CRWR 211A.01: Introduction to Poetry Workshop, Katelyn Eva Garcia
CRWR 211A.02: Introduction to Poetry Workshop, Madeline Rose Tecmire
CRWR 211A.50C: Introduction to Poetry Workshop, Danielle Nicole Cooney
CRWR 212A.01: Introduction to Nonfiction Workshop, Mirela Music
CRWR 212A.50F: Introduction to Nonfiction Workshop, Kelly Renee Schirmann
CRWR 310.01: Intermediate Fiction Workshop, Robert Stubblefield
CRWR 310.01: Intermediate Fiction Workshop, Robert S. Stubblefield
CRWR 310.02: Intermediate Fiction Workshop, Boris Fishman
CRWR 311.01: Intermediate Poetry Workshop, Keetje Kuipers
CRWR 311.01: Intermediate Poetry Workshop, Keetje J. Kuipers
CRWR 312A.01: Intermediate Nonfiction Workshop, Robert Stubblefield
CRWR 312A.01: Intermediate Nonfiction Workshop, Christopher David Dombrowski
CRWR 410.01: Advanced Fiction Workshop, Boris Fishman
CRWR 410.01: Advanced Fiction Workshop, Emily Anne Ruskovich
CRWR 411.01: Advanced Poetry Workshop, Sean Hill
CRWR 510.01: Fiction Workshop, Boris Fishman
CRWR 511.01: Graduate Poetry Workshop, Keetje J. Kuipers
CRWR 511.01: Poetry Workshop, Keetje Kuipers
CRWR 512.01: Nonfiction Workshop, Judy Blunt
CRWR 512.01: Nonfiction Workshop, Judy J. Blunt
CRWR 514.01: Techniques of Modern Fiction, Boris Fishman
CRWR 595.01: Special Topic - After: Influences and imitations, Sean Hill
Crystal Wong Shors Interview, July 21, 1998, Crystal Shors
CSCI 105.H1: Computer Fluency, Jon Cole Swallow
CSCI 106.01: Careers in Computer Science, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 150.00: Introduction to Computer Science, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 150.B01: Introduction to Computer Science, Jeff James Arends
CSCI 151.00: Interdisciplinary Computer Science I, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 152.01: Interdisciplinary Computer Science II, Jesse V. Johnson, Oliver Serang, and Jake Pennington
CSCI 181.50: Web Design and Programming (Online), Yolanda M. Reimer
CSCI 232.00: Intermediate Data Structures and Algorithms, Douglas John Brinkerhoff
CSCI 240.01: Databases and SQL, Jeff James Arends
CSCI 291.01: Special Topics - Web Application Development, Patricia A. Duce
CSCI 315E.01: Computers, Ethics, and Society, Robert Smith and Cheyenne L. Laue
CSCI 426.01: Software Design and Development I, Yolanda M. Reimer
CSCI 444.01: Data Visualization, Jesse V. Johnson
CSCI 447.01: Machine Learning, Douglas John Brinkerhoff
CSCI 451.01: Computational Biology, Travis J. Wheeler and Robert Smith
CSCI 491.01: Software Optimization, Oliver Serang
CSCI 491.50: Special Topics - Database Security (Online), Michael Lawrence Martin
CSCI 547.01: Machine Learning, Douglas John Brinkerhoff
CSCI 558.01: Introduction to Bioinformatics, Travis J. Wheeler and Robert Smith
CSCI 591.01: Software Optimization, Oliver Serang
CSTN 120.B01: Carpentry Basics and Rough Framing, James M. Schafer
CSTN 122.B01: Beginning Carpentry Lab, Jared Walter Wilson and James M. Schafer
CSTN 171.B01: Site Work, Foundations, and Concrete, John R. Freer
CSTN 261.B01: Building Management, John R. Freer
CSTN 282.B01: Green Building Concepts and Design I, John R. Freer
CSTN 299.B01: Capstone - Carpentry Lab, Jared Walter Wilson
Cul-de-Sac, Riese Munoz
Culminating Presentation: Consideration of a social/emotional learning curriculum, Andy Staub
Cultural Expression Through Art, Natalie Martin, Madeline Damon, Lauren Sullivan, and George Finn
Culture Wars with Bryce Ward and Sara Rinfret, Justin W. Angle
Currents, April 1984, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
Currents, December 1983, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
Currents, February 1984, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Associate Students. Student Action Committee
Current Unrestricted Operating Budgets, Fiscal Year 1994, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of Administration and Finance
Current Unrestricted Operating Budgets, Fiscal Year 1996, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of Administration and Finance
Current Unrestricted Operating Budgets, Fiscal Year 1997, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of Administration and Finance
Current Unrestricted Operating Budgets, Fiscal Year 1998, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of Administration and Finance
Current Unrestricted Operating Budgets, Fiscal Year 1999, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of Administration and Finance
Current Unrestricted Operating Budgets, Fiscal Year 2000, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of Administration and Finance
Current Unrestricted Operating Budgets, Fiscal Year 2001, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of Administration and Finance
Current Unrestricted Operating Budgets, Fiscal Year 2002, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of Administration and Finance
Current Unrestricted Operating Budgets, Fiscal Year 2003, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of Administration and Finance
Curriculum-based Interventions: A Systematic Review of School-based SLPs' Service Delivery, Taylor Stoeger and Kaelyn Hanson
Curriculum Design with the End in Mind: Creating an Interdisciplinary Unit on Climate Change, Sydney Anne Roberts
Cuticular hydrocarbon profiles in a population of Taiwanese rhinoceros beetles, Devin J. Hunt, Chelsey N. Caldwell, Romain P. Boisseau, Patrick Krebs, and Douglas J. Emlen
Cyrano de Bergerac, 1957, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Damming Celilo Falls: Mourning a Miracle, Farryl Elisa Hunt
Damming Paradise: the struggle for wild rivers, good jobs, and public power in the Flathead Valley, Jacob T. Schmidt
Dating During COVID-19: Initiating and Negotiating Romantic Relationships, Maggie C. Brock, Ashley M. Arsenault, Sheena A. Brown, Jeremy T. Miner, and Elizabeth M. Sholey
Day's Last Light Over the Tetons, Lindsay Hause
Death of a Salesman, 1953, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
December 2020 news releases, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Deciphering the origin, evolution, and physiological function of the subtelomeric arylalcohol dehydrogenase gene family in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Dong Dong Yang, Gustavo M. de Billerbeck, Jin Jing Zhang, Frank Rosenzweig, and Jean Marie Francois
Decoupling Neoliberal Ideologies with American Governance and Civics, Henry J. DeLuca
Deer Resistance of Native Ornamental Plants in the Mountain West, Christine Martin
Deflated, But Hanging In There, Cass Sissel
De novo origins of multicellularity in response to predation, Matthew D. Herron, Joshua M. Borin, Jacob C. Boswell, Jillian Walker, I. Chen Kimberly Chen, Charles A. Knox, Margrethe Boyd, Frank Rosenzweig, and William C. Ratcliff
Destroying and Creating History: Butte, Montana’s Model City Program, 1968-1975, John C. Stefanek
Desulfosporosinus lacus sp. nov., a sulfate-reducing bacterium isolated from pristine freshwater lake sediments, S. Ramamoorthy, H. Sass, H. Langner, P. Schumann, R. M. Kroppenstedt, S. Spring, J. Overmann, and R. Frank Rosenzweig
Desulfovibrio idahonensis sp. nov., sulfatereducing bacteria isolated from a metal(loid)-contaminated freshwater sediment, H. Sass, S. Ramamoorthy, C. Yarwood, H. Langner, P. Schumann, R. M. Kroppenstedt, S. Spring, and R. Frank Rosenzweig
Detective Story, 1954, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Determinants of Positive Language Outcomes for Stroke Survivors with Aphasia who Participate in Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Programs, Kortney M. Sims
Determining the Scale of the Heliosphere Using IBEX and Solar Wind Data, Joseph D. Kelly
Developing the Label Avoidance Measure of Stigma: A preliminary psychometric review, Julia J. Cameron
Developing the Label Avoidance Measure of Stigma: A preliminary psychometric review, Julia J. Cameron
Development and Demand: Businesses and Organizations Through the Lens of Community Economic Development, Olivia S. Alexander-Leeder
Development of a Novel In-Situ Chemical Sampler for Aquatic Systems, Alec W. Johnson
Dick Shannon, Arnold Bolle, Hank Goetz, Richard W. Behan
Didactic Engineering (DE) and Professional Didactics (PD): A Proposal for Historical Eesearch in Brazil on Recurring Number Sequences, Francisco Regis Vieira Alves
Dierdre Wolownick is much more than Alex Honnold's mom, Justin W. Angle
Differential Diagnosis of Abnormal Muscle Gross Anatomy of a Male Cadaver, Audrey V. Broffman and Carley R. Carpenter
Differential Diagnosis of Abnormal Muscle Gross Anatomy of a Male Cadaver, Audrey V. Broffman and Carley R. Carpenter
Dillon Sarb on International Relations, Conflict and Government as a Way to Help People, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
Ding Kee Tam (Daniel P. Wong) Interview, July 27, 1998, Ding Kee Tam
Dinny and the Witches, 1967, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1965-1994). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Discussion of electrical power shortage in Montana and the Havre-Shelby power line, May 12, 1949, Michael "Mike" J. Mansfield and James E. Murray
Disentangling the impacts of multiple stressors in the Upper Clark Fork food webs, Rafael Feijo de Lima, B. Colman, W. Cross, T. Gold-Quiros, J. Ruiz-Sanchez, J. Shaw, H. Maurice Valett, D. White, and C. Witzowskey
Disposition of WWII Vessels Near Okinawa in 1945, Kathryn M. Kemp
Disrupting Settler Stories: learning to live with respect, intimacy, and reciprocity on colonized land, Anna S. Favour
Disrupting Settler Stories: learning to live with respect, intimacy, and reciprocity on colonized land, Anna S. Favour
Distant Early Warning in Alarm Responses in Chickadees and Nuthatches – Do birds use their avian neighbors as sentinels?, Graydon William Prosser Hidalgo
Diverse conditions support near-zero growth in yeast: Implications for the study of cell lifespan, Jordan Gulli, Emily Cook, Eugene Kroll, Adam Rosebrock, Amy Caudy, and Frank Rosenzweig
Doctor Knock or the Triumph of Medicine, 1933, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Documentary Exploration of the Evolution of Spanish Sibilants, Andrés Giudice
Documents from the April 07, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the April 09, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the April 1, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the April 15, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the April 21, 2021 meeting of the 2020-2021 Body of the Associated Students of the University of Montana, University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the April 21, 2021 Meeting of the 2021-2022 Body of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the April 29, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM)- NEW Senate, University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the April 29, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM)- OLD Senate, University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the April 8, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the August 19, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the August 26, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the December 03, 2020 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the December 1, 2021 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the February 03, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the February 10, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the February 13, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the February 13, 2021 Category Allocation meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the February 19, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the February 22 and February 23 Final Budgeting Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the February 24, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the February 26, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the February 5, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the January 13, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the January 15, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the January 15, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the January 15th, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), Anna-Marie David
Documents from the January 20, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students'
Documents from the January 22, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the January 27, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the January 29,2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the March 03, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the March 10, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the March 11, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the March 17, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula.
Documents from the March 20, 2021 Final Budgeting meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the March 24, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the March 25, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the May 21, 2021 Emergency Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the November 05, 2020 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the November 10, 2021 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the November 12, 2020 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the November 17, 2021 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the November 3, 2021 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the October 07, 2020 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the October 13, 2021 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the October 14, 2020 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the October 20, 2021 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the October 21, 2020 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM, University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the October 27, 2021 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the October 28, 2020 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the October 6, 2021 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the September 1, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the September 2, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the September 22, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the September 23, 2020 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the September 29, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the September 30, 2020 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the September 8, 2021 meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Documents from the September 9, 2020 Meeting of the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM), University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Does adaptation to high altitude affect hypoxia-dependent structural plasticity of the placenta?, Hannah C. Johnson, Kathryn Wilsterman, Jeffrey M. Good, and Zachary A. Cheviron
Doors of Perception, Alec Bartell
Doug Chabot on Mountain and Snow Safety, Justin W. Angle
Dracula, 1947, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
DRAM 101L.01: Theatre Appreciation, Brad Poer and Nicki Poer
DRAM 106.01: Theatre Production I, Michael Monsos
DRAM 107A.02: Costume Production Crew, Paula Niccum
DRAM 107A.03: Theatre Production I - Light Shop/Sound Shop, D.J. Selmeyer
DRAM 107A.05: Costume Production Crew, Paula Niccum
DRAM 107A.06: Theatre Production I - Light Shop/Sound Shop, D.J. Selmeyer
DRAM 112A.01: Acting for Non-Majors, Teresa M. Waldorf
DRAM 200.01: Beginning Theatre Workshop, Michael Monsos
DRAM 206.01: Theatre Production II, Michael Monsos
DRAM 207.02: Costume Production Crew, Paula Niccum
DRAM 207A.03: Theatre Production II - Light Shop/Sound Shop, D.J. Selmeyer
DRAM 207A.05: Costume Production Crew, Paula Niccum
DRAM 207A.06: Theatre Production II - Light Shop/Sound Shop, D.J. Selmeyer
DRAM 231.01: Drafting for the Theatre I, Michael Monsos
DRAM 244.01: Stage Make-Up, Meaghan Wills
DRAM 300.01: Beginning Theatre Workshop, Michael Monsos
DRAM 301.01: Playwriting, Randy Bolton
DRAM 307A.01: Production Construction I, Michael Monsos
DRAM 307A.02: Costume Production Crew, Paula Niccum
DRAM 308.01: Production Team I, Michael Monsos
DRAM 311.01: Voice and Speech IV, Randy Bolton
DRAM 313.01: Physical Performance Skills II, Noah Tuleja
DRAM 321.01: Theatre History II, Randy Bolton
DRAM 343.01: Textile Selection and Manipulation, Wendy Stark
DRAM 352.01: Master Electrician for the Stage, D.J. Selmeyer
DRAM 379.01: Introduction to Directing, Jillian Campana
DRAM 385.00: Dance Team, Unknown
DRAM 395.03: Special Topics - Furniture Construction, Michael Monsos
DRAM 395.05: Special Topics - Model Building for Theatre Designers, Alessia Carpoca
DRAM 395.06: Special Topics - Fabric and Fiber ID and Usage, Wendy Stark
DRAM 410.01: Singing for Actors, Anne Basinski
DRAM 415.01: Acting VI - Company: Theatre of the Extreme, Noah Tuleja
DRAM 437.01: Advanced Acting - Acting for the Camera I, Michael Murphy
DRAM 461.01: Theatre Sound II, Malcolm Lowe
DRAM 480.01: Directing II, Noah Tuleja
DRAM 501.01: Problems in Playwriting, Randy Bolton
DRAM 507A.01: Technical Production Construction I, Michael Monsos
DRAM 508.01: Design Production Assignment, Michael Monsos
DRAM 510.01: Problems in Voice/Speech - Mask Characterization, Jillian Campana
DRAM 512.01: Problems in Movement/Dance - Graduate Movement, Noah Tuleja
DRAM 522.01: Graduate Seminar in Theatre History, Randy Bolton
DRAM 595.03: Special Topics - Furniture Construction, Michael Monsos
Dr. Beverly Tatum on race, representation & higher education, Justin W. Angle
Dr. Christopher Preston: Professor of Philosophy, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
Driscoll v. Stapleton: Analyzing Election Regulations in Montana, McKenna Ford
Dr. James Armstrong Interview, September 1981, James Armstrong
Dr. Jonathon Richter on education technology, Justin W. Angle
Dr. Kimi Barrett explains the Wildland Urban Interface, Justin W. Angle
Dr. Sid Pratt Interview, 1981, Sid Pratt
D'Shane Barnett leads the Missoula City-County Health Department, Justin W. Angle
DST 128.B01: Engine Service I, James D. Headlee
DST 135.B01: Power Trains, James D. Headlee
DST 221.B01: Brakes, Suspension, and Undercarriage, James R. Harris
DST 225.B01: Hydraulics, James R. Harris
Dwarf Mistletoe and Its Effect Upon the Larch and Douglas Fir of Western Montana, William R. Pierce
Dying for Money (Tons of Money), 1929, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Earl Cooley Interview, June 20, 1984, Earl Cooley
ECNS 201S.02: Principles of Microeconomics, Derek K. Kellenberg
ECNS 201S.50: Principles of Microeconomics, Derek K. Kellenberg
ECNS 201S.R01: Principles of Microeconomics, Jeffrey T. Bookwalter
ECNS 201S.R01: Principles of Microeconomics, Jeffrey T. Bookwalter
ECNS 202S.01: Principles of Macroeconomics, Jonathon David Knudson
ECNS 202S.B02: Principles of Macroeconomics, Jeffrey T. Bookwalter
ECNS 202S.R01: Principles of Macroeconomics, Matthew P. Taylor
ECNS 301.01: Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus, Douglas Dalenberg
ECNS 301.R01: Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus, Douglas Dalenberg
ECNS 313.01: Money and Banking, Matthew P. Taylor
ECNS 320.R01: Public Finance, Amanda E. Dawsey
ECNS 403.01: Introduction to Econometrics, Douglas Dalenberg
ECNS 403.R01: Introduction to Econometrics, Douglas Dalenberg
ECNS 433.R01: Economics of the Environment, Katrina Mullan
ECNS 451.R01: Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Matthew P. Taylor
ECNS 491.01: Special Topics - Advanced Topics in Health Economics, Katrina L. Mullan
ECNS 511.01: Microeconomic Theory, Derek K. Kellenberg
ECNS 551.B01: Microeconomic Theory, Derek K. Kellenberg
Economic Analysis of Wildlife Management Costs in the U.S. Forest Service, Northern Region, Robert S. Loveless Jr., Patrick J. Flowers, David H. Jackson, and Ervin G. Schuster
Ed Dugan, Richard W. Behan
EDU 202.01: Early Field Experience, Erin O'Reilly
EDU 221.01: Educational Psychology and Measurements, Erin O'Reilly
EDU 222.01: Educational Psychology and Child Development, Jeb S. Puryear
EDU 331.01: Literacy and Literature for Children, Elisa Schroeder
EDU 338.01: Academic Interventions, Molly Blakely
EDU 339.01: Teaching and Assessing PK-8 Language Arts, Stephanie Reid
EDU 340.01: Classroom Management, Scott Richard Hohnstein
EDU 340.03: Classroom Management, Scott Richard Hohnstein
EDU 340.50: Classroom Management, Scott Richard Hohnstein
EDU 345.50: Exceptionality and Classroom Management, Scott Richard Hohnstein
Effect of home-based Tai Chi, Yoga or conventional balance exercise on functional balance and mobility among persons with idiopathic Parkinson's disease: An experimental study, Arva Mufaddal Gadly, Brammatha Pandian, and Arul Selvan Dr.
Effect of Load Carriage and Fatigue on Postural Sway Measures, Shane Murphy
Effect of weather on flight speed of California Condors, Sky Mae Gennette
Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on UMT Students' Mental Health, Sami Sykes, Haylie Peacock, JT Vineyard, Talia Randle, Kit Smith, Liza Donier, Katrina Liston, and Elaine Chandler
El argumento para una tercera opción de género neutro en la lengua española (The Argument for a Third Gender-Neutral Option in the Spanish Language), Fiona Siobhan Bean
Eldon Baker, Richard W. Behan
Eleanor Mast Interview, August 1981, Eleanor Mast
Election Campaign Speech, 1944, Michael "Mike" J. Mansfield
Election Campaign Speech, August 30, 1950, Michael "Mike" J. Mansfield
Election Campaign Speech, November 1, 1946, Michael "Mike" J. Mansfield
Election Campaign Speech, November 1, 1948, Michael "Mike" J. Mansfield
Election Campaign Speech, November 3, 1944, Michael "Mike" J. Mansfield
Election Campaign Speech, November 4, 1946, Michael "Mike" J. Mansfield
Election Campaign Speech, October 26, 1942, Michael "Mike" J. Mansfield
Election Campaign Speech, October 26, 1944, Michael "Mike" J. Mansfield
Election Campaign Speech, October 30, 1950, Michael "Mike" J. Mansfield
Electra, 1956, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Elegy for 926F, Emily Banks
Elijah Jalil Paz Fisher on Soul Work, Acting, & Screamin' From the Zoo, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
Ellen Knight Interview, September 9, 2020, Ellen J. Knight
Elliott Woods - Veteran, Journalist and Creator of Third Squad, Justin W. Angle
Anishinaabe Inaakonigewin: Principles for the Intergenerational Preservation of Mino-Bimaadiziwin, Kekek Jason Stark
Bad Apples or a Rotten Tree: Ameliorating the Double Pandemic of COVID-19 and Racial Economic INEQUALITY, Nathalie Martin
Emboldened Beargrass, Anna Schale
Consumer Contracts in Action, Meirav Furth-Matzkin
COVID-19 and Corporate Social Responsibility: Business Responses to the Pandemic in the Inland Northwest, Jacob H. Rooksby and Kathryn E. Handick
Emissions of nitrogen-containing organic compounds from the burning of herbaceous and arboraceous biomass: Fuel composition dependence and the variability of commonly used nitrile tracers, Matthew M. Coggon, Patrick R. Veres, Bin Yuan, Abigail Koss, Carsten Warneke, Jessica B. Gilman, Brian M. Lerner, Jeff Peischl, Kenneth C. Aikin, Chelsea E. Stockwell, Lindsay E. Hatch, Thomas B. Ryerson, James M. Roberts, Robert J. Yokelson, and Joost A. de Gouw
Is the CFPB Still on the Beat? The CFPB'S (Non)Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Craig Cowie
Montana’s House Bill 113: Knocking on the Door of Youth Transgender Dignity, Anne M. Lewis
Emotional Appeals in United States Advertising That Were Directed Towards Women: 1940-1950, Tyler Sparing
Pay Attention! Marginalized Communities, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and Regulatory Advocacy, Diane E. Thompson
Employing College Geometry in Real-Life Settings, Tetyana Berezovski
Significant Montana Cases, Lauren Amongero, Anne M. Lewis, and Forrest Graves
State Constitutional Rights Be Damned: Reconsidering the Indifference to State Constitutional Violations in Federal Criminal Proceedings, Riley M. Wavra
The Erosion of Equity and the Attack on the FTC's Redress Authority, David C. Vladeck
The Montana Supreme Court – The Statistics, Noah P. Hill and Shelby Towe
Unmasking the Consumer Privacy Ombudsman, Laura N. Coordes
When the Police Must Retreat: Deadly Force and the Logic of Necessity, Matthew Oliver
Women’s Autonomy in Nondisclosure Agreements for Sexual Misconduct Cases, Rachel L. Wagner
Encapsulation enhances protoplast fusant stability, Jordan Gulli, Eugene Kroll, and Frank Rosenzweig
ENCS 501.01: Scientific Approaches to Environmental Problems, Len Broberg
Endgame; A Slight Ache, 1969, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1965-1994). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Ending Rape Warfare in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Addressing Root Contributors, Augusta M. Reinhart
End of an Animal, Alyx Brittany Chandler
End of the Long Year, William Doehring
Endorsement of John Melcher for U.S. Senate, 1976, Michael "Mike" J. Mansfield
ENEX 101.01: Composition - Writing about Film, Sean O'Brien
Engaging Stakeholders to Address Changing Service Delivery Conditions Due to COVID-19, University of Montana Rural Institute
Enhancing the Public’s General Vaccine Knowledge Through a Comprehensive and User-friendly Website., Bonnie Long
Enhancing the public’s general vaccine knowledge through a comprehensive and user-friendly website., Bonnie Renee Long
ENSC 105N.01: Environmental Science, Katie E. Nelson
ENSC 360.01: Applied Ecology, Ethan Alexander Smith
ENSC 501.01: Scientific Approaches to Environmental Problems, Leonard Broberg
ENSC 594.01: Applied Ecology, Ethan Alexander Smith
ENSC 594.01: Graduate Seminar - Applied Ecology, Leonard Broberg
ENST 191.01: Special Topics - Getting to Know Environmental Studies, Daniel T. Spencer and Caroline Muir Stephens
ENST 201.01: Environmental Information Resources, Rosalyn Rae LaPier
ENST 230H.01: Nature and Society, Daniel T. Spencer
ENST 230H.01: Nature and Society in Western Society, Daniel T. Spencer
ENST 310.01: Environment Montana - A to Z, Neva Hassanein
ENST 335L.01: The Environmental Vision, Mark E. Sundeen
ENST 335L.R01: The Environmental Vision, Phil Condon
ENST 367.01: Environmental Politics and Policies, Robin K. Saha
ENST 367.R01: Environmental Politics and Policies, Robin Saha
ENST 391.01B: Special Topics - Zero Waste Communities, Sarah Blyth Lundquist
ENST 396.00: Supervised PEAS Internship, Caroline M. Stephens
ENST 396.00: Supervised Summer PEAS Internship, Caroline Muir Stephens
ENST 410.01: Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples, Rosalyn Rae LaPier
ENST 420.50B: U.S. Environmental Movement, Brittany Palmer
ENST 489S.R01: Environmental Justice Issues and Solutions, Robin Saha
ENST 494.01: Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture Education, Anthony Jason Mandala
ENST 513.01: Natural Resource Conflict Resolution, Shawn Matthew Johnson
ENST 519.01: Foundations of Change, Neva Hassanein
ENST 521.01: Foundations in Environmental Education, Fletcher Brown
ENST 570.01: Ethics and Restoration, Daniel T. Spencer
ENST 570.01: Ethics and Restoration, Daniel T. Spencer
ENST 573.01: Environmental Writing Seminar, Mark E. Sundeen
ENST 573.R01: Environmental Writing, Phil Condon
ENST 580.01: The Politics of Food, Neva Hassanein
ENST 590.00: Supervised PEAS Internship, Caroline M. Stephens
ENST 590.00: Supervised Summer PEAS Internship, Caroline Muir Stephens
ENST 595.01: Environmental Justice Issues and Solution, Robin Saha
ENST 595.01: Special Topics - Environmental Politics and Policies, Robin K. Saha
ENST 595.02S: Special Topics - Environmental Studies Foundations of Change, Robin K. Saha
ENT 439.01: Studies in Young Adult Literature, Beverly Ann Chin
ENT 439.01: Studies in Young Adult Literature, Beverly Ann Chin
ENT 440.01: Teaching Writing, Beverly Ann Chin
ENT 544.01: Creative Drama in the English Class, Beverly Ann Chin
ENT 544.01: Creative Drama in the English Class, Beverly Ann Chin
ENT 595.50S: Special Topics - Teaching Native American Texts in K-12 Classrooms, Dana Kay Haring
Episode 054: And the Oskar goes to: germ-soma differentiation in insects, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 055: Hot wings: How birds stay cool under the Australian sun, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 056: Bee Kind: The Buzz on Global Insect Decline, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 057: Georgia O'Keeffe and the Red Queen: Ecosystem services via coevolution, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 058: Finding our voice: the neurobiology of vocal learning, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 059: Feel the burn: The limits of human energy expenditure and endurance, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 060: Human-assisted evolution: conserving coral diversity, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 061: Decoding CRISPR: Jennifer Doudna and the future of gene editing, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 062: Situated Darwinism: Organism-centered evolution, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 063: Survival of the Systems: the Power of Persistence, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 064: The stall protocol: Diapause in the annual killfish, Art Woods
Episode 065: Mouse on a hill: the structure and function of agency, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 066: Old vaccines for new pandemics, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 067: Foiling the flashy: how artificial light dims insect behavior, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 068: Performance anxiety: How coastal invertebrates cope with changing climate extremes, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 069: Butterfl-eyes: the evolution and function of insect vision, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 070: The virus and the vegan: How the brain gains inference, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 071: A Tattoo on the Brain: The neurobiology of Alzheimer's disease, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 072: Stability and Change: Lessons from the Serengeti, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 073: A gene's-eye view: Useful tool or narrow lens?, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Episode 074: Food for thought: Plant domestication and the promise of green super rice, Art Woods and Marty Martin
Eric Jensen: Painting (M.F.A.), University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue: Pulling Back the Curtain on Tax Expenditure Spending, Katy Lindberg
Ethnobotany Interpretive Signs at the Fort Missoula Native Plant Garden, Magalloway E. Gammons
Ethnomathematics Approach as a Tool for Cultural Valuation and Social Representativity: Possibilities in a Quilombola Community in the State of Amapá - Brazil, Romaro Antonio Silva, Pedro Manuel Baptista Palhares, and José Roberto Linhares de Mattos
Evaluating the use of Environmental Tracers to Reduce the Conceptual-Geologic Uncertainty of Hydrogeologic Models, Andrew Nordberg
Evolutionary dynamics and structural consequences of de novo beneficial mutations and mutant lineages arising in a constant environment, Margie Kinnersley, Katja Schwartz, Dong Dong Yang, Gavin Sherlock, and Frank Rosenzweig
EVST 101N.01: Environmental Science, Vicki J. Watson
EVST 201.01: Invironmental Information Resources, Daniel Spencer
EVST 225.01: Community and Environment, Neva Hassanein
EVST 295.01: Special Topics - History of Wilderness Policy and Concepts, Bethany Swanson
EVST 305L.01: The Environmental Vision - Reading and Thinking about Nature and the Environment, Phil Condon
EVST 360.00: Applied Ecology, Vicki J. Watson, Len Broberg, and Nathaniel Robinson
EVST 367.01: Environmental Politics and Policies, Robin K. Saha
EVST 427E.01: Environmental Ethics II, Deborah Slicer
EVST 477S.01: Environmental Justice Issues and Solutions, Robin K. Saha
EVST 495.01: Special Topics - Applied Ecology Field Study, Vicki J. Watson and Nathaniel Robinson
EVST 501.01: Scientific Approaches to Environmental Problems, Len Broberg
EVST 504.01: Colloquium in the Philosophy of Ecology, Deborah Slicer
EVST 505.01: The Literature of Nature Writing, Phil Condon
EVST 537.01: Building Effective Environmental Organizations, Tom Roy
EVST 537.01: Building Effective Environmental Organizations, Tom Roy
EVST 540.01: Evironmental Field Study - Watershed CPR (Conservation, Preservation, Restoration), Vicki J. Watson
EVST 542.01: Transboundary Environmental Issues, Len Broberg
EVST 594.01: Graduate Seminar - Ethical Issues in Ecological Restoration, Daniel Spencer
EVST 594.03: Graduate Seminar - Globalization and Free Trade: Ethical Issues and Alternatives, Daniel Spencer
Examining Natural Resource Conservation: In the Classroom, Through Collaborative Conservation, and Across Public Communication Platforms, Shauni Seccombe
Examining the Residual Effects of a Great Power Leaving a Civil War, Dillon G. Sarb
Exclusion and inclusion processes in Mathematics classrooms: reflections on difference, normality and cultural issues within three different contexts, Thiago Donda Rodrigues, Fernanda Malinosky Coelho da Rosa, and Alan Pereira Manoel
Experimental evolution of an alternating uni- and multicellular life cycle in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, William C. Ratcliff, Matthew D. Herron, Kathryn Howell, Jennifer T. Pentz, Frank Rosenzweig, and Michael Travisano
Experimental evolution: prospects and challenges, Frank Rosenzweig and Gavin Sherlock
Experimental Mathematics – A Course-Based Research Experience in Machine Learning, Mathew Gluck
Experimental microbial evolution: History and conceptual underpinnings, Julian Adams and Frank Rosenzweig
Exploring Approaches to Equity in Environmental Education Access for Teens, Norah Cook
Exploring Indigenous Involvement in the Fur Trade at the Bridge River Pithouse Village, British Columbia, Rebekah Jean Engelland
Exploring the Influence of Patient Position During Mechanical Traction on Lumbar Mobility, Isabela Ortman, Kevin Garifi, and Valerie Moody
Exposure, Melissa Paulsen
Factors Affecting Regeneration of Western Montana Clearcuts, Robert W. Steele and William R. Pierce
False Joy, Wren Roe
Family Read Aloud Club: Engaging Students and Supporting Parents, Julie B. Papp
Farm Woodlot Management in Montana, William R. Pierce
February 2021 news releases, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Felony Time Spent From a Big City Complex, Lindsay Hause
Female Caregivers of Male Glioblastoma Patients Experience PTSD, Emily E. Burke
Field Guide, Beth Suter
Field measurements of trace gases and aerosols emitted by peat fires in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, during the 2015 El Niño, Chelsea E. Stockwell, Thilina Jayarathne, Mark A. Cochrane, Kevin C. Ryan, Erianto I. Putra, Bambang H. Saharjo, Ati D. Nurhayati, Israr Albar, Donald R. Blake, Isobel J. Simpson, Elizabeth A. Stone, and Robert J. Yokelson
FILM 103.XH1: Introduction to Film, Matthew Kaler
FILM 448.01: Documentary - Theory and Practice, Sean O'Brien
FIN 228.01: Personal Financial Planning and Investment, Bruce Costa
FIN 322.01: Business Finance, Timothy A. Manuel
Financial Report, 1921-1922, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report, 1923-1924, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report, 1968-1969, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Financial Report, 1969-1970, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Financial Report, 1970-1971, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Financial Report, 1971-1972, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Financial Report, 1972-1973, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Financial Report, 1973-1974, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Financial Report 1975, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Financial Report 1976, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Financial Report 1977, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Financial Report 1978, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Financial Report 1990, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Financial Report 1991, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Financial Report 1992, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Financial Report 1993, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Financial Report 1996, University of Montana--Missoula
Financial Report 1999, University of Montana--Missoula
Financial Report 2000, University of Montana--Missoula
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1924-1925, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1925-1926, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1926-1927, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1927-1928, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1928-1929, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1929-1930, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1934-1935, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1935-1936, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1936-1937, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1937-1938, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1938-1939, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1939-1940, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1940-1941, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1941-1942, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1942-1943, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1943-1944, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1944-1945, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Business Manager, 1967-1968, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1945-1946, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1946-1947, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1947-1948, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1948-1949, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1949-1950, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1950-1951, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1951-1952, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1952-1953, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1953-1954, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1954-1955, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1955-1956, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1956-1957, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1957-1958, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1958-1959, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1959-1960, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1960-1961, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1961-1962, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1962-1963, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1963-1964, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1964-1965, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1965-1966, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Financial Report of the Controller, 1966-1967, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Financial Statements and Recommendations 1979, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Finanical Report 1980, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Finanical Report 1981, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Finanical Report 1982, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Finanical Report 1983, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Finanical Report 1984, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Finanical Report 1985, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Finanical Report 1987, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Finanical Report 1988, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Finanical Report 1989, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994)
Fine Arts Calendar, 1962-1963, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). School of Fine Arts
Fine Arts Calendar, Autumn 1968, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). School of Fine Arts
Fine Arts Calendar, Autumn 1970, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). School of Fine Arts
Fine Arts Calendar, Autumn 1971, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). School of Fine Arts
Fine Arts Calendar, Spring 1968, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). School of Fine Arts
Fine Arts Calendar, Winter-Spring 1969, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). School of Fine Arts
Fine Arts Calendar, Winter-Spring 1970, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). School of Fine Arts
Fine Arts Calendar, Winter-Spring 1971, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). School of Fine Arts
Fine Arts Calendar, Winter-Spring 1972, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). School of Fine Arts
Fireline is here!, Justin W. Angle
Fire Spread in an Artificial Fuel, Peter J. Murphy, William R. Beaufait, and Robert W. Steele
First Steps, Jordynn Paz
Fiscal Policy of the Associated Students of the University of Montana as of 1/27/21, University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Fiscal Policy of the Associated Students of the University of Montana as of December 14, 2021, University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
Food spoilage in beeswax impregnated cotton cloth wraps compared to standard storage methods, Dawn E. Beck, Kevin M. Lane, Christine A. Shiel, and Karl F. Welke
Football School with Marty Mornhinweg, Justin W. Angle
Forestry faculty retreat, Richard W. Behan
Forest Stand Mapping and Evaluation on State and Private Lands in Montana, Fred C. Martin and Frederick L. Gerlach
Foreword, Timothy Chartier
Fostering Sustainable Collaboration within Indigenous Communities through Community Based Participatory Research, Kiah M. Hohenstein, Brittney Hunter, and Wren Roe
Four One-Act Plays, 1925, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Framework for Planning, 1982-1983, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Office of the President
Framework for Planning, 1983-1984, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Office of the President
Framework for Planning, 1984-1985, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Office of the President
Framework for Planning, February 1982, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Office of the President
Francis “Frank” Valeo Interview, September 10, 1998, Francis Valeo
Francis Hayes and grandaughter Anne Mansfield in Missoula, Montana, Creator Unknown
FRCH 101.00: Elementary French I, M. Ione Crummy
FRCH 101.50: Elementary French I, Anna Kristen Lokowich
FRCH 101.50: Elementary French I (Online), Anna Kristen Lokowich
FRCH 101.B02: Elementary French I, Elizabeth A. Hubble
FRCH 102.01: Elementary French II, Elizabeth A. Hubble
FRCH 102.02: Elementary French II, Anna Kristen Lokowich
FRCH 102.03: Elementary French II, Anna Kristen Lokowich
FRCH 202.01: Intermediate French II, M. Ione Crummy
FRCH 310.01: French Literature and Culture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance - Women and Women Authors in the Premodern World, Elizabeth A. Hubble
FRCH 494.01: Seminar/Workshop - Studies in French Prose, M. Ione Crummy
Free, Prior, and Informed Consent: A Struggling International Principle, Emily M. McCulloch
From the Eyes of Yellowstone National Park Visitors: Current and Future Desired Conditions, Glenna J. Hartman
Front Cover, Title Page, Table of Contents
Frontier Angels' Pat LaPointe on what's next for the Montana economy, Justin W. Angle Reporting Interface, Jeremiah K. Ormseth, Brad Deibert, Wyatt Featherly, and Colton Gerth
Garret, 1969 (volume 1), University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Students of the University of Montana, Missoula
Garret, 1969 (volume 2), University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Students of the University of Montana, Missoula
Garret, 1970, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Students of the University of Montana, Missoula
Garret, 1971, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Students of the University of Montana, Missoula
Garret, 1972, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Students of the University of Montana, Missoula
Gary Langley and Mike Voeller Interview, 1975, Gary Langley and Mike Voeller
GBLD 194.01: Seminar - Afghanistan: Legend and History, Matthew Steven Semanoff
GDSN 149A.50: Digital Imaging I, Jordan Alec Costello
GDSN 231.50: Graphic Design Applications, Hailey Christine Faust
Gender and Sexuality Alliance Advisors' Perceptions of Self-Efficacy and Social Emotional Competency: An Exploratory Study, Kelly Marie Davis
Gene Miller Interview, February 26, 2021, Gene Miller
Gene Miller Interview, February 4, 2021, Gene Miller
Genetic and seasonal contributions to variability in vitamin D levels among American Indians, Jack W. Staples, Erica L. Woodahl, Erin E. Ellerbeck, Rachel Dalton, Kathleen M. George, Genevieve Krause, Tianna Leitch, Kenneth E. Thummel, LeeAnna I. Muzquiz, Matthew G. McDonald, and Deborah A. Nickerson
Genetics of a de novo origin of undifferentiated multicellularity, Matthew D. Herron, William C. Ratcliff, Jacob Boswell, and Frank Rosenzweig
GEO 101N.01: Introduction to Physical Geology, Natalie Bursztyn
GEO 101N.50A: Introduction to Physical Geology, Marc S. Hendrix
GEO 101N.B01: Introduction to Physical Geology, James W. Sears
GEO 102N.00: Introduction to Physical Geology Lab, Natalie Bursztyn
GEO 107N.50: Natural Disasters (Online), Hilary R. Martens
GEO 107N.50: Natural Disasters (Online), Hilary R. Martens
GEO 201.01: Geologic Evolution and History of North America, Marc S. Hendrix
GEO 201.01: Geologic Evolution of North America, Marc S. Hendrix
GEO 224N.00: General Science - Physics and Geoscience, Natalie Bursztyn
GEO 224.R00: General Science - Physics and Geoscience, Hilary R. Martens
GEO 315.01: Structural Geology, James W. Sears
GEO 318.R01: Earth's Changing Climate, Joel T. Harper
GEO 390.01: Getting Started in Research, Hilary R. Martens
GEO 421.01: Hydrology, Marco P. Maneta
GEO 443.01: Principles of Sedimentary Petrology, Marc S. Hendrix
GEO 488.01: Snow, Ice, and Climate Change, Joel T. Harper
GEO 508.01: Fundamentals of Academic Research, Joel T. Harper
GEO 508.01: Fundamentals of Graduate Academic Research, Joel T. Harper
GEO 572.01: Advanced Hydrogeology, Payton Gardner
George Christian Interview, January 1, 1999, George Christian
George McGovern Interview, February 1, 2002, George McGovern
Ghost Dog, Serena Solin
Ghost Forests: The Decline of the Whitebark Pine, Breanna (Roy) McCabe
Ghosts in Trees, Alec Bartell
Gianni Schicchi; Sister Angelica, 1963, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Gifford Pinchot II, Guy Brandborg, not identified, Leslie Pengelly, Arnold Bolle, Joe McDowell, Richard W. Behan
Gifford Pinchot II visits with Guy Brandborg, Richard W. Behan
GIS XY Coordinates - 2013-2016 Total Debitage, Anna Marie Prentiss, Ethan Ryan, Ashley Hampton, Kathryn Bobolinski, Pei-Lin Yu, Matthew Schmader, and Alysha Edwards
GIS XY Coordinates - 2013-2016 Total Tools, Anna Marie Prentiss, Ethan Ryan, Ashley Hampton, Kathryn Bobolinski, Pei-Lin Yu, Matthew Schmader, and Alysha Edwards
Glioblastoma Multiforme Caregiver Burden with Family and Friends Present, Molly Christine Massman
Global fire emissions estimates during 1997-2016, Guido R. Van Der Werf, James T. Randerson, Louis Giglio, Thijs T. Van Leeuwen, Yang Chen, Brendan M. Rogers, Mingquan Mu, Margreet J.E. Van Marle, Douglas C. Morton, G. James Collatz, Robert J. Yokelson, and Prasad S. Kasibhatla
Going Up, 1923, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Gold in the Hills or The Dead Sister's Secret, 1935, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Goliath Frog Soothes My Mother's Morning Sickness from Her Bedroom Window, Emma DePanise
Goodbye My Fruit, Wren Roe
Good Mourning Mary, Maddelyn Black
Gordon Browder, Richard W. Behan
GoZen in the Kindergarten Co-Teach Classroom, Suzanne Johnstone
Granite, 1931, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Graph Theoretical Modeling of DNA as a Vehicle for a Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience, Amanda Harsy
Gravel, Rebekah Jenkins
Grizzlies v. Portland State University, Richard W. Behan
Grizzlies v. Portland State University, Richard W. Behan
Grizzlies v. Portland State University, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Bobcat game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Bobcat game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Bobcat game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Bobcat game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Bobcat game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Bobcat game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Bobcat game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Bobcat game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Bobcat game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Bobcat Game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Bobcat Game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Bobcat Game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Bobcat Game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Bobcat Game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Bobcat Game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Northern Arizona University game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Northern Arizona University game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Northern Arizona University game, Richard W. Behan
Grizzly-Northern Arizona University Game, Richard W. Behan
GRK 102.01: Elementary Greek II, Matthew Steven Semanoff
GRMN 101.01: Elementary German I, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 101.03: Elementary German I, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 102.01: Elementary German II, Marton M. Marko and Anna M. Stoeffelbauer
GRMN 102.02: Elementary German II, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 102.03: Elementary German II, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 201.02: Intermediate German I, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 201.R02: Intermediate German I, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 202.01: Intermediate German II, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 301.01: Studies in German Language, Media, and Culture I, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 301.R01: Studies in German Literature, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 302.01: Studies in German Language, Media, and Culture II, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 311.R01: Introduction to German Literature, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 352H.01: German Culture - Romanticism to the Present, Marton M. Marko
GRMN 453.01: German Literature Since Unification, Hiltrudis M. Arens
GRMN 491.01: Special Topics - German Journeys in Literature and Film, Marton M. Marko
Guest Editorial: Brazilian research in Mathematics Education – more to know, Jonei Cerqueira Barbosa
Guest Editorial: Brazilian research in Mathematics Education – what’s more?, Jonei Cerqueira Barbosa
Guest Editorial: Reflections on Course-Based Undergraduate Research, Diana Cheng and John Gonzalez
Guy Brandborg, Richard W. Behan
Half Light; Waivers and Maps, Fatima Espiritu
Handicapped Parking, Tommy Brock
Handicraft Art Leisure Activities and Cognitive Reserve, Genna Mashinchi
Hank Goetz, Richard W. Behan
Harvey, 1952, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Hayes family reunion in Missoula, Montana, Creator Unknown
Hay Fever, 1940, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Head Heart Hand Human, Michelle Kathryn Postma
Headwaters' Brenda Solorzano on trust-based philanthropy, Justin W. Angle
Headwaters' Brenda Solorzano on trust-based philanthropy, Justin W. Angle
Healthy and Happy, Max Gray
Healthy Sport (Part 1) - What's the problem?, Justin W. Angle
Healthy Sport (Part 2) - How do we get better?, Justin W. Angle
Hear Me Roar, Abigail R. Seethoff
Heat for the Masses: Thermal Ecology of the Western Tent Caterpillar, Victoria Dahlhoff
Held v. State, Alec D. Skuntz
Helen Russette on Child Wellbeing, Giving Back to the Community, and Floating the Clark Fork, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
Henry Muneta Interview, July 22, 1998, Henry Muneta
HEO 146.B01: Safety and Basic Controls, Lawrence S. Reinholz
HEO 148.B01: Operational Skill Building, Lawrence S. Reinholz
HEO 151.B01: Service and Maintenance, Lawrence S. Reinholz
Her Husband's Wife, 1921, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Her Own Way, 1914, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Quill and Dagger Society
He Who Gets Slapped, 1921, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
He Who Gets Slapped, 1964, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Higgins, Frances Brauneis
High-and low-temperature pyrolysis profiles describe volatile organic compound emissions from western US wildfire fuels, Kanako Sekimoto, Abigail R. Koss, Jessica B. Gilman, Vanessa Selimovic, Matthew M. Coggon, Kyle J. Zarzana, Bin Yuan, Brian M. Lerner, Steven S. Brown, Carsten Warneke, Robert J. Yokelson, James M. Roberts, and Joost De Gouw
High Tor, 1940, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
H.M.S. Pinafore, 1927, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Hobson's Choice, 1934, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
HONR 370.R01: Pre-Law Seminar, Soazig Le Bihan
HONR 391.83: Special Topics - Timberline to Tidepool: Water in Montana and the Columbia Basin, Robert S. Stubblefield
Hope Ruskaup on Finding Poetry in the Everyday and Working Through Two Graduate Degrees, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
Houseparty, 1931, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
House Rules of the Associated Students of the University of Montana as of October 31, 2021, University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
House Rules of the Associated Students of the University of Montana as of SB82-20/21 Resolution Eliminating the Option for a Unanimous Approval Call on a Resolution, University of Montana--Missoula. Associated Students
How to Kill a Duskwing Butterfly, Stephanie Hohn
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, 1966, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1965-1994). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
HST 255.01: Montana History, Jeffrey M. Wiltse
HSTA 101H.00: American History I, Claire Arcenas
HSTA 101H.50: American History I (Online), Kyle G. Volk
HSTA 101H.50B: American History I, Kyle G. Volk
HSTA 103H.B80: American History I (Honors), Claire Arcenas
HSTA 255.01: Montana History, Jeffrey M. Wiltse
HSTA 255.02: Montana History, Jeffrey M. Wiltse
HSTA 255.X02: Montana History, Jeffrey M. Wiltse
HSTA 307Y.01: The American Revolution and Founding Era, Claire H.R. Arcenas
HSTA 333.01: United States Military History -- World War II Seen through Modern Eyes, James V. Koch
HSTA 342H.50E: African American History to 1865, Patrick J. O'Connor
HSTA 347.01: Voodoo, Muslim, Church - Black Religion, Tobin Miller Shearer
HSTA 370H.50: Women in America - Colonial Period to Civil War, Anya Jabour
HSTA 370H.50: Women in America from the Colonial Era to the Civil War (Online), Anya Jabour
HSTA 374.01: Doing Local History - Missoula, Leif M. Fredrickson
HSTA 382.01: History of American Law, Michael S. Mayer
HSTA 385.R01: Families and Children in America, Anya Jabour
HSTA 391.01: COVID-19 and History - Disease and Disaster in Perspective, Leif M. Fredrickson
HSTA 391.50B: Special Topic - Covid-19 and History: Disease and Disaster in Perspective, Leif M. Fredrickson
HSTA 391.80: COVID-19 and History: Disease and Disaster in Perspective (Honors), Leif M. Fredrickson
HSTA 491.01: COVID-19 and History - Disease and Disaster in Perspective, Leif M. Fredrickson
HSTA 501.01: Readings in Early American History, Claire H.R. Arcenas
HSTA 577.01: Law, Capitalism, and Democracy in U.S. History, Kyle G. Volk
HSTA 595.01: Special Topics - Gender, Society, and Politics, Anya Jabour
HSTR 101H.00: Western Civilization I, John A. Eglin
HSTR 200.02: Introduction to Historical Methods, Claire Arcenas
HSTR 200.02: Introduction to Historical Methods, Mehrdad Kia
HSTR 230H.50: Colonial Latin America, Joann C. Pavilack
HSTR 302H.R01: Ancient Greece, Scott Lawin Arcenas
HSTR 337.01: The History of Capitalism in Latin America, 1492 to the Present, Joann C. Pavilack
HSTR 348.01: Britain 1485-1688, John A. Eglin
HSTR 358.R01: Russia Since 1881, Robert H. Greene
HSTR 363.50D: Eastern Europe - Life and Death on the Eastern Front, 1939-1945, Robert H. Greene
HSTR 363.50S: Eastern Europe, Robert H. Greene
HSTR 386.01: Nationalism and the Modern Middle East, Mehrdad Kia
HSTR 391.50: Cold War Europe and the World, Gillian Beth Glaes
HSTR 391.50: Special Topics - Comparative Genocide, Gillian Glaes
HSTR 391.R02: Europe and Refugees - A History, Gillian Beth Glaes
HSTR 400.01: History Research Seminar - Ideas and Movements in European and U.S. History, Richard Drake
HSTR 400.01: History Research Seminar - Post-War United States, Michael S. Mayer
HSTR 400.02: History Research Seminar - Islam and the West, Mehrdad Kia
Humanitarian Workers' Perspectives on Mental Health and Resilience of Refugee Youth: Implications for School Psychology, Diana Maria Diaków
Hyacinths in Knoxville; Still Water, Arwen Baxter
Hybridization of Western and Subalpine Larch, Clinton E. Carlson and George M. Blake
I Ask My Sister's Ghost How Her Days Are Now, Benjamin Gucciardi
Icebound, 1926, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Ice-nucleating particle emissions from biomass combustion and the potential importance of soot aerosol, E. J.T. Levin, G. R. McMeeking, P. J. DeMott, C. S. McCluskey, C. M. Carrico, S. Nakao, T. Jayarathne, E. A. Stone, C. E. Stockwell, R. J. Yokelson, and S. M. Kreidenweis
Identification of adaptive changes in an evolving population of Escherichia coli: the role of changes with regulatory and highly pleiotropic effects, A. Kurlandzka, Frank Rosenzweig, and J. Adams
If Language Can Be a Kind of Crying, a Response to Keetje Kuipers, Rebekah Jenkins
I&I - Consumer Protection with Craig Cowie, Justin W. Angle
I&I COVID-19 and Education Outcomes, Justin W. Angle
I&I - How to distribute the vaccine, Justin W. Angle
I&I - Inequality...what's the problem?, Justin W. Angle
I&I - The Housing Episode, Justin W. Angle
I&I - The State of Discontent, Justin W. Angle
I&I - What's up with the labor markets?, Justin W. Angle
I&I with Anthony Johnstone. PLUS - A New Angle turns 3!, Justin W. Angle
I&I with energy economist Peter Larsen, Justin W. Angle
I&I with Ricardo Reis, Justin W. Angle
Impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on Conyza canadensis drought responses and possible mechanisms, Kian G.M. Speck, Ylva Lekberg, and Anna Sala
Impacts of Stream Restoration on Ecosystem Function: Assessing the Removal of Rattlesnake Dam, Samuel Brian Turner
Imperfective in the Absence of Perfective: -ag in East Ruvu Bantu, Leora Bar-el and Malin Petzell
Improving Population Monitoring of Wolverines by Integrating Noninvasive Genetic Monitoring and Remote Camera Trapping, Nicole Bealer, Kylie Paul, Jessie Golding, Kristy Pilgrim, Mark Hebblewhite, and Kevin Scot McKelvey
Inanna the Queen of Heaven and the Rise of Large-Scale Pastoralism in Ancient Mesopotamia, Juliana L. Lutz
Incorporating the Chilean Experience into a Theatrical Analysis and Design of Ariel Dorfman’s play Death and the Maiden, Hannah Gibbs
Increasing Consumer Opportunities for Self-Employment in Vocational Rehabilitation, University of Montana Rural Institute
Increasing Inclusion Through Audio Described Exhibits: A Case Study, Camryn Vaughn, Erin Baucom, and Teressa M. Keenan
Increasing Range of Motion of the Elbow Considering Optimal Patient Positioning during Ultrasound Treatment, Alexis M. Mower and Karly Niemann
Individual Effects of Speech and Debate in High School, Patrick James Flanagan
Inequality and the Dead: Historic Cemetery in Missoula and the Chinese People Left Behind, Emily Owens
Ingjaldsholskirkja Church, Alec Bartell
Initial press conference at the American Embassy, Tokyo, June 1977, Michael "Mike" J. Mansfield
In situ measurements of trace gases, PM, and aerosol optical properties during the 2017 NW US wildfire smoke event, Vanessa Selimovic, Robert J. Yokelson, Gavin R. McMeeking, and Sarah Coefield
In situ measurements of water uptake by black carbon-containing aerosol in wildfire plumes, Anne E. Perring, Joshua P. Schwarz, Milos Z. Markovic, David W. Fahey, Jose L. Jimenez, Pedro Campuzano-Jost, Brett D. Palm, Armin Wisthaler, Tomas Mikoviny, Glenn Diskin, Glen Sachse, Luke Ziemba, Bruce Anderson, Taylor Shingler, Ewan Crosbie, Armin Sorooshian, Robert Yokelson, and Ru Shan Gao
Institutional Assessment Report, 2009, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of the Provost
Institutional Assessment Report, 2010, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of the Provost
Institutional Assessment Report, 2011, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of the Provost
Institutional Assessment Report, 2012, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of the Provost
Institutional Assessment Report, 2013, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of the Provost
Institutional Assessment Report, 2014, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of the Provost
Institutional Assessment Report, 2015, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of the Provost
Institutional Assessment Report, 2016, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of the Provost
Integrated Education in Northern Ireland, MaKayla O'Neil
Interactions with students, Richard W. Behan
Interactions with students, Richard W. Behan
Interactions with students, Richard W. Behan
Interactions with students, Richard W. Behan
Internal and External Analysis of Atlassian, Ryan T. Sandau
Internal Illustrations, Sarah Scambray
International Theory Tests on Global Refugee Policies, Rachel Willcockson
International Union of Game Biologists, Richard D. Taber
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1904, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1905, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1906, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1907, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1908, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1909, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1910, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1911, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1912, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1913, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1914, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1916, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1917, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1918, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1919, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1920, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1921, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1922, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1923, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1924, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1925, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1926, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1927, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1928, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1929, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1930, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1931, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1932, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1933, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1934, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1935, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1936, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1937, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1938, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1939, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1940, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1941, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1942, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1946, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1947, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1948, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1949, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1950, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1951, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1952, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1953, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1954, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1955, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1956, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1957, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1958, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1959, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1960, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1961, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Announcement, 1963, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1904, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1905, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1906, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1907, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1908, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1909, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1910, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1911, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1912, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1913, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.: 1893-1913). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1914, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1915, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1916, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1918, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1919, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1920, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1921, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1922, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1923, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1924, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1925, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1926, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1927, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1928, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1929, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1930, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1931, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1932, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1933, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1934, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1935, State University of Montana (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1936, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1937, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1938, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1939, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1940, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1941, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1942, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1946, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1947, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1948, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1949, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1950, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1951, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1952, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1953, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1954, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1955, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1956, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1957, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1958, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1959, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1960, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1961, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1962, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1963, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1964, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1965, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Program, 1966, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Interscholastic Committee
Interscholastic Meet Ribbons, University of Montana--Missoula.
Intersectional Feminism and Diverse Perspectives in Contemporary Romance, Abigail L. Nordstrom
Intersectional Feminism and Diverse Perspectives in Contemporary Romance, Abigail L. Nordstrom
In the Lake, Before Dark, J. A. Bernstein
In the Shadow of the Megadrought: Opportunities and Challenges for Addressing Loss and Damage from Climate Change in Central Chile, Elizabeth Tobey
Introducing human-like mutations in yeast iso-1-cytochrome c to decrease peroxidase activity in apoptosis, Sidney Thompson
Introducing human-like mutations in yeast iso-1-cytochrome c to decrease peroxidase activity in apoptosis, Sidney L. Thompson
Investigating biomass burning aerosol morphology using a laser imaging nephelometer, Katherine M. Manfred, Rebecca A. Washenfelder, Nicholas L. Wagner, Gabriela Adler, Frank Erdesz, Caroline C. Womack, Kara D. Lamb, Joshua P. Schwarz, Alessandro Franchin, Vanessa Selimovic, Robert J. Yokelson, and Daniel M. Murphy
Investigating Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Definitions, Formulas, and Graphs of Directly and Inversely Proportional Relationships, Muhammet Arican and Yasemin Kiymaz
Investigating the Transferability of Landslide Hazard Assessments, Gina Belair
IRSH 101.50: Elementary Irish I, Traolach B. O'Riordan
IRSH 102.00: Elementary Irish II, Traolach B. O'Riordan, Ellen Francis Corbett, and Cecily Maria Lynch
IRSH 202.01: Intermediate Irish II, Traolach B. O'Riordan
IRSH 249.01: The Irish - Pre-Norman Ireland, Traolach B. O'Riordan
IRSH 382.01: Rockin' Rebels - Popular Irish Music from Traditional to Punk, Erin Costello Wecker
IRSH 382.50: Rockin' Rebels - Irish Music from Traditional to Punk, Erin Costello Wecker
IS 270.01: Management Information Systems, David R. Firth
IS 341.00: Operations Management, Clayton A. Looney
IS 341.01: Operations Management, Belva L. Jones
IS 372.01: Telecommunications Management, Ryan Wright
IS 448.01: Management Game, Lee N. Tangedahl
IS 472.01: Advanced Network Management, Ken Burrington
IS 476.01: Project Management, Belva L. Jones
Isotopic characterization of nitrogen oxides (NOx), nitrous acid (HONO), and nitrate (pNO3-) from laboratory biomass burning during FIREX, Jiajue Chai, David J. Miller, Eric Scheuer, Jack Dibb, Vanessa Selimovic, Robert Yokelson, Kyle K. Zarzana, Steven Brown, Abigail R. Koss, Carsten Warneke, and Meredith Hastings
Is play behavior in adolescent rats regulated at the level of dyads or individuals?, Sunny Mathaun, Susan Greene, and Patrick Hanni
Issue of Disparities in Healthcare Among People with Disabilities, Amanda Lyn Jennings
Is teaching skills for independent living to disabled adults associated with change in self-determination?, Craig Ravesloot Ph.D. and University of Montana Rural Institute
It is necessary to know a specific mathematics to teach mathematics, Jaqueline de Souza Pereira Grilo and Jonei Cerqueira Barbosa
It Is Relentless, This Way Crossroads Keep on Forming, Hari Alluri
"Its Own Little City": Service Work in Truck Stops, Michelle Williams
"Its Own Little City": Service Work in Truck Stops, Michelle Elizabeth Williams
I Will Not Beg, I Am An Oyster, Frances Brauneis
Jack Swarthout, Richard W. Behan
January 2021 news releases, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Janus, Fall 1992, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Faculty
Janus, Fall 1993, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Faculty
Janus, Spring 1992, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Faculty
Janus, Spring 1994, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Faculty
Janus, Spring 1995, University of Montana--Missoula. Faculty
Janus, Spring 1996, University of Montana--Missoula. Faculty
Janus, Spring 1997, University of Montana--Missoula. Faculty
Janus, Winter 1992, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Faculty
Jared Gibbs: Environmental Philosophy (M.A.), University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
Jay T. Nelson Interview, November 3, 2019, Jay T. Nelson
Jeff Brandt on the Music of 1971, Justin W. Angle
Jen Harrington on Tribal Communities, the EPA, and Improving Superfund Consultation, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
Jim Kurokawa Interview, July 10, 1998, Jim Kurokawa
Joan of Lorraine, 1951, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Joel Meier, Richard W. Behan
John Fleming Interview, November 2, 2019, John Fleming
John Mansfield, Creator Unknown
Johnny, Be Good, Maureen Traverse
John Stefanek on LBJ, Model Cities, and the Importance of Good Mentors, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
John Talbot Interview, 1975, John Talbot
Joseph Denhert on Stream Assessment, Community Planning, and Handheld Photogrammetry, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
Joseph Mansfield in uniform, Creator Unknown
Joyce Chinn Interview, January 23, 1998, Joyce Chinn
JPNS 201.B01: Intermediate Japanese I, Michihiro Ama
JPNS 201.R01: Intermediate Japanese I, Michihiro Ama
JPNS 202.01M: Intermediate Japanese II, Michihiro Ama
JPNS 301.01: Advanced Japanese I, Michihiro Ama
JPNS 306.R01: Japanese for Business/Tour, Michihiro Ama
JPNS 312.R01: Japanese Literature Medieval to Modern in Translation - Religious Literature of Japan, Michihiro Ama
JPNS 371.01: Japanese Film and Anime, Michihiro Ama
JPNS 392.R01: Independent Study - JPNS 306 Course Supplement, Michihiro Ama
JPNS 415.01: Advanced Japanese for Professionals, Michihiro Ama
July 2021 news releases, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
June 2021 news releases, University of Montana--Missoula. Office of University Relations
Jupiter, Caroline Tuss
Katherine "Tobie Weist Interview, February 25, 2020, Katherine "Tobie" Weist
Katherine "Tobie Weist Interview, October 5, 2020, Katherine "Tobie" Weist
Katherine "Tobie Weist Interview, September 18, 2020, Katherine "Tobie" Weist
Katie Deuel is building something special at Home Resource, Justin W. Angle
Keith Kleinheksel Interview, November 13, 2020, Keith Kleinheksel
Kent Haslam on the complexity of leading Grizzly Athletics, Justin W. Angle
Keynote, Leora Bar-el and Richard Littlebear
Kin--, Kathleen Madrid
King Lear, 1962, Montana State University (Missoula, Mont.). Montana Masquers (Theater group)
Krakauer II: Student Privacy Over Record Disclosure, Emily Bruner
Kristina Mahagamage: Media Arts (MFA) on Helping People Communicate Through VR, University of Montana--Missoula. Graduate School
Lady Griz Basketball Media Guide, 1978-1979, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Athletics Department
Lady Griz Basketball Media Guide, 1979-1980, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Athletics Department
Lady Griz Basketball Media Guide, 1980-1981, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Athletics Department
Lady Griz Basketball Media Guide, 1981-1982, University of Montana (Missoula, Mont. : 1965-1994). Athletics Department